Well, who did not feast on brushwood at the grandmother's childhood! Let's prepare brushwood on vodka - crispy pastries for one-two-three! Step-by-step recipe with a photo.

As a child, my grandmother always cooked simple cookies for me - brushwood sprinkled with powdered sugar. When I asked for something sweet, she said that it’s as easy as shelling pears, we’ll cook it for one-two-three. Now I cook brushwood in my family, and I share the recipe with you. The best dough for this crispy dessert is made with vodka. It is very pliable and elastic, the main thing is to roll it out thinner. You need a handful of products, and from a small ball of dough you can fry a whole plate of brushwood. Well, to the point!
- Caloric content per 100 g - 569 kcal kcal.
- Servings - for 4 people
- Cooking time - 20 minutes

- Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
- Vodka - 50 ml
- Salt - a pinch
- Egg - 2 pcs.
- Powdered sugar for decoration
- Cooking oil for frying - 2 cups
Step-by-step cooking of brushwood on vodka - crispy pastries for one-two-three

1. Knead the dough. Let's dissolve the salt in vodka and combine with eggs. Let's mix.

2. Add the sifted wheat flour.

3. Knead soft dough similar in consistency to dumplings.

4. Cover the dough with a cotton napkin and let sit for a while.

5. The main secret of successful and crispy baking is thinly rolled dough. Roll out the dough on a table sprinkled with flour. We roll it out on one side, then on the other side. The thinner you get, the better. We cut the brushwood. You can simply cut the dough into even strips into a finger thick, you can make longitudinal oblique cuts on the sides of the ribbons, or you can twist them around its axis, then the brushwood will turn out to be curly. You can cut the dough into elongated triangles. Grandmother made a long cut in the middle of such a triangle and passed a thin edge through it - it turned out to be a mischievous loop. Make sure that the pieces of dough do not stick together; scatter them over the surface of the table, it is not scary if the dough dries up.

6. In a frying pan, stewpan or iron bowl, heat the oil well, do not let it burn! We dip the chopped dough into it and, stirring, fry the brushwood. As soon as the color of the dough begins to change from white to golden pink, the brush can be pulled out. This dessert is prepared very quickly - no more than 30 seconds. It is very easy to overexpose brushwood and burn a thin dough, so do not leave the stove.

7. Take out the crispy brushwood with a slotted spoon and put it on a sieve or put it on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

8. Sprinkle the cooled dessert generously with powdered sugar through a sieve.

9. Brushwood on vodka is ready. Serve crispy pastries, cooked for one-two-three, with milk, stewed fruit or tea. And the main thing is to have time to try a couple of pieces before the children come running - the brushwood disappears just as quickly: one, two, three! Enjoy your tea.
See also video recipes:
1. How to cook crispy brushwood with vodka:

2. Crisps (brushwood) on vodka: