Darsonval for the face - benefit, harm, choice, application

Darsonval for the face - benefit, harm, choice, application
Darsonval for the face - benefit, harm, choice, application

What is Darsonval, how is the device useful, contraindications and harm. How to choose a device for home use, the best models. Rules for the use of Darsonval for the face, results, real reviews.

Darsonval for the face is an apparatus for physiotherapy, acting on tissues with a current with high-frequency pulses. With the help of the device, cosmetologists effectively fight wrinkles, acne, oily skin and other imperfections. The darsonvalization procedure can be done in the salon or you can purchase a device for home use.

What is Darsonval for face?

Darsonval face machine
Darsonval face machine

In the photo, the Darsonval apparatus for the face

The Darsonval Facial Apparatus is a compact device that improves the condition of the skin by pulsing high-frequency current. The device was invented at the end of the 19th century by a member of the French Academy of Sciences, Jacques Arsene d'Arsonval. The physicist was studying the effect of alternating current on biological objects. The therapeutic effect of electrical impulses on animals prompted the scientist to develop a device for the treatment of various diseases.

At first, the device was used exclusively in medicine. In Soviet times, they were equipped with physiotherapy rooms. The device was used to treat migraines, nervous disorders and other diseases. Today, the device is widely used by cosmetologists to eliminate wrinkles, acne, normalize skin secretions, and improve cellular nutrition.

Darsonval for the face is effectively used at home. But for this you need to know how the apparatus is arranged, what is the principle of its operation. There are home and professional devices. The latter are distinguished by higher power and price.

Darsonval for facial skin is of 2 types - compact and stationary. The latter is used in medical institutions. For home use and beauty salons, a compact device is suitable. It consists of several parts: holder body, wires, electrodes. The set also includes Darsonval attachments for the face (the most suitable forms are "drop" and "fungus").

The power supply is built into the case; the device is powered from a 220 W socket. To select the power of the device, there is a regulator on the case. The voltage produced by the device is 20 kV *, the frequency is 100-400 kHz *, and the power is up to 200 mA *.

During operation, the electrode, which is a glass flask with a nozzle, is attached to the body. After plugging into the socket, under the influence of electricity, the discharged gas in the bulb is ionized, the energy is transferred to the body in the form of a discharge. If the device is working properly, the device emits a purple glow.

According to Darsonval's instructions for the face, 2 types of exposure are possible - contact and non-contact. In the first case, the nozzle is located on the skin, and the current acts on the surface tissues. If the work is non-contact, the spark passes over 1-4 mm from the surface of the skin, and the resulting effect reaches the deep layers of the dermis.

The method of using Darsonval for the face is determined depending on the dermatological problems that they are trying to solve with the help of the device. To eliminate superficial skin imperfections, contact action is recommended. Skin treatment at a deep level is performed using a non-contact method.

How is Darsonval useful for the face?

Facial wrinkles as an indication for the use of Darsonval
Facial wrinkles as an indication for the use of Darsonval

Electric current helps to cope with wrinkles, scars, acne, correct the amount of sebum, give the skin an even tone and a healthy look.

The device has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis:

  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • narrows and deeply cleanses pores;
  • makes the vascular network less visible;
  • eliminates age-related manifestations on the skin;
  • optimizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • saturates cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • disinfects;
  • relieves itching and signs of allergies;
  • eliminates edema;
  • increases skin turgor.

Contraindications and harm Darsonval for the face

Fever as a contraindication to the use of Darsonval for the face
Fever as a contraindication to the use of Darsonval for the face

Despite the enormous benefits, the use of Darsonval for the face is limited by some contraindications. These include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory system;
  • allergies, individual intolerance;
  • pronounced rosacea;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fever and fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • cancerous tumors.

Facial massage with Darsonval can be harmful during pregnancy, so it is better to postpone the procedure until the postpartum period.

Important! If you intend to carry out the procedure at home, but cannot determine the presence of contraindications on your own, consult a specialist.

How to choose Darsonval for face?

Darsonaval attachments for face care
Darsonaval attachments for face care

To maximize the benefits of Darsonval for the face, it is important to choose the right device. When choosing, focus on the following factors:

  • Certificate … A high-quality device has a registration certificate confirming the compliance of the device with medical standards.
  • Specifications … The compact device for eliminating dermatological problems and rejuvenation provides a current supply in the range of 2-15 kV.
  • Variety of attachments … A high-quality device has at least 3 attachments designed to work with facial skin.
  • Power regulator … It can be slider and slider. The slider is considered to be more accurate and convenient to use.
  • A pen … It should be comfortable, allow not to be distracted by switching modes during work.

Since there are many offers on the market to buy Darsonval for face, pay attention to the leading models recognized as the highest quality:

  • Crown … The device is manufactured by a Ukrainian company. The device is suitable for face lifting, acne and other dermatological problems. The set includes 3 nozzles, the body is made of high quality plastic. There is no thread in the holder, so some force has to be applied when changing attachments. The weight of the device is 850 g, the price is 2200-2500 rubles.
  • Spapk CT 117 … Russian device that meets all quality standards. The manufacturer claims that the device relieves pain, improves skin tone, relieves inflammation and itching, and has a bactericidal effect. A built-in stabilizer protects against voltage surges. The set includes 3 nozzles, the total weight of the device is only 300 g. The disadvantage of the device is that the electrode has to be inserted, not screwed in, since there is no thread. The price is reasonable and amounts to 2500 rubles.
  • Ultratek CD 199 … The device is manufactured by the Russian company Evromedcepvis, the device is being tested in the hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The kit contains 5 attachments. Power regulation is carried out smoothly, without tension. A screw-threaded cartridge is used to insert the electrode. To protect against voltage drops, a stabilizer is built into the case. The device weighs 150 g without an electrode, a case for storing the kit is attached. The price is 2500 rubles. The device is easy to hold in the hand: it has extensions for hand coverage.
  • Kapat DE 212 ULTRA … This is an updated and improved version of the standard instrument. The nozzle holder is universal. This means that elements of devices from other manufacturers are suitable for it. The electrode is held firmly thanks to the chuck equipped with a plastic nut and a rubber gasket. The housing has a built-in voltage regulator. The set includes 9 attachments. During operation, the device produces a voltage of 25 kV. The disadvantage of the device is a rotating power regulator, which is difficult to control. There is no shutdown button and storage case. The price of such a Darsonval for the face against wrinkles and acne is 3000-3500 rubles.
  • Gezatone Biolift4 BT 202S … Manufactured in France. Includes 4 attachments. The device provides modes for contact and non-contact exposure. The weight is small - 400 g. The electrodes are stored in a convenient cardboard box. The cartridge is equipped with a convenient thread. At the output, the device produces a voltage of 27 kV. The device is certified as medical. The price of Darsonval for the face of this model is higher than analogues and is about 3500 rubles.

All Darsonval models for the acne and wrinkle face deserve attention. The choice is based on the personal preference of the user. The quality certificate and ease of use remain unchanged criteria.

How to use Darsonval for the face correctly?

How to use Darsonval face
How to use Darsonval face

In order for the device to bring health benefits, one must understand how to use Darsonval for the face. Scientists insist: any, even the weakest, current is unsafe for health, and if the device is used incorrectly, serious problems can be obtained.

Disinfect the attachment before starting work. Cleanse your skin with lotion so that there is no traces of oil on it. Remove metal items from the body. To avoid burns and irritation, you can powder your face with talcum powder or baby powder.

How to use Darsonval for face depends on what problems you want to deal with:

  • Forehead wrinkles … To work, you need a mushroom nozzle 2 cm wide. Move the device by a contact method from the center of the forehead to the temples. The optimal exposure time is 5-7 minutes. Finish the darsonvalization session with massage circular motions.
  • "Crow's feet" near the eyes … For work, you need a petal, slightly concave nozzle. Run the device at minimum power, as the skin in the working area is thin and sensitive. Move the handpiece in a circular manner, starting from the upper eyelid, guiding the nozzle from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. Move in the opposite direction along the lower eyelid. 3-5 minutes are enough for each zone.
  • Folds around the lips … To get rid of wrinkles, you need a ball or mushroom tip. Increase the current power gradually. Move the maniple from the middle of the nose to the temples across the wrinkles. The maximum exposure time is 10 minutes.
  • Scars and scars … To get rid of skin damage, you can use the "mushroom" attachment, working with a current of minimum power. Before using Darsonval, lubricate the skin in problem areas with Skagel. After the procedure, apply a gel with a badyag on your face. The exposure time does not exceed 10 minutes.
  • Bold shine … If the pores are enlarged and the skin is too oily, darsonvalization will regulate the sebaceous glands. A mushroom attachment is required for correction. Treat your face in a non-contact manner with one end of the tip resting on it. Move massage lines from the center of the forehead to the temples (oily skin is often concentrated in this area).
  • Acne and blackheads … The problem area is affected non-contact. The nozzle is located at a distance of 5 mm from the problem area. Hold the handle in one position for 10 seconds to provide an antibacterial effect.
  • Floated face contour … To tighten and firm your skin, you need a mushroom attachment. Darsonval for face rejuvenation and lifting is used as follows: place it over the skin at a distance of 5 mm, move with massage lines all over the face, gradually increasing the power. The exposure time is 10-15 minutes.

To solve the problem, 10-15 sessions are usually required, they are carried out every other day.

When exposed to current, tingling, fever, and redness are felt. These side effects from Darsonval face disappear within 2-3 hours.

An hour after the procedure, lubricate your face with a moisturizer. To strengthen the result, make masks with natural herbal decoctions or extracts. When going outside, lubricate your skin with sunscreen.

The results of using Darsonval for the face

The results of using Darsonval for the face
The results of using Darsonval for the face

Knowing how Darsonval is useful for the face and using the device correctly, you can count on the following results of the procedure:

  • The skin looks fresher and more youthful;
  • Pimples and blackheads disappear;
  • The tone of the face is evened out;
  • The pores are narrowed, the greasy shine disappears in the areas with high fat content;
  • The vascular mesh becomes less visible;
  • The skin is tightened, becomes even, elastic;
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out.

The result will not be long in coming only with regular use of the device according to the instructions.

Real reviews about Darsonval for face

Reviews about Darsonval for face
Reviews about Darsonval for face

User reviews of Darsonval for face are mostly positive. Many people note the rejuvenation of the skin, the solution of dermatological problems, which previously could not be eliminated with the help of cosmetics. Only occasionally are there negative reviews, where women indicate the appearance of redness, spots, vasodilation. This situation occurs if contraindications are not taken into account.

Marina, 24 years old

Darsonvalization was advised to me as an effective way to deal with acne. I didn't buy the device, I went through a series of sessions in a beauty salon. I was pleased with the effect obtained: the rashes disappeared and did not occur within a year. I did not feel any pain or other side effects.

Svetlana, 34 years old

With the help of Darsonval I have been successfully fighting wrinkles for 2 years. Periodic prophylaxis when new folds appear or the previous ones deepen. My friends are surprised how I look so young, but I do not reveal the secret.

Anastasia, 35 years old

Darsonvalization was recommended by a beautician to combat wrinkles. I have very deep nasolabial folds that spoil my appearance, but I cannot get rid of them. I bought a device and used it at home. For 5-6 sessions, wrinkles slightly cleaned up, this is especially noticeable in the photo before and after applying Darsonval for the face. But after a couple of weeks my heart began to tingle. She refused the device. Then I found out that it is undesirable to use it with a sick heart, but I had problems since childhood. The device was resold to a friend, she is happy.

How to use Darsonval for face - watch the video:
