Sweet green pepper

Sweet green pepper
Sweet green pepper

What is a part of sweet green pepper and why is it so useful for health. Can there be harm from it, and what are the contraindications to its use. How to cook a vegetable deliciously, and what society knows about it.

Harm and contraindications to the use of sweet green pepper

Gout disease
Gout disease

Overdoing it with these fruits, you can face colic in the abdomen, nausea and allergies, manifested in diarrhea and the urge to vomit. In this case, you need to postpone food intake for 5-7 hours, using only clean water all this time. The restriction should be introduced for young children, pregnant women and those who suffer from digestive disorders. In no case should you eat them on an empty stomach, and even more so without anything, otherwise the gastric mucosa will suffer from irritation.

Contraindications are justified in the following cases:

  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer … With such a disease, the pulp of the fruit will "scratch" the mucous membrane, which can result in severe pain and even the opening of internal bleeding. And here you cannot eat both raw and thermally processed vegetables.
  • Gout … At the first stages of the disease, no more than 2-3 pieces are allowed. pepper a week, and only boiled or baked, with a minimum of salt.
  • Hypotension … This disease manifests itself in low blood pressure (100 x 60). "Green fruits" further lower it, which promises dizziness, nausea, vomiting, migraine. In this situation, you need to urgently drink a cup of coffee.
  • Gastritis … This is only when the acidity is increased. When a vegetable is consumed, its level will increase, which can lead to the formation of an ulcer. This is due to the fact that it activates the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice.

Recipes with sweet green peppers

Stuffed green peppers
Stuffed green peppers

Regardless of the time of year, it is customary to add fruits to salads, eating fresh. Their canning is widespread for the winter. In both cases, they turn out to be quite tasty. Vegetables stuffed with meat, baked and stewed are no less popular. If you have not identified the contraindications of sweet green pepper, then you can cook both festive and ordinary dishes from it. Sauces also deserve close attention.

Here are some of the best recipes:

  1. Pickling … Sterilize clean 0.5-1 L jars and set them to dry. At this time, peel 1 kg of pepper - cut off the tails and hard particles, remove the seeds. Then wash it in warm water and chop it into thin strips. Next, prepare the marinade - mix and boil apple cider vinegar (150 ml), salt (5 pinches) and 1 liter of water. Now put on the bottom of the cans on an umbrella of dried dill, 7 peas, 2 cloves of garlic. Then put the pepper in them, fill it with the prepared liquid and close with plastic lids. To make the preservation tasty, you need to take fruits with fleshy walls, without hard areas and hard seeds.
  2. Sweet pepper in tomato … Wash it (500 g), remove the “legs” and seeds with a fork, divide into small pieces and fry in sunflower oil until golden brown. Add chopped onion (1 head), grated garlic (4 cloves), dill (half a bunch), pepper and salt to taste. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes and cover with tomato. Vegetables should be kept covered for about half an hour, they should become soft. The appetizer is served chilled along with mashed potatoes, porridge or any other main course.
  3. Baking … You will need to boil, peel, and halve along 5 eggs. They will need to be chopped as small as possible and combined with other ingredients - chopped tomatoes (2 pcs.without peel), onions (head), grated Dutch cheese (50 g). Salt and pepper the mixture, sprinkle with fresh basil and put in prepared pepper halves. They are baked in vegetable oil on a baking sheet for 30 minutes until light golden brown. Pour sour cream over the finished dish.
  4. The vinaigrette … Boil potatoes (4), eggs (2) and main vegetable (3). Cool all this and cut into strips. Next, season with salt and pour the unrefined corn oil over the mixture. Stir well, arrange on bowls and sprinkle with chopped green onions.
  5. Stuffing … Peel the main vegetable (7 pcs.) - cut off the "heads" with a leg and remove the seeds. Then fill it with warm water for 10 minutes. At this time, fry grated carrots (1 pc.), Minced meat, chicken or turkey (100 g), and onions (1 head). Then boil the rice (50 g) and combine it with the rest of the ingredients. Season the mixture with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped basil and fill the peppers with it to the very edge. Put it in a saucepan, cover with tomato, diluted with 50% water, and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Finally, add bay leaf and grated garlic (five cloves) to the gravy. All the same is repeated in the case of cooking in a double boiler.
  6. Lecho … Peel 2 kg of tomatoes, twist them in a meat grinder and keep on low heat until the juice boils. Fry the chopped onions (1 kg) and peppers (3 kg) separately. Mix all this and add sugar (150 g), salt (3 tbsp. L.), Garlic pulp (10 cloves), bay leaves (10 pcs.), Sweet peas (8 pcs.), Black ground pepper (1 tsp. l.) and vinegar (3 tbsp. l.). This mass must be transferred to sterilized jars and rolled up with lids, metal or plastic. The latter are suitable if the conservation is planned to be stored in the refrigerator. Such a dish can be prepared at any time of the year, not necessarily for closing.
  7. Adjika spicy … Tomatoes (5 pcs.), Garlic (6 cloves), sweet pepper (500 g) and bitter (5 pcs.) Twist in a meat grinder or chop with a food processor. Add 15 ml of vinegar, sugar (15 g) and salt (10 g) to the mixture. Let them dissolve and put the seasoning in a cold place for a day, transferring to a jar and closing the lid. Ready adjika is poured into a gravy boat and served with any dish.

Note! Pepper is not combined with all products. It is not recommended to mix it with fish and other seafood. Ideal candidates are all kinds of cheeses, minced meat and other vegetables (tomatoes, onions, carrots).

Interesting facts about sweet green peppers

Green pepper
Green pepper

This vegetable is considered the most dangerous because it uses pesticides to grow it. Most of all, it harms in winter, growing in greenhouses. On the market, they often sell not real green peppers, but only unripe fruits that have simply not yet turned red. Unlike reds and yellows, they do not have such a pronounced taste.

In the open field, the vegetable ripens by about mid-August, its season lasts until the end of September. It is not very suitable for canning (lecho, salads), since it is not as sweet as other Bulgarian varieties.

Since its peel is quite tough, it is recommended to soak the peppers for 10-20 minutes and cook for 2-3 minutes before cooking.

Scientists have conducted numerous studies that have revealed the enormous benefits of this vegetable for active and passive smokers. The substances contained in it neutralize the effect of nicotinic carcinogens and thereby prevent the risk of developing lung neoplasms.

What to cook from green bell peppers - watch the video:

The described vegetable is definitely not some kind of exotic and is quite popular with the inhabitants of Eastern Europe. It allows you to experiment as much as you like in the kitchen, creating all new interesting recipes for sweet green peppers, which are really worthy of attention. It combines both delicious taste and tremendous health benefits.
