What are the beneficial substances found in purple potatoes and how they help the body. Can this vegetable be harmful to health, with what and how to cook it as deliciously as possible. All the most interesting information about him. Not only the pulp is very useful, but also the juice of root vegetables, which is drunk raw. It eases the course of gastritis and colitis by restoring damaged mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Its use has a beneficial effect on the joints, which are strengthened and cleansed of salts. Both tubers and sprouts are suitable for eating, helping with mastitis, rheumatism, high fever, colds, runny nose, ulcers and tuberculosis. They are eaten neat, added to salads and / or used to make juices.
Important! The benefits of purple potatoes, both young and old, are great, but the concentration of necessary substances in the first is slightly higher than in the second.
Harm and contraindications to eating purple potatoes

Considering that this variety contains less starch than the classic one, it can be consumed by almost everyone. But do not forget that this is a source of complex carbohydrates, from which you quickly recover. That is why you should not eat meals with him at night and in large quantities. Overeating can cause heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, bloating, and constipation. Pregnant women, the elderly and children should be especially careful with this.
It is definitely necessary to limit the use of Vitalot for the following diseases:
- Obesity … The high calorie content of the product and a large percentage of carbohydrates contributes to the accumulation of fat and slows down the cleansing of the body from toxins. Therefore, it is better to completely abandon it while dieting.
- Diabetes … You should be vigilant because it contains a lot of mono- and disaccharides, glucose, fructose and sucrose. Carbohydrates will not benefit the patient.
- Constipation … In this case, the vegetable will irritate the intestinal walls and may cause an aggravation. To avoid this, only mashed potatoes are allowed.
- Gastritis … Here you definitely cannot eat fried and baked potatoes, you can only boiled in the form of mashed potatoes and in soups. It is especially important to adhere to this during an exacerbation of the disease.
- Hypotension … This is due to the fact that such a product lowers blood pressure, which is already low in such a disease. As a result, a headache, dizziness and general weakness may appear.
Recipes with purple potatoes

Vitalot is prepared quickly and quite simply, it is suitable for both everyday and holiday menus. Meat and fish products, any vegetables, legumes and much more are perfectly combined with it. If you have no contraindications for purple potatoes, you can safely fry, bake, stew, cook on the grill. It is a great ingredient for first and second courses, side dishes and even desserts. It is available all year round and can be stored for a long time outside the refrigerator, in the basement or on the balcony.
Here are some interesting recipes:
- Soup … Peel the main vegetable (2 pcs.), Wash, cut into cubes and throw into boiling water (2.5 l). Next, grate one carrot, chop 1 onion and fry them. Add 2 tomatoes to the frying, keep it on low heat for 10 minutes and pour into the broth. After 15 minutes, add 4 tbsp. l. thin noodles, salt the soup, pepper, add chopped dill and grated processed cheese (50 g).
- Crisps … Cut 5 potatoes into slices as thin as possible, salt and pepper them, pierce them with a fork, put them in a large metal sieve and dip them into boiling refined oil in an enamel saucepan. Then reduce heat and hold vegetables until golden brown. Take them out, remove excess liquid and let them dry for an hour.
- Casserole … Peel the main ingredient (1 kg), wash and boil in salted water. Then drain and heat the potatoes, adding 1 egg, heavy homemade cream (3 tablespoons) and milk (3 tablespoons). Then fry grated carrots and onions (1 pc.), As well as mushrooms (250 g). Place them in layers on a baking sheet, and on top add the prepared puree and grate hard cheese (200 g). Place it in the oven for 30 minutes, until a thick crust appears. Put the finished dish on the table with sour cream.
- Baked potato … It (1.5 kg), raw, must be peeled, cut into strips, salt and pour with lemon juice (3 tbsp. L.). Then fried chicken (250 g) and bacon (150 g) are placed in a baking dish. The main ingredient is laid out on top, after which hard cheese (300 g) is rubbed here in an even layer. Next, the baking sheet is placed in the oven for 30 minutes. You can decorate the finished dish with chopped dill or sour cream.
- Zrazy … To prepare them, you will need to grate 5 potatoes, salt them, pepper, add the pulp of garlic (4 cloves). Then you should drive in 1 egg and pour in 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. The resulting mass is used as a dough for pancakes, spreading with a spoon on a hot, abundantly poured pan with butter. Zrazy should be supplemented with soy sauce and fresh tomatoes.
- Stewed potatoes … It will need about 1 kg. Vegetables should be peeled, cut into cubes, salt, and covered with water so that it completely covers them. Do the same with carrots and onions (1 pc.). Now fry all this and mix with boiled white chicken meat (200 g). Keep the frying on low heat for 10 minutes and pour into a pot with potatoes. Simmer it for half an hour under a closed lid, salt and pepper the finished dish and sprinkle with chopped dried basil.
Note! Vitalot does not look very appetizing, but it is quite tasty. It can be used as a mass for sandwiches. Due to its original appearance, it is also suitable for decorating other dishes.
Interesting facts about purple potatoes

This type of potato is considered elite because of its low prevalence. It is almost impossible to meet him on the beds in the CIS; it is more popular in the USA, Asia and South America. At the same time, the taste of the vegetable is very pleasant and pronounced.
It spoils much more slowly than its "brothers" and cooks much faster. It is believed that it contains less starch, which, according to doctors, clogs blood vessels.
In 2012, a study was conducted in Denver (USA) with the participation of this mysterious inhabitant of the vegetable garden. Scientists have found that it actually lowers blood pressure, dilates capillaries and removes toxins from the body. It was also said that its beneficial properties are preserved even after heat treatment, which is simply unimaginable for "competitors".
It is advisable to boil and bake this variety in a peel, as it retains the maximum amount of nutrients. By the way, it can be removed very easily, despite the fact that it is thick and hard.
The color of the flesh does not have to be purple, it can be dark pink or red. Such an unusual vegetable was obtained by crossing breeding varieties - "Tiras", "Exotic" and "Santarka".
Vitalot is ideal for neat cooking, as it is almost never boiled over. For this reason, mashing it is not the best option.
Given its unusual color, some buyers think it is a missing vegetable and are afraid to buy it. You will rarely be able to meet him in the markets and shops, and if you do find him, then, most likely, it will be an "overseas guest".
What to cook from purple potatoes - watch the video:

Given how varied the recipes for purple potatoes are, you can experiment with it indefinitely. Perhaps dishes based on it will not become your favorite, but they will definitely arouse the guests' interest and decorate the table.