Mokrukha purple: calorie content and the main components of this mushroom. Everything about this product, including the benefits of copper-red yellowfoot and contraindications to its use. Eating mokruha and creating the most delicious dishes from it at home. The benefits of purple mokruha have been known for a long time. It is successfully used by most nutritionists and gastroenterologists, if there is no reason to beware of using copper-red yellow legged in food.
Harm and contraindications to the use of purple moss

Any mushrooms must be introduced into your diet with caution and after consulting a doctor. The described product is good in that it is difficult to confuse it with any poisonous forest organism that reproduces by spores.
However, with all its obvious advantages, one should remember about contraindications when taking purple mokruha:
- Disease of the gastrointestinal tract … Mushrooms themselves are hard food for those people who have obvious stomach problems. The yellowleg contains a large amount of fiber and chitin, which can cause an attack of gastritis or pancreatitis.
- Gout … Such a metabolic disorder in the body can be aggravated with an additional load on it due to the use of purple moss. It is better in this case to replace it with dairy products, vegetables, fruits and eggs.
- Small children … Doctors insist on the fact that a child under 3 years old should not include mushrooms in the menu. Some nutritionists consider the possibility of using this product (after the expiration of the announced time) exclusively in the form of oyster mushrooms or artificially grown champignons. Parents need to wait a little with wet purple until their children are 10-14 years old, because an unformed body simply will not assimilate it.
- Allergy … In this case, you can not do with simple urticaria. Quincke's edema is one of the undesirable consequences of such a desire to diversify your menu. Contraindications of purple moss include personal intolerance to the product. Therefore, before using it, you should consult an allergist.
Recipes from purple mokruha

By themselves, mushrooms are universal in that they can be eaten boiled, fried, salted and canned. They also go well with the dough if you want to pamper yourself with pies or dumplings.
Culinary experts advise using purple mokruha in the following dishes:
- Korean snack … To prepare this dish, you must carefully peel the mushrooms from the film, and then boil them until fully cooked (15-20 minutes). After frying them together with onions, you need to add not spicy Korean carrots of your own preparation to the resulting product. You can season the resulting dish with olive oil, but do not overdo it.
- Hot sandwiches … If you want to try a similar dish, you can use both black and white bread. For the least harm to your health, it is best to cook it without using mayonnaise. On the finished base, it is necessary to place boiled purple moss with the addition of cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers and heat-treated chicken or rabbit meat. Before serving, such a dish should be decorated with herbs for the greatest effect.
- Yellow-legged moss sauce. In this case, we are talking about a nutritious, but low-calorie supplement to meat. With the digestibility of such a mushroom, you can not be afraid to combine it even with pork. Nutritionists advise combining it with sour cream or soy sauce. It is recommended that you add some chopped almonds or walnuts when creating such a dietary supplement. The zest of this sauce is usually a pair of plums, which are ideally better to acquire sour.
- Omelet with wet purple … A traditional dish can be varied with these mushrooms. After evaporating them until the liquid disappears, you should add chopped prunes to them. In this case, finely chopped tomato and several eggs (based on the number of people who will be present at the meal) will not hurt. Seasoning is added to taste, but black pepper is best.
- Casserole on a baking sheet … A kilogram of purple moss must be thoroughly rinsed and peeled. After that, it must be cooked for 15 minutes and put on top of finely chopped potatoes and onions. If desired, you can add 100 grams of cheese (preferably a hard variety), after which the resulting structure of mushrooms and vegetables must be poured with sour cream or cream (it is recommended to add an existing mushroom broth). You can replace them with mayonnaise, but this product is not suitable for all people. Salt and spices are added at the discretion of the person who prepares himself a hearty, but at the same time healthy food.
- Purple mokruha soup … It is done quite easily if you observe all the necessary proportions. To prepare it, you need to boil 0.5 kg of mushrooms for half an hour. Then add 5 coarsely chopped potatoes to the broth. Until they are completely ready, the dish should be diversified with pasta. Ideally, durum wheat spaghetti is recommended. The final touch is the spices in the form of rosemary and black pepper, a pinch of each of the sounded ingredients.
- Okroshka with wet purple … If there is a desire to taste cold soup, then this mushroom is quite suitable in this case. To do this, you need to take boiled potatoes (3 pieces), eggs (3 pieces) and meat (ideally chicken) and add kvass, whey or mineral water to them. At the same time, one should not forget about the main ingredient in the form of 0.5 kilograms of mokruha, which, together with the sounded components, is capable of feeding 6 people.
- Stuffed pepper … Many people are used to filling this vegetable with meat and rice. If you want to diversify your menu, you can try adding purple mokruha to the sounded ingredients. Previously, it must be either fried or boiled. The highlight in this dish will be the addition of buckwheat chaff to the filling. You can stew peppers stuffed in this way both in tomato paste and in frying with fresh tomatoes (this option is more preferable).
- Potato pancakes with mushroom filling … Mokruha purple has a rather viscous structure, which is perfect for creating this dish. Pancakes with a similar filling are prepared using 800 g of potatoes and 500 g of yellow leg. In a finely grated vegetable, add 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour and a pinch of salt. For the filling, it is enough to mix onions with mushrooms, after which it is necessary to wrap the resulting mass in potato cakes and fry them until cooked in vegetable oil.
- Pies with wet purple … They can be made both on yeast dough and when adding kefir to the base. It is also recommended to use baking powder if you don't have time to dough. Enough 5 tablespoons of a similar substance to oxygenate 1 kg of flour. Regarding the filling, you can experiment by adding to 0.5 kg of mokruha a couple of medium-sized potatoes, 300 g of onions and 3 eggs (duck or goose will add piquancy to the dish). Some gourmets prefer to add sorrel to the filling as well.
Recipes for purple mokruha are usually simple and do not require special culinary delights. However, mushrooms are among those foods that require increased attention due to numerous poisonings due to their improper use. In this regard, the copper-red yellowfoot is the least dangerous in comparison with the same false chanterelle, so the matter is only in the ability to cook a healthy and tasty dish for the whole family.
Interesting facts about purple moss

The German botanist Jacob Schaeffer first became interested in this mushroom, who at the end of the 18th century (1774) ranked his discovery as a type of champignon. Such a comparison has nothing to do with the appearance of wet fur, because it acquires such a color when notched or heat treated.
Some researchers of the forest expanses still consider this mushroom a product of the fourth category. For all his hard-hitting appearance, he is a rather useful gift that nature has presented to us. Its repulsive appearance did not prevent many peoples of the world from using the mushroom as a means of fighting viral and skin diseases.
The favorite location of purple moss is near pine and birch, where it reproduces quite actively through pores. In this fact, there is little interesting information, but at the same time, the yellowleg does not have imitators, under which inedible or life-threatening mushrooms are hiding. It is impossible to poison them if it does not grow near toxic enterprises.
It should also be remembered that removing the film from the cap is a prerequisite for using this product for food. Otherwise, even a person who is not picky about food will not be able to eat it.
Watch a video about purple mokruha:

The composition of purple moss is more likely to speak about the advantages of this mushroom than about its disadvantages. However, before eating something, you need to think about the consequences of such an action. It is better to enjoy a product that tastes good after consulting a doctor.