Workout abs at home in 8 minutes

Workout abs at home in 8 minutes
Workout abs at home in 8 minutes

Find out the secret abs training bodybuilders use to prepare for a competition at home. Not everyone can visit the gym for various reasons. But if a decision was made to improve the appearance of your body, then you can take it at home quite effectively. Now you will learn how you can pump up your abs in 8 minutes at home. However, first a few words should be said about the anatomical structure of this muscle group.

The abdominal muscles work during flexion of the spine and when turning the torso around its own axis. It is customary to distinguish four muscles that make up the press. The largest of these is the rectus abdominis muscle. It is she who forms the cubes that everyone dreams of.

At the same time, it should be remembered that they can only be seen when there are no fat deposits on the abdomen. No matter how well your abs have been pumped, it may simply not be visible under the layer of fat. Thus, if you are overweight, you should get rid of it first.

The oblique muscles are located on both sides of the torso and actively work when the body is tilted to the sides and the trunk is twisted. The transverse abdominis muscles are internal and located under the rectus muscle. They come into work most actively during the rotation of the body and much less actively during the twisting of the torso.

Features of training abdominal muscles at home

Girl performs crunches
Girl performs crunches

Today you will get acquainted with the most effective movements that will allow you to build abs in 8 minutes at home. The complex presented below is primarily intended for people who do not have a lot of free time and do not visit the hall. If you intend to train not only at home, but also in the fitness center, then it is better to leave this idea.

The body takes time to recover and over-training will not bring the desired results. To pump up the press in 8 minutes at home, it is necessary to complete all the movements one after the other during this period of time, without taking pauses for rest. This will allow not only keeping within the allotted time for the session, but also increasing the intensity of the training, and, consequently, its effectiveness.

Of course, it will be difficult for an unprepared person from the first attempt to achieve such an intensity of training. Therefore, you will most likely have to rest between movements. In the first step, your goal is to reduce the amount of rest between movements. Most often, this takes from one to two months.

Exercises to develop abdominal muscles

Twisting at home
Twisting at home
  1. Hanging leg raises. It is necessary to hang on the crossbar and then raise the legs bent at the knee joints to the chest. Throughout the entire movement, you must keep your legs in a fixed position. In the event that you cannot complete 15 repetitions of this exercise, then you should use an incline bench. Its angle of incline should be such that you can hardly perform 15 repetitions. When you can do four sets of 15-20 repetitions each, you can increase the angle of the bench.
  2. Bicycle crunches (crunches). When performing this movement, all the muscles of the abdomen and especially the straight one are involved in the work. To get a good result, 15 to 20 repetitions should be performed in each set. Take a supine position, bending your legs at the knee joints, and join your hands in a "lock" and place them behind your head. Begin to pull the knee joint of the left leg to the chest, and the elbow joint of the right hand should move towards it. Return to the starting position and move in the opposite direction without pauses. In this case, it should be remembered that you cannot pull your head with your hands, so as not to damage the cervical spine.
  3. Classic crunches (crunches). This exercise is somewhat easier than the previous ones, but if performed at high intensity and combined with movements to develop oblique muscles, the result will be good. Take the starting position, similar to the previous movement, but the legs must be placed on a dais with the knee joints bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Begin to twist the body only with the effort of the abdominal muscles in the direction of the knee joints. Do five sets of 15 reps each. If you have not previously trained, then this movement will be very effective for you. However, after three or four months, its performance will decline. When will it happen. It is necessary to proceed to the performance of the previous movements.
  4. Fitball crunches. From a technical point of view, this exercise is no different from the previous one, but much more effective. Since you also have to maintain balance while doing it, all the muscles of the press are involved in the work. It is necessary to perform five sets, each of which will have 15 to 20 repetitions.
  5. Vertical crunches. In this movement, the rectus abdominis muscle is involved, but the main load falls on its upper section. The starting position is similar to the classic crunches, but the legs are straight and raised up at a right angle. The number of sets and repetitions in them is similar to the previous movement.
  6. Reverse crunches (crunches). Take a lying position on the bench so that the pelvis hangs slightly over the edge of the bench. The legs should be bent at the knee joints and held in weight throughout the entire movement. The technique is similar to hanging leg raises, but it is not required to touch the chest with the hips. All movement is performed without pauses at the extreme points of the trajectory.
  7. Exercise for the muscles of the press with a wheel. Stand on your knee joints and grab the wheel handles with the crabs. Begin to follow the wheel, almost touching the ground with your chest. This movement actively works not only the abdominal muscles, but also the back. If you need to strengthen the muscular corset of the lumbar spine, then this movement is for you. To obtain the maximum result from the execution of the movement, it is necessary to ensure that in the lowest position of the trajectory of the hips are slightly tilted forward. It is necessary to move to the starting position solely thanks to the efforts of the abdominal muscles, without using inertia.
  8. Body tilts to the sides. Having taken a standing position, take a dumbbell in your right hand. Begin to tilt your torso to the right by rounding your spine rather than simply displacing your torso. Then return to the starting position without pause. It is necessary to perform the maximum possible number of repetitions and, after a 60-second pause, repeat in the other direction. The desired number of repetitions is 20 to 30. If you are not able to complete 20 repetitions, then reduce the weight of the sports equipment.
  9. Side crunches (crunches). Take a lying position on the bench so that the body hangs from it by two-thirds. Clasp your hands into a "lock" and placing them behind your head, perform a movement similar to reverse crunches. The body should move by the effort of the opposite oblique muscle. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous movement.
  10. Turns of the body with a barbell. The movement is intended for athletes who have a naturally wide waist with a low body fat content. Although the movement may seem simple, in practice it is not entirely true. Often, athletes use a lightweight sports equipment when performing it and simply turn the body to the sides. For maximum involvement in the work of the oblique muscles of the press, it is necessary to use a projectile weighing five kilos, and adhere to a certain pace of the movement. Place the shell on your shoulders and take a sitting position on the bench. Place your palms on the ends of the projectile. Begin to twist the body to the side and while maintaining tension in the abdominal muscles, return to the starting position. Without pausing, start turning to the other side. Doing five sets of 100 reps each can improve the appearance of your abs.

How to build abs in 8 minutes: a set of exercises

Alternate leg raises
Alternate leg raises

Complex for beginners

  • Classic crunches - Do 3 sets of 20 reps each.
  • Dumbbell Side Bends - Do 3 sets of 20 reps in each direction.
  • Torso Turns - Perform two sets with as many reps as possible. But before performing the movement, you should rest for at least five minutes.

Complex for experienced athletes

  • Bike or Hanging Leg Raises - Do 4 sets of max reps.
  • Bench work in a prone position - Do 4 sets of 20-30 reps in each of the first four sets, and on the last, work to failure.
  • Reverse Crunches - Do 4 sets of 20 reps each. After that, you need to rest for about three minutes and complete the maximum number of repetitions.
  • Body Pivots - Perform 3 sets of failures. Do not do more than five sets and 100 reps each.

Complex for "advanced" athletes

You need to alternate at each lesson the complex for experienced athletes and the one suggested below. You should train six times during the week and one day will be a day off. This training method is not applicable to any muscle group, except the press.

  • Cycling Crunches - Do 3 sets of failure.
  • Crunches - Do 5 sets, each with a third fewer reps compared to what you can do with maximum effort.

How to build abs in 8 minutes a day? Learn about powerful abs workouts at home in this video:
