Bodybuilding workout: 20 minutes

Bodybuilding workout: 20 minutes
Bodybuilding workout: 20 minutes

Many people find various excuses for not exercising. The main one is lack of time. Learn how to train quickly and efficiently. It is very easy to find a reason not to go to the gym, especially if time is really short. Today we're going to talk about a 20 minute bodybuilding workout and you won't be able to refer to it anymore. To train effectively with this system, you only need a rubber shock absorber, which can be replaced with the most common elastic bandage.

This sports equipment does not take up much space in the apartment, does not require complex settings and can be used anywhere. The only thing you still need is privacy and 20 minutes of free time. It should be said that a shock absorber, when used skillfully, is a very effective tool for training muscles.

Perhaps the training complex proposed below will seem very simple to you, but in fact it is not. You have to perform a total of six exercises, each of which works out several muscle groups.

20 minute bodybuilding workout program

The athlete demonstrates the press with a rope around his neck
The athlete demonstrates the press with a rope around his neck

You only need to practice two or three times a week. In principle, more is possible, but there should be at least a day of rest between workouts. Beginners should do one set per exercise. To increase the intensity of your workout, do 2 or 3 sets, resting 60 seconds between sets. Change the order of the movements for a change. Also, when you're taking a break from strength training, don't forget about cardio. Now let's move on to the description of the exercises.

Warm up

The athlete performs a warm-up before training
The athlete performs a warm-up before training

It is always necessary to warm up, even if you are not training in the gym, but using a shock absorber. Five minutes of low-intensity cardio should be enough to warm up. It can be jumping rope, dancing or walking. In addition to this, perform several rotational movements of the shoulder joints and arms.


Athlete cool down after training
Athlete cool down after training

Also a very important part of any training. Use another five minutes of cardio and stretch your muscles. Each stretch should be held for 20 or 30 seconds.

Chest press and plie

The athlete performs a dumbbell press from the chest
The athlete performs a dumbbell press from the chest

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abs and straighten your chest. The shock absorber should be positioned behind the back at the level of the shoulder blades. Bend the elbow joints and point them to the sides. Straightening your chest muscles, straighten your arms in front of you and at the same time take a step with your right foot to the side, sinking into a deep plie. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. In total, you need to perform from 10 to 15 repetitions. This exercise perfectly develops the muscles of the chest, anterior shoulder girdle, buttocks and inner thighs.

Bent over row and arm extension back

An athlete performs a bent-over row
An athlete performs a bent-over row

Place the shock on the ground and stand in the middle of it. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. Lean forward at a 90 degree angle. Holding the shock absorber in your hands. The press should be tense, the chest should be straightened, and the back should be straightened.

While contracting your back muscles, bend your elbow joints and pull them back. After that, it is necessary, straining the triceps, slowly straighten your arms until they are parallel to the ground. Return slowly to the starting position. Do 10 to 15 repetitions.

Bending the arms and lifting to the sides

Athlete training with a crossover
Athlete training with a crossover

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, just do not lean forward. The shock absorber is in the hands, with the palms facing forward, the elbows bent. Straining your abs, start using your biceps to raise your wrists to the shoulder joints. It is very important that at this moment the shoulders remain motionless.

Return slowly to the starting position. Then, using the muscles of the shoulder girdle, raise your arms to the sides, excluding the elbow joints from the work. When the arms are parallel to the ground, return to the starting position. The number of repetitions ranges from 10 to 15. This exercise works the muscles of the shoulder girdle and biceps qualitatively.

Squats and press up

Athlete squatting with a barbell
Athlete squatting with a barbell

Stand on the center of the shock with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and point them down, with your palms facing forward. Start doing squats. When the thigh is parallel to the ground, return to the starting position. After that, using the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, begin to squeeze your arms up and slightly forward and return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is from 10 to 15. This exercise qualitatively works out the buttocks, muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as the front and back of the thigh.

Straighten your legs

The athlete performs leg straightening
The athlete performs leg straightening

Stand up straight and tighten your abs. Create a loop in the middle of the shock and place your left foot in it. Then begin to bend it, lifting it off the ground by 30 centimeters. Using the strength of your leg muscles, straighten it and squeeze it towards the ground. Return to starting position. The number of repetitions ranges from 15 to 20. This exercise works the glutes and thigh muscles qualitatively.

Reverse crunches

The athlete performs reverse crunches
The athlete performs reverse crunches

Lie with your back down and, straining your abs, begin to pull your knees to your chest, touching your buttocks with your heels. As you exhale, lift your buttocks off the ground and twist your pelvis towards your ribs. Inhale and, without relaxing your abs, return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is from 15 to 20. This exercise works out the press qualitatively.

Interval 20 Minute Workout in this video:
