Back workout at home with dumbbells

Back workout at home with dumbbells
Back workout at home with dumbbells

The most effective exercises that, without visiting the gym, will help shape the athlete's back in just 60 days. Very often people, for various reasons, prefer to study at home. Home training has its advantages and disadvantages, but under certain conditions, your training can be productive. Today you will get acquainted with exercises with dumbbells for the back at home.

At first glance, the back looks like one of the strongest parts of the body, which is not surprising, because the muscles need to support the spinal column. At the same time, the back can be easily injured, since the muscles are under constant heavy stress and in order to maintain their health at a good level, it is necessary to strengthen the back.

However, first you should talk about several rules, following which you exclude the possibility of harm to the body. The duration of the lesson should be a maximum of 40 minutes. If you have just started doing exercises with dumbbells for the back at home, then in this situation the training should be about a quarter of an hour. Increase the workout time weekly and bring it up to the above.

Sometimes people are convinced that they should be done as often as possible to get the best results. However, this statement does not correspond to the truth, since the body in general and the muscles in particular need time to recover from physical exertion. Therefore, you should not practice more than 3-4 times a week.

You can also recommend, when drawing up a training program for the muscles of the back, to include in its composition movements that allow not only to gain mass, but also to maintain muscle tone. This way you can get the best results. Also, for effective training, you need to pay close attention to your diet. To gain weight, your nutrition program should include at least 50 percent of slow carbohydrates, while protein compounds will make up about a third of the total calorie intake, and fats no more than 20 percent. We admit that the topic of nutrition in sports is very extensive and now we will not dwell on this in detail.

Contraindications for doing back exercises

Pregnant woman with 2 kg dumbbells
Pregnant woman with 2 kg dumbbells

So that classes do not worsen your health, we will tell you about those situations when you should not do exercises with dumbbells for the back at home:

  • If you have problems with blood pressure.
  • If you have suffered from diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system or have problems with their work.
  • If you have asthma, vigorous exercise can have negative consequences.
  • For women during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
  • If there are serious problems with the spinal column.
  • With a hernia of the abdominal cavity, exercises with weights can significantly complicate the situation.
  • During the postoperative rehabilitation period.

If you do not have any of the above problems, then you can do exercises with dumbbells for the back at home, which we will now talk about.

Effective dumbbell back exercises

Workout with dumbbells on fitball
Workout with dumbbells on fitball

It should be recognized that you can strengthen your back muscles with a lot of movement. However, today we will focus only on the most effective ones. For your workouts to be as effective as possible, it is advisable to have collapsible dumbbells. This is due to the fact that it will be much easier for you to progress the load.

Dumbbell rows in an inclined position

Dumbbell Row Technique
Dumbbell Row Technique

Bend your knees slightly and tilt your torso forward at an angle of about 45 degrees. Dumbbells are in lowered hands. Start lifting shells thanks to the work of your back muscles. It is very important when performing all exercises, including this one, to monitor your breathing. During the movement of the shells up, it is necessary to exhale, taking a breath while moving the dumbbells down.


Deadlift technique
Deadlift technique

Stand up straight, holding the sports equipment in your arms lowered along your body. From this starting position, start squatting until the shells are in the lower leg area. After making a short pause in this position, return to the starting position. The arms should remain straight throughout the entire movement. This movement allows you to actively work not only the muscles of the back, but also the legs.


Deadlift technique
Deadlift technique

The starting position is the same as the previous movement. Begin to tilt your torso forward, while slightly bending your knee joints. In the final position of the trajectory, the back should be parallel to the ground. Take a short pause and return to the starting position. The arms should remain straight throughout the entire movement.

One-handed dumbbell rows with emphasis on the knee joint

One-handed dumbbell row with emphasis on the knee
One-handed dumbbell row with emphasis on the knee

To perform this movement, you need a level support surface, such as a bench or stool. Place the knee joint and the hand of the same name on the supporting surface. To do this, you will have to tilt your torso forward. The sports equipment is in the second hand, which is downward. Begin to lift the dumbbell up thanks to the effort of the back muscles. After completing the required number of repetitions, make a movement with the other hand.

One-handed dumbbell rows with emphasis

Muscles involved in the one-handed dumbbell row
Muscles involved in the one-handed dumbbell row

The starting position is in many ways similar to the previous movement, but it is necessary to stand on straight legs, and the body is still tilted forward. Start lifting the sports equipment the moment the shoulder is not parallel to the ground.

Dumbbell rows in an inclined position towards the waist

Technique for performing a dumbbell row in the direction of the belt
Technique for performing a dumbbell row in the direction of the belt

Stand straight and bend your knees slightly. Hold the dumbbells in the arms lowered along the body. Then tilt the body to parallel with the ground. From this position, start lifting sports equipment to your belt. When the shoulders are parallel to the ground, take a short pause and return to the starting position. The back should remain flat, and only the arms move.

Dumbbell Bends

Technique for performing bends with dumbbells
Technique for performing bends with dumbbells

Stand straight, holding the projectile in one hand. Begin to perform forward bends of the body, lowering the dumbbell to the opposite leg. In the lower end position of the trajectory, it is necessary to linger for a couple of seconds and then return to the starting position. Note that this movement is more designed to be performed by girls, and not by men.

You can do your workouts by doing back dumbbell exercises at home to combat excess weight, or to gain muscle mass. The number of sets depends on the task assigned to you. To lose weight, you need to do three or four repetitions in each movement with 20-25 repetitions in each. If the task is to gain mass, then the number of sets will be from four to five, with 10-12 repetitions in each of them. Also, when working on mass, you should use large operating weights.

As you can see for yourself, the exercises are not very difficult in terms of their technique. At the same time, at the initial stage of training, you need to pay special attention to the issue of correctly performing all the exercises. Do not use heavy weights during this period.

During the week, it will be enough for you to conduct three or a maximum of four sessions and no more. If the training frequency exceeds the above, then you will not progress. This is due to the body's need to rest after intense exercise.

Surely you decide to pump not only the muscles of the back, but also other groups. There are many dumbbell exercises to help you strengthen your entire body. In each lesson, you need to work on a specific group of muscles. Thus, you will perform exercises with dumbbells for the back at home once for seven days.

This time will be enough for the muscles to rest. Each workout should start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. This is very important and you can avoid injuries that can be very serious. You should not actively increase your working weight, as this will lead to overtraining. You must progress the load gradually in order to get good results from your workouts. That's all the recommendations that can be given to people who decide to start performing a set of exercises with dumbbells for the back at home.

For more on how to build your back with dumbbells, see here:
