How to train outdoors in winter - a set of exercises

How to train outdoors in winter - a set of exercises
How to train outdoors in winter - a set of exercises

Find out which exercises you can do outside during the winter and which ones are best to avoid to prevent unwanted colds. Playing sports on the street can bring a lot of positive emotions, regardless of the season. If you have not yet decided whether it is worth continuing to do the exercises outside in winter, then we answer this question in the affirmative. This will allow you not only to continue to improve your athletic performance, but also to strengthen your immune system.

Winter Workout Tips

Winter training
Winter training

We will now give you some helpful tips to make your workouts more effective during the winter. The main difference between doing exercises in the winter outdoors from the summer period is, of course, the weather.

Warm up

Wherever you conduct your classes, each of them should begin with a warm-up. When you are going to do the exercises outdoors in winter, this training element becomes even more important. Note that you should warm up indoors, not outdoors. However, do not sweat during the warm-up.

When you find yourself on the street, you can get hypothermic. If the training area is far from home, then you can jog, and it will be a great warm-up. To stretch your muscles, you can do various outdoor exercises in winter, such as push-ups, swings, squats, etc. The duration of the warm-up should be between 10 and 15 minutes. Let us remind you again that you do not need to bring yourself to the appearance of sweat.

Warm tea

If you want to train outdoors in winter, take a thermos of tea with you. It is always necessary to remember about the drinking regime during sports, and especially when it comes to winter. Drink 0.15–0.2 liters of tea every twenty minutes, preferably with the addition of lemon. This will allow you not only to warm up, but also have a tonic effect on the body.

Do not exercise outdoors in cold temperatures

If outside the window is minus 15 degrees or below, then skip the outdoor lesson and work in the hall. In such a frost, the likelihood of developing diseases is quite high and the negative aspects outweigh the positive ones.

Follow the breathing technique

In order not to overcool, you should follow a certain breathing technique. When exercising outdoors in winter, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When you are unable to inhale enough air through your nose, it is likely that the load you selected was excessive.

Dress properly

Whatever kind of fitness you do in the winter outdoors, you need to dress so that you are cold when standing in the absence of physical activity. During training, you do not have to just stand, and you will be in a warmed state. Thus, you can not be afraid of hypothermia.

We recommend that you use three layers of clothing to create the most comfortable workout environment. The first layer will be thermal underwear, which you should buy. It was created specifically for such cases, and is able to quickly wick moisture away from the body, while allowing it to breathe and keep warm.

The second layer is to maintain your body temperature, protecting your body from hypothermia. The purpose of the last third layer is to protect against wind and snow. It is quite obvious that clothing should give you enough freedom so that you can do all the necessary exercises outside in winter.

How to do fitness outdoors in winter?

Warm up in the winter before training
Warm up in the winter before training

Not every type of fitness involves the ability to exercise outdoors in winter. For example, it's hard to imagine a bodybuilder who lifts weights outdoors in winter. Now we will talk about those types of fitness in which you can conduct classes in the winter outdoors, and also give some useful tips for organizing training.


It is the runners who most often do not take breaks from their exercises during the cold period. In addition to the layering of clothing, you should pay special attention to shoes. It is very important that the outsole of running shoes does not lose its main qualities in the cold - flexibility and cushioning. You should also choose those shoes that are equipped with a thick sole that has a deep tread. The upper of the sneaker must be waterproof. If you decide to continue running in winter, then you should get two pairs of trainers designed for training in the cold and warm season.


Now this type of fitness is experiencing the peak of its popularity. The number of fans is increasing every day, and you can continue to do exercises outdoors in winter on horizontal bars and parallel bars. However, if you are not yet doing this type of fitness, then you should wait until spring. This is true for runners too.

You can improve your performance in the summer. And in winter, count only on keeping in shape. Winter is not the time when it is worth setting new records and it is better to wait for warm weather. We recommend that you train outdoors in a circular pattern during the winter.

Let's say you ran one lap, then go straight to doing two or three sets of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups. In each of the exercises you choose, you should do 15 to 20 repetitions. You can complete the workout with a bar using a low support, because it is absolutely not necessary to lower your hands in the snow. The last stage of the lesson will again be running.

Nordic walking

Another type of fitness that is extremely popular. True, to a greater extent this applies so far to the countries of Europe. In our state, there are still significantly fewer fans of walking with sticks. If you have no desire to run, and the nearest sports field is far from home, then pay attention to Scandinavian walking.

Although this type of fitness has not yet become popular in our country, its history goes back about four decades. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of walking with poles, as scientists have conducted a large number of studies, and the health benefits of this type of fitness have been confirmed.

If during jogging, the muscles of the legs are actively involved in the work, then the upper limbs are also involved in Scandinavian walking. With this sport, you can develop balance, coordination and posture if the length of the poles is correct. If you have problems with joints, but you want to play sports, then be sure to pay attention to Nordic walking.

One of the basic rules for conducting trainings outdoors in winter is to complete them at the right time. As soon as you feel yourself starting to cool down, return home. Immediately after this, you should change into dry clothes and may drink hot tea to warm the body. Also be aware of stretching exercises, which should also be done indoors.

Is it worth doing street workout in winter?

The girl jumps over the crossbar
The girl jumps over the crossbar

Today we remembered the workout more than once, and I would like to say a few words about this type of fitness in addition. Let's take a look at the reasons for doing outdoor exercise in winter.

A great way to harden the body

Since it is much more difficult to train outside in winter than in summer, the body has to adapt. As a result, you will be able to better perceive the cold in the future, and you will not be so susceptible to colds.


If you take a long break in training, then you will have to catch up in the spring. For several months, while it is cold outside and you are not exercising, your physical performance will noticeably decrease. However, you should not try to perform complex elements on the street in the winter. Your main job is to keep fit.

Strength of will

Agree that not everyone will volunteer to go out into the street in order to play sports. Actually, not everyone does this in summer, and even more so in winter. Workout classes are able to train not only the body, but also the spirit.

A sense of pride

If you continue training outdoors in winter, you will be able to be proud of yourself, unlike those comrades who prefer to relax in the cold season.

When doing street workout in winter, you need to adhere to the same rules in choosing clothes as when running. As a reminder, you should avoid cotton clothing. We recommend that you purchase special clothing that is designed for outdoor activities during the cold season. It is extremely easy to do this and it is enough to visit the nearest sporting goods store.

Since in winter the body is forced to spend a certain amount of energy to provide the necessary heat exchange, it makes sense to reduce the intensity of training. Also, you should first inspect the playground for the presence of ice, because you don't need injuries.

It is often recommended to stick to the intensity of the training in the winter so that you can speak fluently, but feel hot. This is correct, but try to talk less so as not to waste heat. The same can be said about breathing, more precisely, technique. Try to breathe through your nose, and if you do not have enough air, we recommend that you reduce the intensity of the training.

When your workout is complete, jog home without stopping at the pitches. Under the influence of physical exertion, you warmed up, but this is not a reason to spend too much time in the cold. Once you're home, change into dry clothes and do some stretching exercises.

How to train all muscle groups on the street in winter, see this video by Evgeny Isupov:
