Learn how poor exercise technique can help you overcome stagnation and take your muscles to the next level. The secret technique of professional bodybuilders. Every athlete understands that in order to achieve their goals, it is necessary to be in good shape. But at the same time, everyone has to deal with periods of stagnation, when the muscles do not want to grow, despite all the efforts of the athlete. If you ask a professional about his training methods, you can find out that they are progressing at a time when they do not adhere to the accepted principles.
Today we will talk about why and when poor exercise technique is the key to good muscle mass. But only experienced athletes can use those principles and techniques that will be discussed below. For beginners, it's best to stick to the basic principles.
Professionals have long known that there is no specific standard for any movement. Much depends on individual performance. For this reason, they find the only correct training methods that are suitable only for their body. If you are familiar with book training methods and know about cheating, then for the pros, this technique is just one of the methods of local isolation of the muscle, which is necessary for its maximum development.
Exercise technique for arm enlargement

It should be said right away that no one is now talking about the need to perform all exercises in complete inconsistency with the technique. What we are going to talk about now can be used only when you can do all the exercises technically correctly. Everyone knows that when performing various traction movements, the shoulder blades should be reduced as much as possible. This postulate is not disputed, and is not discussed when it comes to working out the muscles of the back.
If you do not follow this technique, then most of the load will be on the hands, and the back will become a kind of assistant. It is for this reason that you can break the technique so that the training of the hands becomes more varied.

When performing the exercise while moving up, do not bring the shoulder blades, but try to stretch only with the help of your hands. If you use a reverse grip at the same time, then most of the load will be on the biceps. If pull-ups are performed from behind the head, then the brachialis will receive additional load, thereby ensuring the formation of a peak on the biceps.
Pull of the block in the direction of the belt

Pull with your hands again and do not bring your shoulder blades together. If you use a neutral grip while performing the movement, then increase the load on the brachioradial region. Try to keep the handle at chest level to give the elbow joint a natural bend angle.
Experienced athletes often use these techniques in their training programs. Try it and you will surely like the results.
Lower Back Deadlift Technique

When performing this exercise, maximum attention should be paid to the technique. At the same time, in ordinary life, rarely does anyone try to keep their back correctly when performing a similar movement. If you use this in your training, then you can qualitatively work out the extensors of the back and the square muscle of the lower back.
To do this, you need to make sure that the buttocks play the role of an assistant. This training technique is much more effective than any hyperextension. When performing the exercise, you should not take the pelvis back, thereby excluding the buttocks from the work. But if you are a beginner, then do not use this exercise.
Squat Technique for Effective Quadriceps Pumping

You should be familiar with the correct squat technique. For example, the knee joint should not go beyond the level of the toes, and all support should fall on the heels, while the legs are at shoulder level.
Sissy squats are both healthy and controversial. This is due to the fact that when performing this exercise, the muscles of the thigh are practically not involved in the work, and the main load falls on the quadriceps. The same principle can be used in the classic front squat.
If you do not have problems with knee joints, then try to turn the heels outward a little and reduce the distance between them. In this case, the knee joints should extend beyond the level of the toes. This is a very hard exercise that will work great for the quadriceps.
This method can be used with success when doing hack squats or leg presses.
Remember to exercise safety

It may seem to you that all the techniques described above are very simple. But before you start using them in your training program, you need to be sure that you are in excellent health. If you have no damage, then you can use them.
Recall that this should be done only after you have mastered the correct technique for performing movements. You also need to be able to listen to your body, which can only be achieved with experience. These techniques should not be used all the time, but if you find yourself in a plateau, then they can be effective in getting out of it.
For more information on the techniques for performing the exercises, see this video: