Facebuilding - Facial Exercises

Facebuilding - Facial Exercises
Facebuilding - Facial Exercises

Read and watch a video with photos about a new type of facial rejuvenation? Facebook building. What is it and how to do it right. For sure, many have heard about ordinary gymnastics for the face. What is FaceBuilding? This is a set of exercises aimed at correcting the oval of the face, improving the turgor and tone of its skin, and eliminating wrinkles. Face-building is an effective way to prolong youth, improve physical attractiveness, as well as an excellent alternative to surgical methods of rejuvenation, such as reinforcing the face with gold threads.

At what age should you apply face building?

Facebuilding - Facial Exercises
Facebuilding - Facial Exercises

Time inexorably leaves its mark on the skin of the face. After 25 years, the first barely noticeable signs of aging appear on it. By the age of 30, she becomes even more "tired", and around the age of 40, the first wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, in the neck and on the forehead begin to be clearly visible. At this age, sagging cheeks and the appearance of a "double" chin are also noted.

Aging of the skin of the face is primarily associated with a deterioration in blood flow to its muscle tissues. As a result, the usual movements of the facial muscles become insufficient to keep the skin toned. Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary to start training after 25 years.

What result can be expected from the training?

Engaging in Facebook building, after a short time you will notice that:

  • the skin of the face is significantly fresher and younger;
  • the muscles of the face have acquired tone and have ceased to sag;
  • the facial muscles have become smoother;
  • the skin has become tighter to fit the muscle tissue;
  • excess body fat has disappeared;
  • the chin has acquired distinct contours and a more sculpted shape;
  • the skin of the cheeks has tightened;
  • the edema present on the eyelids has disappeared;
  • wrinkles on the neck, forehead and around the eyes were smoothed out.

When are the first results from Facebook building?

Already after a week after the start of classes, you can see the first noticeable results. You will see how the complexion has significantly improved, as well as the degree of elasticity and turgor of the skin has increased. It will take some time to correct the oval of the face and change the relief of its muscle tissues. Based on these practices, positive results will begin to appear after 2 months after starting regular exercise. And, of course, everything will directly depend on the initial state of the facial skin.

How to conduct face-building classes correctly?

To begin with, it is worth noting that training should be carried out daily, starting with 5 repetitions of each of the exercises described below. The minimum duration for each repetition should be 6 seconds. Over time, the number of repetitions should be increased up to 20 times. Before and after each face-building lesson, it is recommended to perform a three-minute facial massage.

1. Exercise that gives elasticity to the cheeks

Face building for cheeks
Face building for cheeks

Stretching your cheeks (as if you are smiling), place two index fingers on the places where the deepest folds are formed. In this case, pressure should be applied to the indicated places with your fingers.

2. Exercise face building for the mouth

With your mouth open, place two thumbs at the corners and stretch them out (as if you are about to laugh). Then try to close your mouth without removing your fingers. In this case, the index fingers should be placed in the area of the eye sockets.

3. Exercise that eliminates crow's feet

Face building for the eyes
Face building for the eyes

Place your middle fingers in the area of the outer corners of the eyes, which should be closed. Use your fingers to apply pressure to this area, trying to feel the contraction of the eye muscles.

4. Exercise to eliminate wrinkles in the forehead area

Forehead face building
Forehead face building

Place your palms on your forehead. The two ring fingers should be positioned symmetrically, covering the brow area. Pressing your fingers on the surface of the skin, try to raise your eyebrows (as if in surprise). At the same time, use your index and thumbs to pull the skin of your forehead forward.

5. Exercise against the "double" chin

Clenching your hands into fists, support your chin with them. Further, overcoming resistance, try to open your mouth.

6. Exercise for lips

Face building lip
Face building lip

It is necessary to firmly compress the lips, placing the index fingers in the places where the deepest folds form. While doing this, apply pressure to the folds with your fingers.

7. Exercise for the neck

Pull the lower lip firmly (not to be confused with the corners of the mouth) so that the lower arch is exposed. The fact that the exercise is performed correctly will be evidenced by a clear manifestation of the relief of the neck muscles.

Performing the seven described face-building exercises daily, you can not only eliminate various facial skin defects, but also prevent their formation, giving your skin eternal youth. Be healthy and beautiful!

Video with Facebook instructor Evgenia Baglik about exercises for the face, as well as useful tips:
