How to choose the right sports nutrition for girls in order to form an attractive figure and not build muscles like guys? More and more girls are starting to visit fitness centers, wanting to look even more attractive. This is certainly great, but it is important that sports do not harm the body. The main task of most women when doing fitness is to fight overweight and girls begin to actively reduce the energy value of the diet and use various supplements that are not always useful.
For example, fat burners will undoubtedly help you speed up the lipolysis processes, but they must be used wisely. Today we will talk about what kind of sports nutrition for women will be useful and effective. You will also learn how to properly use these supplements.
Sports Goals for Women

If a girl began to engage in fitness solely to maintain shape and improve health, then she will not need sports nutrition. In this situation, classes should be calm in order to be able to keep fit. You can achieve this goal without using any supplements. The only exceptions are micronutrient complexes, which are still worth taking.
But when the task of a novice athlete is to get rid of extra pounds or to gain muscle mass, then the situation is completely different. To achieve your goal in a short time, you need to adhere to the following rules:
- Create an energy deficit in the body.
- Make adjustments to your diet by giving up harmful foods.
- Conduct regular classes.
- Be attentive to the drinking regime.
- Protect muscles from destruction, while getting rid of only fat mass.
If you follow these rules, you will not only be able to solve the assigned tasks, but also not harm the body. Also, in this case, you will need sports nutrition for women, since with the help of supplements it will be much easier for you to achieve your goal. At the same time, you should understand that sports nutrition is only an additional tool for solving your problems.
The best sports nutrition for women

The choice of sports nutrition for women is a strictly individual matter. Every girl, playing sports, wants to solve her own problems and it depends on which types of sports nutrition will be useful to you, and which should be abandoned.
Today there is a lot of talk about sports supplements and most girls know their names. Girls most often use carnitine, fat burners, protein blends, gainers, pre-workout complexes, and glutamine. In most cases, you won't need pre-workout supplements, fat burners, gainers, and creatine.
Pre-workout complexes are designed to increase the vitality and energy potential of the body. Most of these supplements contain caffeine and other substances that are not beneficial to the body. If you want to get a similar effect, then it is better to drink a cup of natural coffee before the start of the lesson.
Fat burners are very popular today, as they can help you lose weight much faster. However, if you are not planning to perform and are doing just for yourself, then you should not use this sports nutrition for women. Remember, fat burners are powerful endocrine-altering supplements. Believe me, you don't need this at all.
Gainers are a very effective means of gaining mass for men, but girls should only use them when they are naturally lean and cannot gain muscle mass. For the rest of the girls, we do not recommend gainers, since due to the high content of carbohydrates in them, problems with fat mass may arise. Creatine is not a dangerous form of sports nutrition for women and is intended to increase physical parameters. As with weight gainers, creatine can only be beneficial for skinny women. Also, you should remember that this supplement is capable of retaining fluid in the body and it will be difficult for you to achieve the desired relief when using it.
Here are the supplements that you should not use, but now we will consider the types of sports nutrition that girls need.
Protein Blends

This type of sports nutrition for women is a must. We have already said that while losing weight, you need to protect your muscles from breakdown, and this is what protein supplements are needed for. By taking them before and after training, the body will not need amines and will not need to destroy muscle tissue.
Today, sports nutrition manufacturers produce several types of protein supplements, which differ not only in the sources of protein compounds, but also in the content of this nutrient. If you visit a sports food store, you will see protein isolates, concentrates and hydrolysates in them.
The maximum amount of protein compounds is contained in the hydrolyzate, and this figure ranges from 95 to 99 percent. The isolate contains slightly less nutrient, namely from 85 to 95 percent. The minimum amount of protein is included in the concentrate - from 65 to 85 percent.
When it comes to protein sources in supplements, these are whey, eggs, soy, meat, peas, etc. We recommend that you use casein and whey proteins. Egg proteins can also be very effective, but their cost is quite high and not every girl decides to purchase them. It makes sense to consume whey protein before / after training, and casein - at night and with long pauses between meals.

It is also a very healthy and completely safe sports nutrition for women. BCAA is a mixture of three amines - leucine, isoleucine and valine, combined 2 to 1 in favor of the former. It was not in vain that we mentioned a certain ratio of active components in the composition of the supplement, since it is in this case that it will be most effective for you.
These substances cannot be synthesized in the body and this is the main reason for the need for supplementation. By consuming BCAAs, you will increase endurance and will be able to suppress catabolic processes in a short time. BCAAs should be taken in five grams before starting, after completing and during training.

We said above that you should try to avoid powerful fat burners. Carnitine is a substance that can accelerate lipolysis processes without harming the body. This substance was previously considered an amine, but now most scientists tend to classify it as a vitamin-like substance.
In the body, carnitine is a transport for fatty acids, delivering them to the mitochondria, where oxidative reactions take place, accompanied by the release of energy. The additive is not able to influence the speed of the processes of reduction of adipose tissues, but due to its transport function it is a mild fat burner. Take the supplement 20 minutes before the start of the training in the amount of five grams. Also, you should remember that carnitine can only be effective when combined with a properly organized training process.

Glutamine is a highly beneficial form of sports nutrition for women. This amine can energize you, lift your mood, and improve the efficiency of your immune system. This is especially true in winter, when our body is attacked by various pathogenic microbes. If you will be using glutamine as a means of preventing colds, then take one teaspoon of the powder twice a day throughout the day. You can dissolve the additive in the tea. If you notice symptoms of the disease, then the dosage should be doubled.
It should also be noted that omega fats and micronutrient complexes are of great importance for maintaining health. At the same time, we note that these two supplements are necessary not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people. Omega fats have a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle, and also improve the condition of the skin. Micronutrients are actively involved in almost all biochemical reactions and are also vital for your health.
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