How to make a melon face mask

How to make a melon face mask
How to make a melon face mask

Useful properties of melon masks, composition and components of melons, recipes and rules for the use of a cosmetic product, as well as contraindications to its use. Melon face mask is a delicate product that will cleanse, moisturize and tighten the skin, as well as protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight. Melon pulp is ideal for sensitive and inflamed dermis. Thanks to its soft texture, it acts non-aggressively and gives a wonderful effect. Juicy fruits are rich in vitamins, acids and important trace elements. To achieve a good result, you need to combine the melon with the correct ingredients, as well as adhere to certain recommendations regarding the preparation and application of masks.

Benefits of melon face masks

Melon face
Melon face

Despite the fact that the pulp is quite watery, it contains a huge amount of components beneficial to the skin. It is known that due to its unique properties, the melon was popular with the Egyptian queens - they rubbed it with juice all over the body, and their face was smeared with pulp mixed with olive oil. Thanks to the supply of vitamins and minerals, this fruit is often used in cosmetic recipes today. What are the positive properties of masks with melon:

  • Cleansing … The pulp of melons and gourds gently affects the epidermis, cleanses the pores well, removes toxins. Even after the first application of the mask, the skin becomes smooth and its color improves.
  • Protective … The PP vitamins contained in the fruit, penetrating into the skin, leave on its surface a light protective film that reflects ultraviolet rays. They naturally slow down the aging process and protect against the development of serious skin diseases.
  • Smoothing … Vitamin C promotes active collagen synthesis, is responsible for the elasticity of the dermis. Vitamin B5 is able to smooth wrinkles by increasing cell tone and improving blood circulation. After such masks, the oval of the face will become clearer, fine wrinkles will go away, and the puffiness will subside.
  • Moisturizing … Carotene deeply moisturizes cells, maintains water balance, and also protects against external influences - sun, wind, dust particles. This melon culture also activates the natural processes of the epidermis - metabolic and protective. This means that the skin after such masks recovers faster and takes on a healthy look.
  • Anti-inflammatory … Melon pulp is rich in vitamin A, which relieves inflammation, irritation, which can often occur against the background of acne. Trace elements dry out the dermis, which also accelerates the process of getting rid of rashes.

Due to the delicate effect on the face, you can get the result from masks with melon only with regular use. In just a few procedures, you will be rewarded with smooth skin with an even color, and after another month you will be able to notice that wrinkles, age spots and acne have begun to disappear.

Contraindications to the use of masks with melon


Melon berries are considered a rather heavy product that can lead to exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, but this only applies to the internal use of the sweet fruit.

Melon pulp, which is used for the preparation of cosmetic masks, is a very gentle mass that does not contain aggressive acids or potent essential oils. All its components have a gentle effect on the epidermis, toning and refreshing, so there are practically no contraindications for use. The only caveat is the individual melon intolerance. In this case, after such a mask, the skin on the face may become covered with small pimples or red, itchy spots. To prevent this condition, be sure to check your compatibility with the main ingredient before using the product.

To do this, apply melon gruel to the inside of your wrist and wait 15-20 minutes. If the skin does not react with redness or a tightening sensation, you can apply a melon mask to your face.

In order to get the expected effect from the procedure and not feel discomfort, you should not carry it out under such conditions: an allergic reaction, any acute form of skin disease, abrasions and cuts on the face.

Melon composition and components

Melon for making a mask
Melon for making a mask

A melon pulp face mask is good because it is suitable for women of different ages with various problems, as it relieves teenage rashes, deeply nourishes mature skin and provides gentle wrinkle smoothing for women with fading epidermis. Such a wide spectrum of action is provided by the components that make up the fragrant melon.

How does the composition of the melon work on the skin:

  • Vitamin C … Whitens the face, tightens pores, and most importantly, promotes the production of collagen, which makes the dermis elastic.
  • Vitamin B5 … Eliminates oily sheen and normalizes the sebaceous glands. It also lifts the oval of the face, smoothes the surface of the epidermis.
  • Vitamin A … Deeply moisturizes the cells of the dermis, due to this, it becomes smooth, inflammation and peeling pass.
  • Vitamin PP … A very strong vitamin with a rejuvenating effect by improving blood circulation in the vessels. It also protects very well from the sun.
  • Cobalt … When interacting with the above vitamins, this substance slows down the aging of the dermis and has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Important micronutrients … They nourish the dermis, contribute to the normalization of all processes in the tissues. In particular, melon contains a lot of potassium - an element that is responsible for the right amount of moisture in the cells, which guarantees the skin a healthy and fresh look.

Considering the cosmetological multifunctionality of melon and its ease of use, experts recommend not forgetting about this available ingredient and arranging high-quality procedures for the skin at home.

Melon mask recipes for different skin types

The benefits of melon largely depend on the accompanying ingredients, and in itself it is an excellent base product that will cleanse, moisturize, tighten and brighten the dermis. Melon masks are also able to relieve inflammation, help get rid of rashes and are simply irreplaceable in the summer, because the working components reflect ultraviolet light well.

Melon masks for dull skin

Cooking a melon mask
Cooking a melon mask

Light toning masks with melon pulp and a number of auxiliary ingredients will help to restore the skin to a healthy color, saturate it with moisture, remove swelling and unevenness. Mask recipes for dull skin:

  1. With oatmeal … First fill in 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal 50 ml warm milk and let the cereal swell for 10-15 minutes. Then mix the oatmeal with 2 tbsp. l. melon pulp. To give a tonic effect, you can add 2 tsp to the mixture. lemon juice. This mask brightens the dermis, tightens and nourishes.
  2. With avocado … 1 tbsp. l. mix avocado pulp with 1 tbsp. l. melon pulp and add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Mix everything. This is a very soft mask that, due to the avocado, moisturizes the dermis and makes it velvety to the touch. And thanks to a substance like squalene, which is an antioxidant, it also has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. With cream … Prepare 50 ml heavy cream and heat it in a water bath until it becomes lukewarm, then add 2 tbsp. l. ripe melon pulp. Rub well and apply to face. To prevent the mask from spreading, cover it with a thick cotton cloth. A very effective remedy for dull, hard skin, which saturates it with vitamins and deeply nourishes it.

Melon masks for problem skin

Aloe for mask preparation
Aloe for mask preparation

Melon-based masks will help to narrow and clear pores, get rid of greasy shine, as well as acne and irritation. Such products gently cleanse the skin of impurities and bacteria, normalize the sebaceous glands. After using the masks, the dermis will be smooth with an even healthy color.

Mask recipes for problem skin:

  • With semolina and yolk … This multicomponent mixture must be prepared as follows: first 1 tsp. pour semolina with 50 ml of warm milk. Set it aside for 10 minutes. Then in 2 tbsp. l. melon pulp add 0.5 tsp. fine salt, 1 yolk and swollen semolina. Mix everything well. The yolk perfectly nourishes the dermis, the salt dries and tightens the pores, and the semolina has a light scrubbing effect and well removes dead skin cells from the epidermis.
  • With aloe and cucumber … This is a simple recipe that involves combining 1 tsp. cucumber mass with 1 tsp. aloe gruel and 1 tsp. melon pulp. All ingredients are mixed, and then they are also ground to obtain the most homogeneous mass. Cucumber provides a wonderful cleansing, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect due to its water and silicon. And aloe normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and helps fight rashes.
  • With white clay … Combine 1 tbsp. l. white clay with water to make a thick mass, then add 1 tbsp. l. melon pulp and 1 tsp. olive oil. White clay has useful trace elements, and also has a drying effect, helps to get rid of acne. Melon olive oil perfectly nourishes and slightly evens out the relief of the dermis.
  • With apple … 1 tbsp. l. grated green apple on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of ripe melon and add 1 tsp. rice flour. It is an excellent drying, anti-acne remedy thanks to the zinc in apples. And rice flour cleans the pores well, getting rid of blackheads.

Melon masks for mature skin

Almond oil
Almond oil

There is a strong belief that it is a thankless task to combat age-related changes with masks based on herbal ingredients, because they cannot get rid of wrinkles. From the first use, of course, such an effect should not be expected. However, with regular use of anti-wrinkle melon masks, you can significantly improve the condition of the epidermis: tighten the contours of the face, make the dermis smooth and even smooth out shallow wrinkles.

Melon mask recipes for skin rejuvenation:

  1. With cottage cheese … Combine 2 tsp. fat cottage cheese with yolk, add 1 tsp. melon pulp and one capsule of vitamin E. These ingredients are very successfully combined and give a comprehensive result: the yolk softens, the cottage cheese nourishes, and the melon and vitamin E have a tightening and rejuvenating effect.
  2. With honey … For cooking, mix 1 tbsp. l. melon pulp and 2 tbsp. l. warm liquid honey. Melon is an excellent cleanser, and also this product makes the skin smooth, evens out unevenness. The face is refreshed, the pores are cleansed and visibly narrowed after the first use.
  3. With almond oil … Mash the melon pulp well and cook 2 tbsp. l., separately heat 2 tsp. milk to 25-28 degrees and add 1 tsp into it. almond oil. Combine the almond milk mixture with the melon mixture. Linoleic acid in almond oil increases muscle elasticity, fights wrinkles, and promotes collagen production.

Rules for the use of melon face masks

Melon pulp mask
Melon pulp mask

The vitamins and minerals that make up the melon culture have a number of useful properties so that they do not evaporate, it is important, firstly, to choose the main ingredient correctly, and secondly, to know how to make a melon mask.

Rules to follow when using melon based masks:

  • It is necessary to acquire a melon for cosmetic purposes only during the period of their active ripening. If you buy it, for example, in November in some supermarket, you run the risk of getting a product with chemical elements that can be hazardous to health. It is also important to choose a well-ripened melon, juicy - in such fruits the maximum amount of useful elements is concentrated.
  • Before using it, you should wash it, peel it, grind the piece you need. This is best done with a fork because if you use a blender you can turn the melon into juice.
  • A melon-based mask cannot be cooked several times, since the beneficial properties of the product are not preserved even when stored in the refrigerator.
  • You can apply the mass only on cleansed skin. For the desired effect, you can use a light scrub before the procedure to cleanse the epidermis of dead cells.
  • The period of operation of the mask is 15-20 minutes. After the expiration of time, the product must be washed off the face with warm water, and it is also advisable to apply a light nourishing cream to the skin.
  • A melon-based mask is recommended to be done for a month, 1-2 procedures per week.

How to make a melon mask - watch the video:

The only difficulty that can be encountered when using a melon to prepare a mask is the short period of its "life". Fresh high-quality berries are available only in the second half of summer for a maximum of one and a half months, so you should not postpone its use until later. It is imperative to take the opportunity to make at least one course of useful melon masks.
