Furcellaran or estagar - benefits, harms, recipes

Furcellaran or estagar - benefits, harms, recipes
Furcellaran or estagar - benefits, harms, recipes

What is Furcellaran? Chemical composition and calorie content. Useful properties of a gelling agent and a negative effect on the body in case of abuse. Recipes for dishes with a thickener and interesting facts about it.

Furcellaran (Danish agar or estagar) is a gelling agent made from the red alga furcellaria with the Latin name Furcellaria lumbricalis or Furcellaria fastigiata. The plant migrates through the cold waters of the North Atlantic - from the Baltic to the Barents Sea. Product color - white-yellowish, structure - fine powder, insoluble in alcohol, stable in acidic environment. The thickening temperature is +25, 2 ° С, melts when heated above + 38 ° С. It is produced in the form of thin, whitish translucent plates or granular powder. When used in cooking, it does not affect the taste and smell of the final dish.

Composition and calorie content of furcellaran

Furcellaria algae
Furcellaria algae

On the packaging of finished products, the name "furcellaran" is rare. Usually, "currigans" (a common name for a group of thickeners) or the trade designation "food additive E407" are indicated.

The nutritional value of the gelling agent, calculated per 100 g, is rather low. If we take into account that a small amount of product is required to prepare a dish, it can be ignored when calculating a diet for weight loss.

The calorie content of furcellaran is only 16 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 4.80 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 61.2 g;
  • Ash substances - 15.00 g;
  • Water - 18.00

Macro and microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron - 0, 208 mcg;
  • Potassium - 1696 mg;
  • Calcium - 2448 mg;
  • Magnesium - 816 mg;
  • Sodium - 336 mg

Furcellaran, as well as other polysaccharides, contains starch - 61.2 g per 100 g.

The jelly strength of Danish agar is 4 times higher than that of starch. The polysaccharide contains:

  • D-galactose - strengthens cell membranes, prevents diseases of the nervous system, is one of the constituent lipids that circulate in the bloodstream and are located in the brain and connective fibers.
  • L-galactose - increases the vital activity of organic tissue cells at all levels, reduces the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  • Glucose - the main source of energy, stimulates the heart and respiratory processes, eliminates hypoglycemia.
  • Fructose - regulates the absorption of sugar from food, prevents the development of allergic reactions, prevents tooth decay.
  • Xylose - has a diuretic and laxative effect.

The gelling agent made by different manufacturers may differ in thickening time. This largely depends on the solvents and other components used in production.

Useful properties of estagar

Furcellaran gelling agent
Furcellaran gelling agent

Organic polysaccharide, enriched with macro- and microelements, has a positive effect on the body.

The benefits of furcellaran:

  1. It has a general antimicrobial and pronounced antibacterial effect; when applied externally, it stops the development of fungal flora.
  2. It is an antioxidant, removes salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.
  3. Helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates peristalsis.
  4. Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, reduces the absorption of fats, participates in protein-lipid metabolism.
  5. Helps to cope with constipation, exerting a selective effect on the intestinal microflora - it does not inhibit the vital activity of the beneficial microflora.
  6. Reduces the acidity of the contents of the stomach, reduces the enzymatic function of the organs involved in digestion - the pancreas, stomach and gallbladder.
  7. Used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Bodybuilders often use furcellaran as a dietary supplement to accelerate the formation of the necessary parameters and restore the reserve of macro- and microelements in the body. This is considered advisable, since the food additive is not capable of disrupting the integrity of the mucous membrane.

Official studies have established that even the regular introduction of E407 into the diet does not in any way affect the formation of atypical cells and does not give an impetus to the malignancy of neoplasms in the intestine.

Despite the fact that a complete study of estagar was not carried out, the Ministry of Health proposed to limit the daily dose of the product to 75 mg / 1 kg of body weight. But at this time, the restrictions are not officially established

Those who are losing weight are advised to include meals with furcellaran in their diet. Such a supplement blocks the feeling of hunger and, as already mentioned, accelerating the digestive processes, reduces absorption, which contributes to weight loss.

External use of E407 stops age-related changes, improves the quality of the skin, prevents flaking and itching, accelerates the healing of wounds, including those that appeared against the background of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. The substance can replace agar when lamination of hair.

Contraindications and harm of furcellaran

Headache in a girl
Headache in a girl

A restriction on the use is introduced because the gelling substance, creating a film on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, slows down the absorption of not only fats and bad cholesterol, but also nutrients necessary for normal human life.

Food furcellaran causes harm only when abused: anemia and vitamin deficiency can develop, weakness and lethargy appear, and frequent attacks of headache. But a destructured substance produced by the pharmaceutical industry and used as a dietary supplement or ingredient for dietary supplements can provoke intestinal damage and the development of neoplasms.

A dangerous dose is considered to be 5 g / 1 kg of body weight. Do not replace food thickeners with such a dietary supplement

For people who often suffer from diarrhea, it is undesirable to introduce dishes with estagar into the diet, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition. When gelling children's dishes, you should be careful not to deviate from recipe recommendations.

Furcellaran recipes

Artificial black caviar with furcellaran
Artificial black caviar with furcellaran

The product is allowed to be used as a thickener for dairy desserts and yoghurts, ice cream, jellies and jams, canned fruit and vegetables, margarines. Before being introduced into the dish, the estagar is soaked in water heated slightly above room temperature for 30-40 minutes. The proportions are 1:20. It should be borne in mind that the volume during swelling increases by 7-10 times.

Furcellaran recipes:

  1. Artificial black caviar … Refined sunflower oil, 1 glass, put in the freezer for 1 hour - it needs to be well cooled. Pour 150 ml of Kikkoman soy sauce into a saucepan, put the container on a small fire, add a full tablespoon of the thickener, stir and boil, but not more than half a minute. Then they move on to a rather lengthy process - making a "delicacy". It is necessary to draw a mixture of soy sauce with furcellaran into a pipette and send one drop of the solution to the chilled oil. This should be done quickly and carefully so that the "eggs" do not stick together. When all the individual droplets have settled on the bottom, the oil is filtered through a sieve. The resulting "delicacy" is washed under cold running water, and you can start tasting. There is no need to dispose of the oil - you can use it later for frying. No unpleasant aftertaste remains after making the "caviar".
  2. Universal jelly recipe … The type of food - fruits, berries or vegetables - does not matter. Furcellaran is prepared, as already described, mixed with sugar. The amount of sweetener is determined experimentally. The jelly is heated so that it boils, cooled to 60 ° C, citric acid is added (0.1% of the total mass), and then poured into the previously prepared juice. 2 g of gelling agent are soaked on 300 g of juice. Stir everything well, pour it into molds and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. Marshmallow without baking … The cherries are kneaded to obtain 300 g of puree, and boiled for several minutes, trying to evaporate the excess liquid. Soak with 2 g of Danish agar. While it swells, mix the cherry puree with the same amount of sugar. Whisk 2 egg whites into lances along with a little sugar. The gelling agent is heated so that bubbles appear, a few tablespoons of sugar, 5-10 drops of lemon juice are added and vigorously kneaded until the syrup starts to stretch. Pour jelly syrup into the fruit mass with proteins in a thin stream, mix with an immersion blender. Whisk the marshmallow mass until the desired consistency is not possible. Then small marshmallows are formed, laying them out on parchment. You do not need to dry the treat in the oven. Furcellaran has a high gelling ability, after 8 hours the marshmallow can already be eaten.
  4. Protein cream … The gelling agent, 2 g, is diluted as described. Pour 12 tbsp into half a glass of water. l. granulated sugar, put on fire and boil the syrup until tender. Check as follows: a little sweet broth is dripped into cold water. If the resulting lump can be removed and rolled into a ball with your fingers, you can add a thickener and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. Egg whites, 4 pieces, whisk in a food processor at high speed into steep peaks. Without stopping the processor, syrup with furcellaran is poured in a thin stream. As soon as the protein mixture has cooled, you can turn it off. Such a cream turns out to be shiny, keeps its shape well and does not melt.

Note! Before use, raw eggs must be washed with laundry soap and soaked in a baking soda solution. If this is not done, you can get salmonellosis.

Interesting facts about Estagar

Furcellaran production
Furcellaran production

Previously, furcellaria was mined in the Baltic countries, but now the collection of raw materials for the manufacture of the gelling agent is limited to the territory of Estonia. This zone is ecologically clean, unlike the rest of the coast of developed countries. The algae is drifting, so the collection is carried out using a trawl. Unfortunately, the thickets are quickly depleted, and if more than 100 tons were mined recently, now they are limited to a few dozen.

Despite the fact that furcellaria is called red algae, it can be yellow, lemon, bluish blue. The color is determined by the combination of dye pigments. In addition, red algae has luminescent properties and reflects light.

Not only estagar thickener is made from algae, but also natural food colors - phycocyanin and phycoerythrin. Pigments are used in the food and cosmetic industries, and they also have medicinal properties, like furcellaran. Biological activity: antiviral, antitumor and antioxidant. Pigments are also used as indicators in medical research for labeling antibodies.

The waste remaining after the production of the gelling agent and organic dyes is not utilized, but used as fertilizer, for the production of biofuel, pseudoplastic nanocellulose. This material is used in medicine for the manufacture of pads, diapers, tampons and matrices for growing various crops.

Factory packaging of the thickener in powder - plastic sealed containers or bags made of dense polyethylene, 5 kg each. In the future, the gelling agent is cleaned and packaged in 15 g paper envelopes.

If you plan to use it in the medical, chemical or cosmetic industry, furcellaran is placed in bags weighing 10-25 kg. Additional cleaning is not required for such a product. An insert is placed in each bag, which indicates which reagents were used in the manufacture.

In Southeast Asia, buyers are often deceived with furcellaran:

  1. It is introduced into soft ice cream made in violation of technology. In this case, the cooking process is significantly cheaper. There is no need to mix the thickening mass several times, the E407 additive prevents the formation of large crystals. Shortening the process negatively affects the final taste.
  2. Processing of meat products is carried out. They become more airy, tender. They acquire a "second freshness".

Furcellaran is actively used in the food industry in the USA, Canada, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and the Philippines. These countries use more than 14,000 tons of carrageenans of various types per year. But in Russia, preference is given to the estagar.
