Description of the mushroom spiny raincoat. Features of its growth, where it is common. What chemical composition does it have, does this variety have healing properties? Contraindications to use and harm from abuse. Culinary recipes with a prickly raincoat. The prickly raincoat contains a wide range of amino acids that improve vital functions at all levels. For example, methionine improves the digestion process, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, removes ammonia, toxins and radionuclides from the body, stabilizes lipid metabolism, and controls the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Cystic acid takes part in the formation of the epithelium and the process of transamination, has an antioxidant effect, activates leukocytes and lymphocytes. Phenylalanine allows the production of insulin, synthesizes melanin, stabilizes the activity of the kidneys, liver and central nervous system, corrects attention deficit disorder. Tryptophanic acid is a part of proteins, regulates the level of serotonin in the blood, increases work capacity, gives a feeling of vigor, improves memory.
Useful properties of a prickly raincoat

The inclusion of a prickly raincoat in the diet can improve health, remove toxins, atoms of heavy metals and toxins from the body. Calvacin, which is part of the fungus, has antibiotic properties and is able to fight cancer.
The benefits of a prickly raincoat and food products in which it is included is due to the harmonious combination of chemical elements and amino acids:
- Helps Fight Tuberculosis … Reduces cough, relieves chest pain, stabilizes body temperature, prevents subcutaneous nodules.
- Normalization of the thyroid gland … The components of the fungus improve metabolism and sexual activity, biologically active substances are produced, the level of cholesterol in the blood is regulated, bone tissues are strengthened.
- Stabilization of the lymphatic system … Blood microcirculation is accelerated, vascular walls are strengthened, plaques are knocked out, tissue fluid is exchanged, micro- and macroelements are transported, pathogenic agents are neutralized, the activity of the kidneys and liver improves.
- Hemostatic property … In women, childbirth is easier and pain in premenstrual syndromes and hemorrhoids decreases, the process of thromboplastin formation is activated.
- Strengthening the protective function of the body … The harmful microflora is suppressed, viral, infectious and bacterial agents are neutralized, inflammatory processes are removed.
- Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract … The mucous membrane gets rid of abscesses, peristalsis and food absorption are normalized, the work of the duodenum is controlled, abundant gas formation is prevented, and the stool is stabilized.
- Antioxidant action … Wounded skin areas are disinfected, wounds heal faster, and the oxidation of organic substances is regulated.
- Normalization of intercellular exchange … The condition of the epithelium improves, wrinkles are smoothed, aging processes are inhibited, acid-base balance is controlled, and the development of cancerous tumors is prevented.
- Help with hangover syndrome … Dizziness disappears, tremor of the extremities disappears, body temperature stabilizes, acetaldehydes are excreted.
- Normalizes blood pressure … The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the blood is thinned, and the body is toned.
In addition, the spiky raincoat helps in the fight against excess calories, as it has a mild diuretic effect and relieves unnecessary stress on the heart.
Harm and contraindications to the use of a prickly raincoat

A pearl raincoat, like all food products, can damage the body if consumed excessively. There is a risk of disrupting metabolic processes and provoking painful symptoms.
The consequences of abuse of a prickly raincoat:
- Deterioration of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract - the components of the fungus can cause abscesses on the mucous membrane, stool disorders, excessive gas formation, as a complication, internal hemorrhage may occur.
- Increased tone of the bladder - there are frequent urges due to accelerated metabolic processes.
- Manifestation of allergic reactions - due to the saturated composition of the raincoat, skin rashes may appear, stool and intercellular exchange may worsen, irritability, conjunctivitis, swelling of the mucous membranes, runny nose, and dizziness may occur.
- Painful palpitations - especially when combined with caffeine.
In addition, there is a risk of calcium leaching from the bones. Frequent urination will disrupt restful sleep and cause nervousness.
Absolute contraindications for a prickly raincoat:
- Problems with the pancreas - the process of digestion and fermentation worsens, vitamins and minerals are not broken down, pain in the abdominal cavity, bloating, stools become gray, anemia develops.
- Pregnancy and lactation - the child is susceptible to the negative effects of toxic substances contained in the raincoat.
- Kidney diseases - glomerular nephritis develops, urination worsens, ammonia, heavy metal salts and toxins are not excreted from the body, the mucous membrane is negatively affected.
- Individual intolerance to individual components - dizziness, migraine, nausea, vomiting, sneezing, fainting, shortness of breath, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, diarrhea may occur.
Before eating a prickly raincoat, it is recommended to undergo an examination and find out if there is an increased sensitivity to its chemical composition, since mushrooms are among the ten most common allergens.
Recipes for dishes with a prickly raincoat

Before adding the pearl raincoat to foodstuffs, it is necessary to rid it of the rind, as it is tough. This variety of mushrooms is characterized by the fact that they do not have to be boiled in several approaches, but can be immediately fried, salted, dried, pickled or stewed.
The following mouth-watering recipes for a prickly raincoat are distinguished, which have a piquant taste, pleasant aroma and low calorie content:
- Baked raincoats … First, a kilogram of mushrooms is thoroughly washed from dirt. Then add 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise to them, a teaspoon of salt and spices to taste. The ingredients are mixed, refrigerated and marinated for about an hour. Then the raincoats are placed in the baking sleeve and placed in the oven at 190 ° C for half an hour. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs and serve.
- Mushrooms with sour cream and potatoes … Peel 6-8 medium potatoes, cut into cubes and boil in salted water for about 10 minutes. They wash half a kilogram of raincoats, put them on a heated frying pan richly greased with vegetable oil for 20-25 minutes. Peel 2 onions, cut into thin rings and fry until golden brown. Then all the ingredients are salted and pepper to taste, left to fry for about 10 minutes more, stirring regularly. A few minutes before cooking, add 200 milligrams of low-fat sour cream. Fried raincoats are served with boiled potatoes.
- Mushroom soup … 300 grams of prickly raincoats are washed and cut into cubes. Then 4 potatoes are peeled, also crushed and thrown into boiling broth. The onion is peeled, cut into rings and fried in a preheated and oiled frying pan. After 3 minutes, mushrooms are added there. A glass of filtered water is brought to a boil and 80 grams of butter, a pinch of salt and 150 grams of flour are added to it. Next, drive in two chicken eggs and mix quickly so that they do not have time to cook. After that, raincoats and small portions of dough are thrown into the broth to make dumplings. The soup should boil for 7-10 minutes. Then chopped greens are added to it and removed from heat.
- Krucheniki with a prickly raincoat … A pound of chicken fillet is washed, cut into thin strips and beaten off with a kitchen hammer. Then they are salted, sprinkled with spices and poured over with soy sauce. The meat is put to marinate in the refrigerator for several hours. 100 grams of raincoats are washed, cut into cubes and boiled for 10 minutes. Then beat 2 eggs in a separate container, salt, sprinkle with chopped herbs and mix with mushrooms. The resulting mixture is poured into a preheated and well-oiled frying pan and fried on both sides. Portions of the omelet are spread on the marinated strips of meat and rolled into a tube. To prevent the rolls from disintegrating and baking evenly, they are wrapped in foil. A few tablespoons of vegetable oil are poured into a frying pan and the tortilla is spread. It is necessary to fry on both sides for about 2-3 minutes.
- Potato zrazy with a prickly raincoat … One and a half kilograms of yellow potatoes and 2 carrots are peeled, cut into circles and set to cook for an hour. Salt at your own discretion. In the meantime, they are busy with the filling. A pound of raincoats is washed, diced and mixed with chopped onions. The ingredients are stewed in a skillet for about 10 minutes. At the end, you can add a garlic clove passed through a press. Boiled carrots and potatoes are thrown into a colander, all the broth is drained. Then they are pushed into mashed potatoes and allowed to cool. Then add 6 tablespoons of flour to the mixture and knead the dough. After that, cakes are formed, in the middle of which they put the filling and then pinch, like on pies. In an oiled frying pan, the zrazy are fried on all sides for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.
- Quiche with cheese and mushrooms … Grind 1, 5 cups of wheat flour with 125 grams of margarine, 4 tablespoons of sour cream and a pinch of salt. The dough is wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated for an hour. Half a kilogram of prickly raincoats are washed, cut into slices and fried in a pan until the liquid evaporates. The leeks are chopped and added there. Stew the ingredients for about 3-4 minutes. Spread the dough in a thin layer over a high rim shape. Then it is covered with baking paper, dried peas are poured and placed in the oven at 170 ° C for 20-25 minutes. Meanwhile, the filling is being prepared. 3-4 chicken eggs are knocked down with a whisk with a pinch of nutmeg and spices to taste. Next, pour in a glass of cream and rub a block of hard cheese on top. After that, remove the paper with peas from the baked dough, sprinkle with raincoats with onions and spread the cheese filling. The pie is put back in the oven for 10-15 minutes. The finished quiche is decorated with herbs.
- Meatballs with mushroom sauce … 500 grams of minced meat is salted, pepper and a chicken egg is added. 100 grams of hard cheese is cut into cubes. Next, the minced meat is distributed over the cling film, put the cheese on top and twisted into a tube. Then they make mushroom sauce. 300 grams of prickly raincoats are washed, cut into cubes and fried in an oiled frying pan with chopped onions, ground paprika and a glass of cream. After that, the meat rolls are poured with the resulting sauce and placed in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for half an hour.
Before eating a prickly raincoat, you need to make sure that its internal consistency is dense and homogeneous, and the structure does not have a clearly defined stem and cap. This mushroom can replace meat and many high-calorie foods. It goes well with sour cream, cheese, meat, vegetables, buckwheat, rice and black pepper.
Interesting facts about the spiked raincoat

A prickly raincoat should not be collected on the side of the road, since it has an increased activity of absorbing harmful toxins.
This type of mushroom cannot be picked in damp weather, as they begin to deteriorate instantly, turn into a kind of rotten rag and become unsuitable for food.
Thorny raincoats often form mycorrhiza with other plants and receive glucose from them, while they themselves give up nutrients and moisture. The mushroom is used in cosmetology in the manufacture of lotions and creams for the skin. They leave a feeling of softness, smooth wrinkles, remove oily shine and tighten pores.
Watch the video about the prickly raincoat:

The prickly raincoat is in demand because it has a number of vital chemical elements and has a unique taste.