Definition and meaning of cretinism. Factors contributing to the development of the disease. The main groups of symptoms. Principles and methods of treatment. The concept of substitution therapy. The older the child who is ill with cretinism, the easier it is. Such forms are characterized by less severity of symptoms and a better response to therapy.
Varieties of cretinism

This disease occurs mainly in young children. But there are times when this pathology can occur for the first time in an adult. It all depends on at what stage of life the thyroid gland malfunctioned.
Both of these states are somewhat similar, but they also have some peculiarities. Let's consider their characteristics in more detail:
- Congenital cretinism … This is a classic example of an ailment that is characterized by all its typical symptoms. This pathology has two options for development, depending on what caused it. If the child is the only sick person in his environment, then the case will be sporadic. But when several children living in an area with a low iodine content have undergone cretinism, then this species is called endemic. Regardless of the form, all manifestations are very similar. Symptoms appear before 3-4 years of age. All specific signs are characteristic, along with a huge number of internal pathologies. In addition to mental and psychological retardation, there are disorders in the musculoskeletal system, heart and vision.
- Acquired cretinism … Another name for the disease is myxedema in adults. This condition occurs in people without any symptoms during childhood. Against the background of disorders of the thyroid gland, the first signs of the disease appear. Very rarely, these are symptoms of physical pathology, mental state suffers to a greater extent. There is a kind of involution of the acquired skills. A person forgets how to write, read and speak correctly. His thought processes are slowed down, mental abilities are noticeably affected. People become more complacent, inclined to show feelings and affection. Sometimes sexual disinhibition and gluttony are characteristic. They cannot control their own desires, so they become big, harmful children. Fortunately, this type is more common in the form of mild cretinism.
Cretinism prevention rules

This pathology is capable of destroying the life of both a small child and an already fully formed person. Today, this problem is very actively "terrorizing" endemic areas with low iodine content around the world. That is why modern society is fighting cretinism by preventing it.
There are two types of prevention that can protect a person and prevent this hormonal disruption:
- General prevention … This method is aimed at protecting the entire people. The main tool here is the distribution of iodized salt in endemic areas. It has been proven that its daily use can prevent the development of cretinism. But due to the fact that modern society is provided with a wide range of food products, including salt, this scheme often fails. Due to their ignorance, some people give preference to other types of it, which makes their body undergo many unpleasant consequences. Many physicians are already working to increase awareness of the need for preventive use of this product.
- Personal prevention … This type of exposure is mainly resorted to only in relation to certain categories of people who are at risk. These include pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under three years of age. They are the ones who undergo constant careful examination and control of the level of thyroid hormones. This category also often includes adolescents and women of reproductive age. For them, the doses of preparations containing iodine are specially calculated. The most widely used is iodomarin. With its help, the construction of periodic course schemes, as well as permanent ones for pregnant women, is carried out, mainly from twelve weeks. From this period, the transition to preventive nutrition is allowed.
Features of the treatment of cretinism in humans

According to the latest data, the number of people who are provided with iodine at the right level is only a small percentage of the total mass. Unfortunately, the majority today are not sufficiently informed about the negative consequences of this problem. That is why we often have to deal directly with the presence of cretinism.
All types of therapy are aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. That is why it is based on preparations with thyroid hormones. They have the same effect as those synthesized in the body. Therefore, they are able to completely replace them without causing any harm.
It is important that the results of such treatment depend on the speed of its application. The earlier therapy is prescribed, the better the effect. Moreover, it helps prevent the development of other symptoms. You can start taking drugs only if this diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory methods.
After determining the true insufficiency of hormones, you must also wait for the doctor's prescriptions. After all, it is he who must calculate the required dose of the drug and choose the form of its release. It is very important to observe the systematic reception and not violate its time frame.
Treating cretinism is a lifelong responsibility of the affected person. If this golden rule is violated, the symptoms of pathology can return, even several years after the start of therapy. That is why it is necessary to always remember and not forget about the importance of hormonal treatment.
Synthetic substitutes for thyroxine are very good at performing its functions in the body. With an early start of therapy, a person with acquired hypothyroidism can fully return to a normal existence with an adequate standard of living.
Among the side effects of these hormones, an overdose may develop. It is accompanied by an increased heart rate, dizziness, or nausea. This condition is easily stopped, but still it is better not to allow it to occur at all.
Watch a video about hypothyroidism:

Despite the availability of such simple methods of prevention, cretinism continues to exist, which is very unfortunate. Today, special attention is paid to informing expectant mothers and women about the importance of using iodized foods and salt, because it is they who can save from the occurrence of such a terrible disease.