Melon for face skin

Melon for face skin
Melon for face skin

When in the summer we enjoy the wonderful and excellent taste of melon, we do not even know that it can be useful in home cosmetology. First of all, these are useful masks, and dried melon crusts for the winter will be an excellent basis for a scrub. Who would have thought that melon is so useful for the skin: it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on our health:

  1. Carotene contributes to maximum skin hydration, enhancing metabolism;
  2. Cobalt is characterized by antimicrobial and drying properties;
  3. Potassium helps maintain the required level of hydration;
  4. Vitamin A slows down the aging process, accelerates skin regeneration, makes it soft and velvety;
  5. Vitamin C enhances the formation of collagen, thereby making the skin taut and elastic;
  6. Vitamin B5 removes wrinkles;
  7. Vitamin PP improves complexion and protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Melon pulp is used in whitening masks as it lightens freckles and age spots. Not everyone also knows that melon crusts have anti-aging properties. So, if you dry them, then grind them, then for the winter you will have a vitamin base prepared for making various scrubs at home on your own - it's cheap and most importantly effective!

Read about the health benefits of melon

Homemade Melon Facial Beauty Recipes:

Homemade Melon Facial Beauty Recipes
Homemade Melon Facial Beauty Recipes

1. Melon masks for a combined type of face

Mash the melon pulp thoroughly and spread over your face. Wash off after twenty minutes with cool water. With constant use, the effect is noticeable within a week - the face becomes soft and velvety.

2. Recipe for dry skin

Grind the melon until mushy and take 2 tbsp. l. Mix this amount with sour cream (1 tbsp) and natural honey (1 tsp). The mixture has a nourishing and toning effect on the skin. First of all, sour cream promotes maximum hydration. If you use yogurt instead, then the mask will be designed for oily skin.

3. Preparation of milk for wiping

For daily use, you can prepare milk by mixing melon juice (1 tablespoon) with the same amount of mineral water and milk. This improves the complexion, eliminates fine wrinkles, the effect of "tightness" and flaking.

4. How to make a toning lotion?

You will need melon pulp, which will need to be squeezed out of juice. They should rub dry skin throughout the day. For the best effect, it is recommended to mix melon juice with grape juice (1: 1). Do not rinse off immediately: after application, it is better to wait 20 minutes so that the nutrients have time to have a beneficial effect on the skin. There is another version of the "melon" lotion. To do this, mix the melon pulp (2 tablespoons) with one yolk, then add one tablespoon of one of the vegetable oils (for example, sesame, olive, amaranth, etc.), mix thoroughly and use for rubbing. The product is applicable to any type of skin: oily, dry or combination.

5. Melon mask against acne, video recipe:

6. Melon face whitening:

  • Melon and chamomile. First, prepare an infusion of chamomile (pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour, strain). Stir the melon pulp with the resulting infusion until it becomes a thin gruel, which should be used as a whitening mask. In addition, chamomile will help eliminate microcracks in the skin, as well as irritation caused by severe dryness and flaking (which usually happens in winter).
  • Sunflower seeds and milk powder. Cut the center of the melon with seeds, dry and chop. Mix with milk powder until thick and the mask is ready.
  • Melon pulp, seeds, wheat flour and milk. Everyone knows that regular washing with warm milk helps well to whiten age spots. But there are other ways to use this wonderful drink. First, pass the melon pulp through a meat grinder, mix it with chopped seeds, and, for ease of application, flour is always added in such masks - add wheat or oatmeal. If you get more than required, the mass can be frozen in the refrigerator. So, with oily skin, it is better to do the mixture every other day, and with dry skin - a maximum of twice a week.

7. "Melon oil" - is it possible?

In folk cosmetology, there are many amazing recipes for beauty with the addition of miraculous oils. So, almond or sesame oil is very effective. Place two cups of crushed melon pulp in a saucepan and add a glass of one of the above oils to it. Put the mixture on fire and evaporate until no water remains in the mixture. Thus, "melon oil" is prepared, which has a rejuvenating effect. They can be used to wipe your face every day so that it becomes soft, moisturized and without a single wrinkle. And to prepare the elixir of eternal youth, which has been popular since ancient times, add some rose petals to the melon oil and let it brew for half an hour.

Take advantage of the miraculous properties of melon, be beautiful and healthy!
