How to deal with bad habits in children

How to deal with bad habits in children
How to deal with bad habits in children

Bad habits in children and their varieties. Methods for correcting misbehavior in a child. Prevention of the emergence of bad habits in the younger generation. Bad habits in children are a problem faced by many parents. The child is often unable to control any of his actions. Therefore, it is the parents who must help him correctly coordinate his actions and intentions.

Varieties of bad habits in children

As life practice shows, any person is not without sin and is subject to certain weaknesses. Bad habits are established in early childhood and become, over time, well-established reflexes that can look different.

Visual bad habits in a child

Nose picking as a bad habit
Nose picking as a bad habit

What we ordered is what we have. Such acuteness ceases to be funny when it comes to the question of how to wean a child from bad habits.

The most unpleasant deviations in the behavior of the younger generation include the following manipulations:

  • Nose picking … This repulsive behavior in public is quite common among children. It is necessary to definitely get rid of it, because even the stardom of Brad Pitt, David Beckham and John Travolta did not save their reputation in the presence of this bad habit.
  • Biting nails … Firstly, such an activity significantly spoils the cuticle and creates the danger of infection entering the body. Secondly, hardly anyone will enjoy watching a person during this action.
  • Slouch … Children usually hunch over for a variety of reasons. Such a well-established habit can be both a sign of scoliosis and an unwillingness to straighten your shoulders once again.
  • Increased gesticulation … Overly impulsive children love to wave their arms while talking. This is how they show their temperament, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Lip biting … Some little girls under stress can clamp this organ with their teeth until it bleeds. In the future, at the slightest excitement, the child begins to bite his lips constantly.
  • Hair fingering … Thus, the child calms down, turning a habitual activity into a bad habit. At the same time, the hair becomes salty, which is problematic especially for girls.
  • Earlobe twitching … The basic gestures of a liar include a vocal position as well as fiddling with a neck. Therefore, one should get rid of this bad habit so as not to be branded as an insincere person and even a liar.
  • Shuffling feet … Usually people in a rather old age suffer from this. However, children also have a similar bad habit, which looks ridiculous.
  • Chomping … At the same time, the child also squishes when he drinks, which does not look quite aesthetically pleasing. During meals, children with such inclinations irritate others.

Patience and only patience will be needed when asking how to deal with bad habits in children. If adults respond to such behavior with aggression, then they will only aggravate the problem that has arisen.

Behavioral bad habits in children

Pugnaciousness as a bad habit
Pugnaciousness as a bad habit

Visual signs of poor upbringing sometimes look innocent against the background of real manifestations of children's inappropriate behavior. In this case, bad habits can be designated as follows:

  1. Fighting tendencies … To defend your favorite toy in a fair fight is not any pathology. If this behavior becomes the norm, then parents should think about the problem that has arisen.
  2. Fantasy … Young Munchausen is usually not a dangerous person for society. However, everything is good in moderation, because sometimes a child can lie to the detriment of his loved ones. In Sweden, there was a sensation when a teenager with a rich imagination sued his parents for a brutal beating that did not happen.
  3. Parasite words … In this situation, sometimes we even talk about profanity. Such asocial behavior can be observed both in a child from a dysfunctional family and in a toddler or adolescent from an elite society.
  4. Provocation … Very often, children clearly see the emerging conflict between parents. In this case, manipulation by the warring parties can be used. With the stability of such disagreements, the young provocateur in the future will become a specialist in influencing the human psyche for his own selfish purposes.
  5. Appropriation of other people's things … At the same time, children do not consider themselves to be thieves, but are firmly convinced that they are right. Such a habit is definitely an antisocial manifestation of the behavior of a small person who is not controlled by parents.
  6. Masturbation … In babies, it is usually associated with problems with the genitourinary system, because only in adolescence, sexual interest in the opposite sex begins to appear.

Many parents are amazed at the fact that a playboy is growing in their prosperous family. It is necessary to indulge some children's whims, but it is necessary to make it clear to the child that his behavior is always under the strict control of dad and mom.

Ways to combat bad habits in a child

Punishment as a fight against bad habits
Punishment as a fight against bad habits

For any problem, you can find a way out of the situation that has arisen. Parents should behave in the following way so that their child gets rid of any bad habit:

  • Improving the child's self-esteem … If you do not love yourself, then it is pointless to demand respect from society. First of all, the baby should be taught the concept of his self-sufficiency. Prevention of bad habits in children implies their destruction at the initial stage of the formation of pathology. You cannot raise an egoist in a family, but at the same time it is very dangerous to educate your offspring with low self-esteem with a tendency to bad habits.
  • Just punishment … In no case should you observe the addictions of your child in silence. However, cruelty in the educational process will lead to an aggravation of the problem situation.
  • Full load … A bad head does not give rest to the legs. Such a wise saying is appropriate when a child has a bad habit. You should take your child to the maximum so that he does not have time for stupid thoughts.
  • Relaxing massage … If a child sucks a finger, talks in a dream, or suffers from sleepwalking (somnambulism), then these bad habits can actually be eliminated using the sounded method. In the evening (after a relaxing bath with chamomile or lavender), he needs to stretch the muscles of his back and shoulders. In this case, the movements of an adult should be soft, because when using force, you can injure your child.
  • Developing motor games … Among the ways to eliminate bad habits in children, the use of this method is quite popular. A child will lose the ability to bite his nails and suck his thumb if you show him a certain exercise. Beans, peas, buckwheat and millet must be placed in canvas bags. If the child has already reached a conscious age, then you can offer him to guess the composition, which he feels with his fingers through the fabric.
  • Unity in education … Dad and mom, in order to avoid the emergence of double standards, must demand the same from their child. Bad habits of an antisocial nature often arise in those children who have learned to manipulate the minds of their parents. A little brawler or thief should be scolded by both dad and mom so that he understands the wrong behavior. Playing good and bad cop in this case will only exacerbate the problem.
  • Refusal from drastic measures of influence … In no case, on the advice of the "wise" in terms of upbringing persons, smear the child's fingers with bitter means if he sucks them or bites his nails. Firstly, it can negatively affect the state of the child's stomach. Secondly, as practice shows, this method rarely works.
  • Useful Association … Not only with the help of personal example, it is really possible to fight bad habits in a child. If he has any idol (artist, animation hero, character from computer games), then he should convey to his child the information that the idol does not approve of his fans' bad habits.
  • Funny example … In this case, psychologists recommend acquainting the child with the instructive "Harmful Advice" by Grigory Oster. While reading funny and sarcastic poems together, it is necessary to explain to your son or daughter the norms of morality and culture of behavior in society.
  • Emphasis on the merits of the child … If your child has a bad habit, you should correctly point to it, while focusing on the positive aspects of the character of a son or daughter. Let them bite their nails, but in terms of reciting poetry, they have no equal. At the same time, the main thing is to adhere to the golden mean, so as not to bring up arrogance and imagination.
  • Child promotion … Even a small victory of a small person over his weaknesses should be rewarded. You can invite her to go to her favorite movie or visit a children's cafe. In no case should she buy herself off with money, because this will form the instinct of consumerism in her mind.
  • Hygiene training … Masturbation does not always occur due to a disease of the genitourinary system. In some cases, children have increased attention to their intimate area due to elementary neglect of water procedures, which leads to itching in the genital area. Sloth is also a kind of bad habit, so little dirty bogs need to be taught to be hygienic.
  • Consultation with a psychologist … With a serious problem in a child, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. It is he who will be able to build a schedule of individual lessons with a small patient, using play techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Prevention of bad habits in children

Love for a child as a prevention of bad habits
Love for a child as a prevention of bad habits

It is better to prevent trouble initially than to reap the fruits of your own irresponsibility in the future. Doctors recommend adhering to the following line of behavior when a child appears in the family:

  1. Breastfeeding … Experts insist on the fact that babies who have received breast milk for a long time usually do not have visual bad habits. Instead of sucking a finger, they intuitively looked for the mother's breast at one time and did not perceive the "dummy", from which it is then very difficult to wean their child from almost all parents.
  2. Love for baby … Dad and mom often try to educate their offspring in severity. To some extent, this is the right decision, but there is no need to go too far. Bad habits often occur in a child who is notorious or frightened by aggression from adults.
  3. Correct nipple rejection … Some Britney Spears fans were outraged at the sight of a photo where she was with her three-year-old daughter with this object in her mouth. She explained this fact to her fans by the fact that she is gradually weaning the baby from the bad habit and does not injure the child's psyche. The same position is shared by David Beckham, Tom Cruise and Sarah Jessica-Parker. At this age, it is best to wean the child from unnecessary habits with the help of affection. Otherwise, the baby will begin to suck his finger, bite his nails and fiddle with the earlobes, even before adolescence.
  4. Preventing stressful situations … Sometimes, during excitement, children begin to wind their hair around their fingers, actively gesticulate or shake their heads. After a series of studies, psychologists came to the conclusion that such bad habits and their consequences are observed in children who have once experienced a strong mental shock. It is necessary to control your behavior and not allow a showdown between spouses in the presence of a child.
  5. Personal example … It is difficult to scold a teenager who smokes if his parents are subject to a similar addiction. It is necessary to show the child by personal example the factor that wrong behavior can adversely affect his future. Parents should remember the main rules for positively influencing their children: do not slurp at the table, monitor your speech and posture, do not shuffle your feet, do not show increased gestures.
  6. Work on the rules of etiquette … In a playful way, it is necessary to convey to the baby information about how to behave in society. You can invite your child to meet an imaginary friend who does everything right. At the same time, you should not be afraid of the development of a split consciousness in a son or daughter, because at this age children tend to fantasize. However, the situation should be controlled so that the baby does not become a professional liar.

How to deal with bad habits in children - watch the video:

The ancient Roman philosopher Cicero once said that habit is second nature. Therefore, conscientious parents need to make every effort to correct the behavior of their offspring. Otherwise, their child may become an outcast in society, over which people without bad habits will make fun.
