How is a circular facelift done?

How is a circular facelift done?
How is a circular facelift done?

The value of a circular facelift, how it is carried out and its types. Indications and contraindications. Features of laser, radio wave, surgical and thread lifting, the nuances of rehabilitation. A circular facelift is a fairly effective and reliable way to smooth out not very deep wrinkles. It involves rejuvenation with laser, threads, radio waves or surgery. The results obtained are stored for 5-10 years.

Features of the procedure for a circular facelift

Circular face lift
Circular face lift

A circular facelift is a cosmetic procedure during which wrinkles in the area of the eyes, forehead, lips and nose are smoothed out. Special attention is paid to drooping cheeks, corners of the mouth and eyebrows. This service very often includes neck work to eliminate a double chin and more.

There are 4 ways to tighten problem areas - thread, laser, radio wave and surgical.

Another name for the procedure is "facelift". With its help, skin folds of medium depth and small ones are removed.

It is performed at almost any age and helps to visually lose more than 5-10 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. It is very important that this technique not only allows you to rejuvenate, but also prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

Indications for a circular facelift

Sagging skin on the face
Sagging skin on the face

Almost everyone, both man and woman, can become a patient of a plastic surgeon specializing in circular lifting. It is not at all necessary to wait until the skin begins to wrinkle ugly. This option is especially relevant in old age, when other procedures no longer give the desired effect. It is suitable for any type of dermis and never gets in the way.

It is imperative to carry out a circular facelift in such cases:

  • Double chin … You can check if you have one like this: stand in front of a mirror and lower your head a little. If there is a problem in the neck area, a significant lump will appear, which will cause discomfort.
  • Drooping cheeks … Most often, this happens with a sharp weight loss and with age, when the skin loses a significant part of its supply of elastin (which is responsible for elasticity).
  • Noticeable drooping of the eyebrows … It is mainly caused by the subsidence of the upper eyelids of the eyes, which inevitably happens over the years. This pathology can be present from birth.
  • Deep nasolabial folds … In height, they can reach 3-5 cm, in contact with the chin. This can be both a characteristic feature of the face and a consequence of the aging of the dermis.
  • Sagging skin … This phenomenon is encountered mainly after 30 years. Just at this age, there is a sharp loss of collagen and elastin, which feed the epidermis. As a result, the area around the eyes and the forehead are covered with fine wrinkles, which grow in size over time.

Contraindications for a circular facelift

Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases

Nobody can forbid you to tighten your face in this way. But a conscientious doctor will never work with minors. The minimum age allowed here is 21-23 years, the maximum is also present - it will be much more difficult for people over 70 to find a suitable specialist than for young people. Not considered for a circular facelift as patients and people with health problems.

The stumbling block on the way to getting young and beautiful skin can be:

  1. Infectious diseases … This is especially true if they are in an exacerbation stage. These include all types of hepatitis, syphilis, meningitis, malaria, measles, tuberculosis, bronchitis, flu.
  2. Blood clotting disorder … This condition is called coagulopathy and can be either congenital or acquired. The reasons should be sought in liver malfunction and vitamin K deficiency.
  3. Endocrine diseases … These are hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus, nodular goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis. The use of a laser and radio waves can provoke a deterioration in the patient's position.
  4. Hypertonic disease … It is necessary to talk about its presence when blood pressure rises above 140 and does not normalize on its own for a long time. The operation can take place only with the 1st degree of the disease at the discretion of the doctor.
  5. Tendency to form keloid scars … Such a contraindication is relative, since it is relevant only for surgical intervention; for a laser and radio waves, this is not at all an obstacle.
  6. Benign and malignant neoplasms … The fact is that at this time the immune system is greatly weakened by the disease. Therefore, recovery after the procedure will be much more difficult and longer.
  7. The presence of a heart rate sensor and metal structures … This only applies to the radio wave method, since the metal reflects radiation. In this case, the doctor's work efficiency is only 10-20%.

Types of circular facelift

Mid-face lift
Mid-face lift

Plastic surgeons offer lifting of the upper third of the face, middle part, lower and neck. It is not necessary to undergo all these procedures, it all depends on the area in which the wrinkles are localized. Most often, during a circular facelift, you have to work with the forehead, the folds on which appear due to its constant tension (raising eyebrows, peering into the distance).

Consider the types of circular face lifting:

  • Lift of the upper third of the face … In this case, lifting is performed on the upper eyelids, forehead and eyebrows. Most often, it requires general anesthesia, the local one is not always suitable here. An endoscope is used in the work, due to which the operation is carried out with the lowest risk of injury. The doctor's task is to remove excess skin with the help of microinstruments and tighten the muscles by fixing self-absorbable threads inside. To avoid mistakes, the doctor monitors the progress of the procedure on the monitor screen. This is very important, since the vessels and nerves in the right place will not be affected. At the end, cosmetic sutures are applied to the patient. It takes 2 to 4 weeks to completely heal wounds, there are practically no traces left.
  • Mid-face lift … Another name for the procedure is "check-lifting" or "midface". It affects the area from the lower eyelid to the upper lip. With its help, the areas of the skin under the eyes, near the nose, cheeks and corners of the mouth are corrected. Thus, the problem with ugly bags and deep nasolabial folds is solved. In this case, tissue excision is not required, it is only necessary to move them vertically. This allows the cheekbones to be shaped naturally. Up to 35-45 years old, a lift of the middle zone of the face is quite enough. For older patients with pronounced wrinkles, it is important to supplement it with lipofilling and blepharoplasty. Unlike other parts, here the incision is made small and just below the lower eyelid. That is why you should not expect a very striking effect.
  • Circular lifting of the lower face and neck … This zone includes everything that is on the face below the corners of the mouth, along with the chin, partly the cheeks and neck. Such plastic surgery involves working not with the skin, but with the superficial aponeurotic layer. Its implementation is justified in the presence of flews in the lower jaw, a noticeable drooping of the lower lip, deep wrinkles. This type of facelift usually involves the use of an endoscope. Several incisions are made on the skin, the main one (2-3 cm long) under the chin, and additional incisions just below the ears along the edge of hair growth. Fixing threads are threaded through them, which are then tightened and fastened together. "Lower lifting" is effective only with pronounced sagging of the skin.

How to do a circular facelift

4 methods of lifting are offered - threads, laser, radio waves and scalpel. The safest and most effective option is the second, but it is also the most expensive. Regardless of the type of facelift, it is usually carried out in 1-3 times. In especially problematic cases (too noticeable flabbiness of the skin), 2-3 sessions may be needed.

Circular facelift with threads

Facelift with threads
Facelift with threads

The operation is performed under local anesthesia for 30-60 minutes. The more complex the problem, the longer it takes to solve it.

The patient does not require hospitalization, everything is carried out in a day hospital. After 3-4 hours, he is already allowed to leave the medical center. Results are usually visible on the same day. They depend on the skill of the doctor and the type of thread used. The most effective among them are "Aptos" and "Silhouette Lift Soft".

Scheme for a circular facelift with threads:

  • Pain relief of the desired area … For this, the doctor makes special injections, cutting off the problem area. The injected drugs last for about 5-10 hours. At this time, the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations.
  • Skin cleansing … This is necessary to avoid infection. The face is treated with antibacterial compounds that quickly eliminate germs.
  • Marking … The surgeon determines for himself the points at which the punctures will be made. They can be both single and multiple (from 5 or more).
  • Thread insertion … They are used to form a framework that will hold the tissue in position. To do this, they are pulled through the incisions made with the help of thin needles. Then the doctor adjusts the degree of tension and holds them together.

Important! Immediately upon completion of the procedure, the body starts the process of producing connective fibers necessary to maintain skin tone.

How is a circular laser facelift

Laser circular facelift
Laser circular facelift

A prerequisite is the refusal 2 weeks before visiting the doctor from sunbathing in the solarium and in the sun, going to the sauna. The specialist should find out what health problems the patient has. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use special goggles to protect the eyes from radiation.

To obtain vivid results, the doctor lubricates the skin in the areas of laser exposure with cooled gel. The duration of the session is about an hour.

The tightening progress looks like this:

  1. Taking the right pose … The patient is asked to lie facing the ceiling on a couch. It is necessary that the upper body is at an angle of 20-40 °. In this case, the muscles need to be relaxed as much as possible.
  2. Anesthesia … At this stage, local anesthesia is performed - a layer-by-layer injection of anesthetic into the area of exposure to the laser. Nerve endings are blocked after 5-10 minutes. With increased sensitivity of the patient, general anesthesia is also possible.
  3. Leather processing … For this, degreasing and antibacterial agents are used to remove all dirt and microbes on the desired surface. They thoroughly lubricate the necessary places, after which they wait for them to dry.
  4. Defining a contour … Before performing a circular facelift, the doctor draws lines and sets the points at which the micro-punctures will be made. This allows the procedure to be carried out with maximum precision.
  5. Working with a laser … A wave of a certain length is directed to the desired areas and penetrates approximately 2 mm under the skin. The duration and intensity of the exposure to the beam depends on the characteristics of the treated area. This is the main and most important part of the procedure.

Important! The use of a laser is completely safe for health, it eliminates bleeding and scars.

Circular facelift with radio waves without surgery

Circular facelift with radio waves
Circular facelift with radio waves

This type of lifting involves the penetration of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths into the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. As a result, the skin heats up and the collagen fibers are strengthened. Its elasticity depends on this protein! Improving blood circulation in tissues helps to give the skin a healthy and fresh look.

There is practically no discomfort during a circular facelift. To obtain the desired effect, 1-3 sessions of 30-40 minutes duration are required.

Stages of the radio wave pull-up:

  • Skin cleansing and toning … For these purposes, it is lubricated with a modeling gel that activates fibroblasts. These cells are responsible for the production of elastin and collagen, which affect the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Concentrate application with lifting effect … It is evenly spread over the area affected by the waves and left until absorbed.
  • Warming up the skin … This step takes 15 to 20 minutes. The temperature is selected based on the complexity of the problem. Getting a burn is completely excluded if a competent doctor works.
  • Moisturizing the skin … This is the final chord; to soften the dermis, the doctor uses green tea extracts and various oils (olive, almond).

Circular facelift surgery

Excision of excess skin with a scalpel
Excision of excess skin with a scalpel

In classic circular lifting, excess skin is excised with a scalpel with further tissue tightening. This technique involves working mainly with the dermis, the aponeurosis (muscle layer) is practically not affected.

The duration of the procedure is from 1 to 1.5 hours. It is carried out necessarily in a hospital and under general anesthesia. The patient at this time does not experience any pain or discomfort. The operation ends with sutures and a bandage, which is changed every few days.

Recovery takes 2 to 4 weeks. In the early days, numbness and tingling may be felt in the tightened area.

Features of rehabilitation after a circular facelift

Indovazin gel
Indovazin gel

The timing and complexity of a patient's recovery after a circular facelift depends on how it was performed. Common is the monthly ban on sunbathing and tanning beds. In the first 2 weeks, in no case should you visit the bathhouse and sauna. It is strongly recommended to stop using any caring and decorative cosmetics for 2-3 days.

Helpful tips on how to survive a facelift without any problems:

  1. Filament … The acute period lasts 3 days. That is how much retaining plasters remain on the face. At this time, you should chew food gently. Active mouth movements are not allowed. In order to avoid infection, punctures should be treated 3-4 times a day with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. For pain relief, you can apply pieces of ice to the treated area. On days 5-7, it is recommended to use ultrasound and phonophoresis to speed up recovery. The bandage and plaster are removed after about a week. After a month, all restrictions are lifted.
  2. Laser … Immediately after the procedure, the patient develops swelling at the site of exposure to the beam, they disappear within 3-5 days. It is advisable to spend the first night in the hospital. Within 2 weeks, a feeling of stiffness and heaviness may appear. For effective rehabilitation, it is important to give up alcohol, monitor blood pressure, and not take a hot bath / shower. In the presence of noticeable bruises, you can use special ointments and gels - Indovazin, Troxevasin, Express bruise.
  3. Radio wave … In this case, there is no rehabilitation period as such. The patient can immediately leave the hospital and return to their previous lifestyle. In the first 3 days after the procedure, there is a high probability of redness and swelling of the skin, which go away on their own.
  4. Surgical … A facelift in this way requires a 4-week recovery course. Ideally, the patient should stay in the hospital for at least 2-3 days. In the first 5 days, it is forbidden to use cosmetics. From time to time, it is necessary, at the discretion of the doctor, to do a dressing. The stitches are removed after 1-2 weeks. To speed up the process of tightening the wounds, lymphatic drainage massage and physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed.

What is a circular facelift - watch the video:

A facelift is a great alternative to botox and mesotherapy. It allows you to lose as much as 5-10 years painlessly and without health risks. It is very important that no serious complications arise after such a procedure. Feel free to choose it and you won't be mistaken!
