How to get rid of frustration

How to get rid of frustration
How to get rid of frustration

Everything about frustration: deciphering the concept, the reasons for its occurrence and the form of such mental discomfort. This article will provide guidance on how to get rid of the urge to get depressed after a major setback. Frustration is a state of the human psyche, which is associated with the dissatisfaction of one's desires due to the minimum possibilities for their realization in reality. You can want a lot, but you don't always get what you want. With this combination of circumstances, a person has a lot of negative emotions that can lead to undesirable consequences.

Description and mechanism of development of frustration

Defeat as the beginning of the development of frustration
Defeat as the beginning of the development of frustration

When this word is translated from Latin, such an expression becomes more understandable if it is voiced as failure, deception, frustration of plans and vain expectation. Some people confuse this term with deprivation, which is the unequivocal inability to fulfill their needs in life. It is one thing not to have at least some prospects for the future, and it is another thing to lose them in certain situations. In this state, people continue to fight for the achievement of the cherished goal, even if they do not know the way to realize what they want. It should also be remembered that such zeal can be both conscious and unconscious. Quite often, in this race for a cherished goal, a person develops a defensive reaction in order to adapt to reality in this way.

The phases of the formation of frustration can be characterized as follows:

  • Goal setting … Each person sets a certain bar for themselves to achieve their needs. It can be measured by desires of a personal or financial plan. The mechanisms of frustration are always triggered precisely at this stage of its formation.
  • Desire to achieve a goal … After making a decision to change his life, a person begins to take active steps to translate his plans into reality. In this case, a large amount of both moral strength and financial investment can be spent.
  • Defeat … This stage is the foundation for the development of frustration. Not every person is able to calmly accept such a blow of fate and not break down. Consequently, we are already talking about a painful reaction after not fulfilling their hopes.

All the voiced phases indicate that there is an elementary destruction of human dreams. The result of the development of frustration can be a variety of consequences, most of which are not a positive outcome of events.

Causes of frustration

Stress as a cause of frustration
Stress as a cause of frustration

In some cases, and out of the blue, a person is able to stumble. The state of frustration usually arises from such life situations:

  1. Stress … Sometimes it can form against the background of small failures, which ultimately lead to serious problems, including neurosis. If something happened that traumatizes the human psyche, then he definitely becomes a victim of such a state as frustration.
  2. Lack of material goods … It is this factor that often becomes an obstacle for a person if he wants to achieve a cherished goal. Sometimes people have high intelligence and have certain abilities, but cannot rise one step higher due to lack of money.
  3. Lack of education … The Institute for many becomes an unattainable goal due to the lack of financial opportunities. They stop believing in themselves and become depressed because they do not consider it possible to get a good job and decent wages. However, it is worth remembering that some famous people had enough elementary education for their name to be remembered by humanity. Although we must admit the fact that these were still isolated cases.
  4. Loss of health … If a person does not feel well or has disabilities, then he often becomes a victim of frustration. Having great emotional potential, he is not able to realize it in reality due to health difficulties.
  5. Personal problems … In some situations, people lose control of themselves when a violent reality enters their fantasy world. In this case, everything can collapse: love, friendship and trust. The result is frustration in its most striking manifestation.

If you carefully study the causes of this mental discomfort, you will notice some pattern. It is the external factors that most of all affect the emotional state of a person, introducing him into a state of depression.

Varieties of frustration

Lack of money as a reason for the formation of external frustration
Lack of money as a reason for the formation of external frustration

In this case, we should talk about different reasons for the formation of the problem. Psychologists have distinguished the varieties of this disorder as follows:

  • External frustration … With this type, financial problems are often observed. In this case, difficulties arise both through the fault of the person and without his intervention in the course of events. The loss of a loved one can also be called external frustration. The cause of such a metamorphosis in the minds of many individuals is usually illness, death or betrayal of someone who was dear to them. Often, external frustration is expressed in verbal manifestations in the form of insults and rudeness. In some cases, it is accompanied by a disordered motor reaction.
  • Internal frustration … In shaping this disappointment, a person's loss of health plays a role in their expectations. This type of frustration also implies the lack of performance of the individual for one reason or another. Psychologists believe that such a comparison of oneself and reality is often associated with a struggle between opposing motives. "I want - I can" is in this situation the basis of the fight with your own shadow. At best, this fight ends with the replacement of the old ideal with a new one or with intensification of efforts to achieve an already designated goal. This process is usually accompanied by the destruction of the usual algorithms of activity.

Ways to deal with frustration

Any mental discomfort must be eliminated, because a person's emotional state often affects his health. You can try to deal with this pathology yourself. In some cases, this works, but you should still consider seeking help from a specialist for severe depression.

Working on yourself with frustration

Communication as a way to deal with frustration
Communication as a way to deal with frustration

You should develop certain rules of behavior for yourself in order to cope with the existing problem. First of all, you should try the following self-therapy methods:

  1. Self-hypnosis … It is necessary to look for its positive sides in every trouble. It was not possible to take the coveted position - a sign that you should not strive for this place. Perhaps it simply does not fit, or it will not bring those emotions and financial returns that a person expects. If we are talking about the desire to possess the inaccessible, then it is necessary to really analyze the value of this object, to compare your capabilities for the short and long term. Often, after a detailed analysis, two decisions can be made: to abandon what was conceived due to the fact that it is not so important, or to develop a plan to achieve the desired, even if for a longer time.
  2. Analysis … The expression that there is a silver lining should become the basis for a person who has lost faith in himself. In this case, you can also remind yourself that it could be worse. It is necessary to take a sheet of paper and voice on it all that worries at the moment. Then it should be turned over and even worse scenarios should be written. Psychologists insist that such self-therapy always works.
  3. Comparison … This method can be called the most effective because it almost always works. If a person is unlucky in his career, then let him visit the labor exchange. With an unattainable desire for him to have his own apartment, you can visit a homeless shelter. Everything is learned in comparison, so frustration is perfectly treated in a similar way.
  4. Communication … To remove the focus of arousal, it is not necessary to engage in self-criticism. With obvious signs of frustration, you need to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones. If you stop looking solely at your problems, then it is realistic to see that relatives and friends are also prone to depression after not realizing their dreams.
  5. Refusal … It is not always necessary to strive for what is really inaccessible. Vain waiting only at first glance seems like a frivolous problem. In fact, this fact can bring a person to neurosis. Therefore, it is necessary to abstract from your unfulfilled desires and set yourself a new goal.
  6. Rejection of stereotypes … The forbidden fruit is sweet only if it is really worth the increased attention. Otherwise, it is necessary to get rid of such common phrases that do not elevate a person, but pull to the bottom.

Help of psychologists with the manifestation of frustration

Help of a psychologist with the manifestation of frustration
Help of a psychologist with the manifestation of frustration

Recently, it has become fashionable to seek help from a specialist at the slightest problem. However, in case of manifestations of frustration, psychologists can really help thanks to the following methods:

  • Losers Club … This method is quite interesting for the reason that with collective therapy it is possible to save a large number of people from the voiced problem. Deciding by joint efforts how to get out of frustration, the specialist conducts special trainings simultaneously with several people. Brothers on a psychological problem can not only openly talk about their goal, having received support, but also hear an objective assessment of how important and unattainable it is, as well as ideas for the implementation of the plan. To some extent, such a club resembles the community of Alcoholics Anonymous, where people with problems clearly articulate them.
  • Anti-frustrator method … Impact on consciousness of this kind implies direct contact between the psychologist and the patient. In most cases, he asks direct questions of a rather tough nature and requires direct answers. Usually, the phrases “was it worth it?”, “Is it worthy of attention? "And" this is not your format."
  • Hypnosis … In some particularly severe cases, it is necessary to block unmet needs. In this case, you should find a competent specialist who can provide qualified assistance to a person in need.
  • Aggression method … In a way, it resembles the already described therapy, but at the same time it is fundamentally different from it. In this issue, the emphasis is not on the belief in the wrong vision of the situation. The method of aggression implies the complete destruction of illusions in the most severe way, depriving a person of ghostly dreams.
  • Defensive motivation method … In this case, psychologists designate their front of work based on the person's temperament. It is easiest for a melancholic to abstract away from the situation that has arisen because of his inertia and tolerance for frustration. Choleric people are recommended to use the above sounded method of aggression. Phlegmatic persons are least of all susceptible to the described phenomenon, therefore, in the form of protective motivation, they are offered a conversation with a psychotherapist. Sanguine people most often themselves replace their needs with new goals to acquire what they want.

The consequences of frustration in humans

Aggression as a consequence of frustration
Aggression as a consequence of frustration

Each problem has its negative results, which are often not controlled by the person. With frustration, people can get rid of it on their own or fall into the following state:

  1. A world in fantasy … Life in a virtual space can become quite acceptable for a person for many years. But in fact, illusions will never allow him to take a worthy place in society, build a family and realize himself professionally.
  2. Unexplained aggression … If you want to get inaccessible, a person very often breaks down on people. The reason for his outburst of emotions may even be faulty household appliances, because literally everything annoys a person with signs of frustration.
  3. Personality regression … In especially severe cases, the futility of expectations becomes the last point in a person's desire for self-realization. He is aware of all his ambitions, but really begins to consider himself a worthless person. In the end, this is how it turns out, because water does not flow under the lying stone.

Unfortunately, in some situations, outside help is indispensable. Otherwise, a person will begin to plunge into the world of his illusions or simply muffle grief with alcohol or drugs.

How to deal with frustration - watch the video:

If you have to decide for yourself how to get rid of frustration, then first you just need to take self-analysis and objectively look at your goals. In the absence of a result, you should not neglect professional help. Otherwise, there is the possibility of falling into prolonged depression, which can result in neurosis and other serious consequences for health and personal life.
