Fitness for girls - we train hands

Fitness for girls - we train hands
Fitness for girls - we train hands

Girls rarely pay attention to hand training for fear of building large muscles. Find out how to properly train your arms in fitness for girls. Girls rarely pay much attention to arm training, preferring the buttocks. Today we will try to tell you how to properly train your arms in fitness for girls. This is quite an important point, since fitness involves the harmonious development of the whole body. If you are the owner of a well-trained abs, this does not mean that you can stop training it.

Unfortunately, many girls do not follow the basic principle, which as a result leads to imbalances in the development of muscles. Most often, girls try to avoid the concept of "hand training" because of the prevailing stereotypes. This immediately leads them to the idea of building a large muscle mass.

But it should be remembered that in the female body there is little testosterone, and in order to significantly increase muscle mass, you will need to make great efforts and most likely use steroids. This applies not only to the arms, but to all muscles. At the same time, girls need to train their hands no less than guys. This will remove excess subcutaneous fat or, on the contrary, eliminate excessive thinness. The muscles on the arms are the forearms, biceps, and triceps. You should also pay attention to the shoulder girdle, represented by deltas, but this is a topic for a separate article.

To make the most of your progress, you need to understand how muscles work and understand their anatomy. Agree that it is impossible to do physics when you are not familiar with mathematics. We will now talk about each muscle in more detail.

Biceps workout

Girl performs curls with a barbell
Girl performs curls with a barbell

We will not go into details, as this is unnecessary. It is enough to know that the biceps consists of two sections or heads, as they are also called. The main task of the biceps is to bend the arm at the elbow. Also, the biceps also has an auxiliary purpose - it turns the forearm outward.

Thus, simple curls are sufficient to effectively work out the biceps. It is also necessary to say that it is quite simple to diversify the load. To do this, you can change the width of the grip and turn the forearm at different angles. This is necessary so that the muscles do not get used to the monotonous load, and is one of the main principles.

If the load does not change, then the muscles will quickly get used to it and your training will lose its meaning. To prevent this, you should try all sorts of options. For example, the grip can be standard (shoulder-width apart), narrow (palms almost touching each other), and also a reverse grip. This will significantly diversify the load and make your progress constant.

It is enough to work on the biceps once a week, while performing no more than two exercises, which should be changed every lesson. For example, today you did dumbbell curls and an EZ bar. In the next session, you should use two other exercises (say, Scottish bench curls and concentrated curls), of which there are quite a few. Perhaps the most popular and effective ones should be noted:

  • Bending the arms with a barbell in a standing position.
  • Standing EZ Bar Curl.
  • Flexion of the arms using the Cattle bench, and both a barbell and dumbbells can be used as weights.
  • Concentrated seated curls.
  • Alternating bending of the arms while sitting or standing.

Triceps workout

Girl push up from the floor
Girl push up from the floor

The triceps are located on the back of the arm, opposite the biceps. If we draw an analogy with the name of the muscle, which we examined a little higher, then it becomes clear that the triceps consists of three sections (heads).

The main function of the triceps is to extend the arm. Unlike the biceps, the load on the triceps can be changed by the grip itself, but not by its width. In total, you can use three types of grips: straight (palms facing towards you), reverse (palms facing away from you) and parallel (using a rope grip, and palms facing each other).

Most of the exercises for the development of triceps in girls are designed to use the upper block trainer. The first two types of grips can be achieved using a standard straight grip, while the latter requires ropes.

As with biceps, you will need to alternate the load by varying the exercises, the best of which are:

  • Extension of the arms on the upper block - all three types of grip are used.
  • Push-ups with narrow arms.
  • Extension of arms with dumbbells behind the head in a sitting position.
  • Push-ups from the bench with an emphasis on triceps.

Forearm workout

The girl is pushing up from the floor on one hand
The girl is pushing up from the floor on one hand

This muscle group includes a large number of small muscles, the main task of which is to bend the arm at the wrist. There is no reason for girls to worry about the relief of the forearms. This fact somewhat simplifies training, but does not exempt from it.

While men need special exercises that emphasize the load on the forearm, girls do not need them at all. They are quite enough for the development of this group and those exercises that are performed during training biceps and triceps. Since there are a lot of combinations, it will be easy for you to change the load. The main thing is not to forget to do this, and you can quickly see the progress.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that girls should not be afraid to train their arms. Gaining muscle mass is quite difficult for you due to the characteristics of the female body. But thanks to trained hands, you will give a complete look to your figure, in which all parts of the body will be harmoniously developed.

If you decide to do fitness, then you need to adhere to the basic principles of this sport. This is the only way you can create an attractive figure and harmoniously develop all the muscles.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the technique of performing exercises for training hands in this video from Zinaida Rudenko:
