Description of the spice. What biologically active compounds does a clove have? Does it have medicinal properties? Caloric content of the product. Risk of excessive addition to food. Contraindications to the use of the seasoning. Cooking recipes. Interesting facts about the spice. In addition, the components of cloves help the body recover after prolonged treatment with medications or contact with toxic materials. The lesions of the mucous membranes and epithelium are removed. Also, the spice has a sedative property, the feeling of anxiety and irritability disappears, vital energy is restored after mental overwork, and there is a sedative effect on the nervous system.
Harm and contraindications to the use of cloves

Despite the fact that cloves are characterized by an impressive list of medicinal properties, the risk of excessive use of the spice remains the same. There is a likelihood of pain in the stomach, an increase in body temperature, hormonal disruptions and stool disorders. It must be remembered that everything has its own measure.
Consequences of abuse of cloves:
- Allergic reaction of the body … Inflammation of the duodenum, sweating and rapid heart rate, sleep problems, damage to the autonomic and central nervous system, harm to the gastrointestinal tract, abundant gas formation, limbs become cold, tremors, dilated pupils, difficulty swallowing, less oxygen enters the brain.
- Poisoning … The components of the spice can negatively affect vision, provoke conjunctivitis, worsen the accommodation of the eyes, cause endocrine disorders, flatulence, heart failure, diarrhea, constipation, pathogenic microflora, skin rash, itching and redness.
- Frequent urge to use the toilet … Urination is stimulated, digestion processes are disturbed, negative reflection on the work of the liver and kidneys occurs, constipation occurs, phosphorus and calcium are washed out of bone tissues, excessive irritability appears.
- Deterioration of peristalsis … Muscle contractility is impaired, the absorption of biologically active substances slows down, a failure in the elimination of waste products, the development of pathogenic microflora, the formation of polyps.
- Increased blood pressure … Dizziness, migraine, weakness, apathy, skin discoloration, fainting, blurred vision, renal failure, sudden weight gain, myocardial infarction.
Before adding this spice to food, you need to make sure that it does not provoke an allergic reaction. You should be examined by a qualified professional.
Absolute contraindications for cloves:
- Hypertension … The components of cloves increase blood pressure and can provoke swelling of the face, exacerbate cough, pain in the back of the head, tinnitus, heart failure, blurred vision, shortness of breath, muscle cramps.
- Pregnancy and lactation … There is a risk of deterioration of milk quality, harm to the child, cause an allergic reaction, redness and rashes on the skin, weaken the immune system.
- Individual intolerance to individual components … Deterioration of fermentation and synthesis of nutrients, frequent and acidic belching, heartburn, slowing blood flow, stool and concentration disorders, fever, heart palpitations, slowing down of thought processes, detrimental effects on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, abundant gas formation.
- Increased acidity … Burning sensation in the oral cavity, impaired digestion, aching pains, nausea, frequent belching, vomiting, iron deficiency anemia, the development of pathogenic microflora, diarrhea, deterioration of the skin and hair.
Also, do not use cloves if you are overworked or physically stressed.
Clove recipes

The spice is most often used in the manufacture of marinades, confectionery and canned fish products. Cloves are paired with cinnamon, meat, fruits, alcohol, vegetables and nuts. It is not recommended to subject the spice to prolonged heat treatment, otherwise both taste and aroma will evaporate. The following culinary recipes for cloves are distinguished, which are distinguished by their nutritional value, unique taste and beneficial effects on the body:
- Home brew … A loaf of white and black bread is cut into cubes, dried and combined in a saucepan with 2 teaspoons of salt, 5 grams of cinnamon, 350 grams of malt and a teaspoon of cloves. In a separate bowl 0.25 l of filtered water, dilute 30 grams of yeast and pour over the rest of the ingredients. Mix thoroughly and put in a warm, but not sunny place for three days. 100 grams of hops are poured over with hot water, and 20 grams of sugar are fried until honey color. Add to the pan to the bread. Pour 5 liters of water and 3 teaspoons of baking soda. They put it back in a warm place. Homemade beer will be ready after 2 weeks of fermentation.
- Ketchup … Wash 2 kilograms of tomatoes and 300 grams of apples, cut the stalks and chop in half. Add 250 grams of onion cut into half rings to them and put on low heat. The boiling ingredients simmer for another 2 hours. Then the contents are allowed to cool and passed through a blender. After that, rub the resulting puree through a sieve so that the mass is homogeneous. Then add half a tablespoon of salt, 4 teaspoons of sugar and a teaspoon of ground nutmeg and cinnamon to the ketchup. Cook over low heat for half an hour. Then add 80 ml of vinegar and a teaspoon of red pepper. The finished dressing is rolled up in sterile jars, allowed to cool and placed in a place of permanent storage.
- Homemade cherry wine … A kilogram of berries is washed, pitted and passed through a blender. 2 liters of water, several bay leaves, 4 clove buds and sugar are poured into the resulting puree at your own discretion. The liquid is put on a slow fire, stirred periodically and the foam is removed. Then the berries are placed under a press and diluted with water. Then they put me under pressure again. As a result, the compressed juices are poured into a large bottle and placed in a cold place for 5 days. Then they are lightened with egg white. After two weeks, the wine will be ready.
- Pork loin … A kilogram of loin is washed, dried with paper towels and cut into small slices no thicker than 3 cm. Rub with salt and black pepper. Fry the meat on both sides in an oiled and well-heated skillet. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. Then each piece of loin is wrapped in foil and put there sesame seeds, parsley and cloves to taste. The meat is placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-13 minutes. After that, reduce the temperature to 170 and bake for about 7 minutes.
- Pickled beets … 2 large beets are washed thoroughly and boiled in a little water. The vegetables are then peeled and cut into thin slices. Meanwhile, the marinade is being prepared. Half a liter of water is boiled, a few cloves buds, a teaspoon of sugar, a few bay leaves, a pinch of ground cinnamon, a teaspoon of salt and a glass of vinegar are poured. Then the beets are laid out in sterile marinade jars and rolled up with lids.
- Masala tea … In a container, mix a teaspoon of ground nutmeg, cardamom, 3 clove buds and ginger passed through a fine grater. Then a glass of milk, 2 tea bags, 3 teaspoons of sugar and spices are poured into the pan. Cook over low heat, stirring regularly. The drink is served both hot and cold. Quenches thirst well.
It is not recommended to add a lot of cloves to alcoholic drinks and vinegar, as this will increase the bitterness of the food several times. If the main goal is to give the dish an unobtrusive and light aroma, then it is worth adding spice at the very end.
Interesting facts about carnation

The first mention of the spice can be seen in medical and Ayurvedic works of 1400 BC.
In Europe, cloves began to be cultivated in the 18th century. Allocated its disinfecting and antibacterial properties, it was believed that the spice allows you to treat rheumatism.
Ground cloves are not very popular as they quickly lose their taste and aroma properties. It becomes unacceptable for consumption. It is advisable to grind the spice just before adding it to the dishes. But you can slightly enhance the taste by frying in a pan.
The tree bears fruit abundantly twice a year, and its lifespan reaches 100 years.
Clove leaves become supple after fermentation and leave an ethereal oily trail when pressed.
To determine the consumer qualities of a clove, it is thrown into water. If the fruit sinks or floats with its cap up, then it is suitable. If the position is horizontal, then this indicates the volatilization of the essential oil. You should also pay attention to the flexibility of the petioles. If the buds are wrinkled and too dry, then the spice is most likely old. In Indonesia, 1/3 of the carnation leaves are filled with specific kretek cigarettes. They sometimes combine with marijuana.
To obtain one kilogram of essential oil by distillation, 20 kg of buds and leaves are fed.
In Indian folk medicine, the spice is used in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, to normalize the nervous system and as a warming agent. To get rid of moths, mosquitoes or flies, carnation flowers are stuck tightly into a lemon cut in half and placed in the corners of the room. Insects cannot tolerate this concentration of essential oils.
As an aromatherapy, clove is most often used in the countries of the Far East. She is included in perfumery compositions, in particular Paloma Picasso.
At the court of the Chinese dynasty of the Han emperors in the 2nd century BC, they discovered that cloves were able to eliminate unpleasant odors. For this reason, before receiving from the ruler, the subjects kept the spice in their mouths. The same method was used at the court of Queen Elizabeth 1 - the servants kept the buds in special gilded boxes. Watch a video about carnation:

The wide distribution of cloves is due to its harmonious chemical composition, invaluable benefits for the body, unique taste and inimitable aroma.