How to sunbathe in a solarium

How to sunbathe in a solarium
How to sunbathe in a solarium

What is a tanning procedure in a solarium, possible contraindications and rules for staying under the rays of artificial ultraviolet radiation, depending on the color and type of skin. Tanning in a tanning bed is a quick and relatively safe option for getting an even chocolate skin tone. To get a tan, it is enough to visit the room with ultraviolet lamps just a few times. But at the same time, it is important to comply with safety requirements and rules so as not to harm the epidermis.

How often can I sunbathe and visit the solarium

Artificial sun bath
Artificial sun bath

The solarium is especially popular with the fair sex in winter and spring, before going out to the open beaches. Many ladies strive to get an even chocolate skin color as soon as possible and therefore want to go to the solarium as often as possible. However, it should be remembered that haste in this case is unacceptable. You cannot often visit baths with artificial ultraviolet light.

In order to get an even skin tone, in most cases, it takes four to six trips to the solarium. Dermatologists have a universal formula for the frequency of tanning visits: 50/48, where 50 is the maximum number of tanning sessions during the year, and 48 is the minimum number of hours between them. The principle of tanning is that ultraviolet light damages the skin. The latter, as a protective reaction, produces a special substance - melanin. It is responsible for the brown tint of the epidermis. It's important to give your skin one to two days to calm down after an injury. However, when choosing a suitable regime for visiting an artificial sunbathing, you should also take into account the individual characteristics of your skin. There are four main types of epidermis for which dermatologists have developed guidelines for the frequency of visits to tanning beds:

  • Celtic type … This type includes about two percent of Europeans. Such people are characterized by very light white-pink skin, they often have freckles and red hair, light eyes. The pigment in the epidermis of these people is practically not formed, so exposure to the sun is often fraught with burns, not sunburn. Therefore, it is not recommended for the "Celts" to visit the solarium at all. Maximum - no more than three to five minutes under the lamp and no more than once a week.
  • Nordic type … They are a group of light-skinned Europeans who have blue, gray, or green eyes, and sometimes freckles. They have blonde or light brown hair. These people also have a fairly sensitive skin to the sun's rays, so they get burned easily. However, you can visit the solarium with caution. Recommended - no more than twice within seven days.
  • Central European type … This is the most common group of people, accounting for about 80% of the population of Europe. Such representatives have slightly dark skin, no freckles. Natural hair color - from light brown to brown. These people tan well enough, they can easily achieve a bronze skin tone. They can go to the solarium three to four times a week.
  • Mediterranean type … Approximately 8% of Europeans are of this type. They have dark hair, eyes, and their skin is naturally dark. These people almost never get sunburn; their genetic characteristics are responsible for this. They tan quickly and the acquired skin tone lasts for a long time. They can go to the solarium at least every day, but, of course, it is not worth doing this, since, in addition to burns, artificial sun can cause other harm to the skin - cause dryness, earlier aging, and also increase the risk of cancer.

In addition, there are two more types of epidermis - Indonesian and African American. However, in our latitudes, such people are quite rare, and the issue of tanning in a solarium is of little relevance for them, since their skin naturally has a dark shade.

How many minutes do you need to sunbathe in the solarium

Sunbathing in the solarium
Sunbathing in the solarium

Whatever type of skin you have, remember that the first session in a tanning bed should be minimal in time and should be no more than five minutes, if your dermis is not too sensitive to sunlight.

The further amount of time is determined on an individual basis:

  • People with very light skin are advised to visit the solarium for a maximum of 10 minutes. The first procedure takes about three minutes.
  • If you have light skin, sometimes it burns, but in general it lends itself well to tanning, then the time of the first session should be from three to five minutes. Further, you can increase the duration of the procedure up to 10-15 minutes.
  • For brown-haired women with not too light skin, the time of visiting the solarium is 20 minutes maximum.
  • For dark-skinned people, the maximum session duration is also 20 minutes. A few procedures are enough for them to achieve an even skin tone.

Contraindications to visiting the solarium

Bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma

Before the first session, you need to find out whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium with health pathologies, and be sure to consult a doctor. Ideally, this is a dermatologist, oncologist and gynecologist.

Firstly, there are a number of health contraindications for sunbathing with artificial ultraviolet light. Secondly, there are certain medications that increase sensitivity to sunlight and can trigger allergies to ultraviolet light.

The main contraindications to visiting a solarium are: various gynecological diseases, genetic predisposition to melanoma, diseases of the endocrine system and thyroid gland, benign and malignant neoplasms, severe forms of tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, any acute ailments and exacerbations of chronic ones.

It is also not recommended to visit the solarium for children under 16 years of age. Their skin is not yet fully formed and is very delicate, so burns appear on it easily. If you have a lot of moles or age spots on your body, then it is also better not to go to the solarium.

Women who have recently visited the beauty parlor and performed various beauty procedures - peeling, skin resurfacing, and so on - should wait with artificial ultraviolet light. It is advisable to wait at least one month for a break. It is also not recommended to visit the solarium immediately after hair removal.

Of course, pregnant women and during lactation should not sunbathe under the artificial sun. Solarium is not recommended during menstruation. As for medicines, it is contraindicated to sunbathe in a solarium while taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antidepressants, medicines that are designed to stabilize blood pressure. Ultraviolet light can reduce their effectiveness, and when interacting, unpredictable reactions from the body are likely. Therefore, during periods of treatment, it is better not to take risks.

How to properly prepare before sunbathing in a solarium for the first time

Face make-up removal before solarium
Face make-up removal before solarium

If you have never been to a tanning salon, it is best to make a test visit to find out what you need for your first visit. Typically, a basic kit includes the following basic items:

  1. Towel and slippers … In most cases, good salons provide disposable hygiene items. But since you are going for the first time, it will not hurt to take all your own with you.
  2. Hair band … Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light does not have the best effect on the condition of the hair, so protect it with a scarf or bandage. However, many salons provide disposable hats.
  3. Tanning cosmetics … In the case of a tanning bed, conventional beach sunscreens are not suitable. Therefore, you will have to purchase special cosmetics.
  4. Glasses … They are issued in a solarium and are subject to mandatory use.
  5. Swimsuit … This is the recommended attribute. Covering your nipples and genitals is especially important. Some women prefer to sunbathe in the nude. In this case, you should at least cover the nipple area with stickers and thin non-synthetic panties for the genital area.
  6. Make-up remover … Make-up must be removed before visiting the solarium.
  7. Cosmetics after sunbathing … It should also be in your makeup bag. Its function is to moisturize and soothe the epidermis after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Prepare your skin before visiting a tanning bed. It is recommended to do this in several stages if you want to sunbathe in a solarium without harm to your health. Let's consider the main stages:

  • Skin peeling … Before the session, it will not be superfluous to carry out a light peeling or scrubbing. However, do not do these procedures in specialized salons. As a rule, they offer deep cleaning, after which it is impossible to visit the solarium for a certain time. A light superficial exfoliation can be done during a shower, about an hour before the tanning bed begins. This will not only cleanse your skin, but also remove dead skin cells from its surface, which will benefit your tan. He will lie down even and last longer. You can use your usual favorite scrub for these purposes.
  • Face Makeup Remover … This is a prerequisite for visiting the solarium. Moreover, it is best to wash off makeup 2-3 hours before the session. Some cosmetics penetrate deeply into the skin. You should also rinse the perfume off the body.
  • Applying lip balm … In these areas, the skin is very delicate and thin. Therefore, under the influence of ultraviolet lamps, it will dry out and peel off. It is recommended to cover your lips with hygienic lipstick or balm.
  • Protection of moles and age spots … It is advisable that moles, especially convex ones, do not fall under the rays of artificial ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to cover them with suitable napkins. In the same way, tattoos, especially fresh ones, should be protected from direct radiation.

How to sunbathe in a solarium with cosmetics

To get a beautiful and seductive tan, there are simple rules to follow. It is especially important to follow the recommendations during the first session. Also take into account the advice of specialists directly in the solarium, who will indicate the exact time spent under the lamps, taking into account their power.

How to tan in a tanning bed using cream for fair skin

Tanning in a solarium with cream for fair skin
Tanning in a solarium with cream for fair skin

Too light-skinned people need to sunbathe in a solarium carefully and always with the use of protective cosmetics.

If you want to get a beautiful tan in a short time, you are advised to choose a cream with bronzers. It is they who act as tanning activators, working like "self-tanning", but showing their effect under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Thus, women with very fair skin can get a beautiful golden skin tone without harming it. If you have very sensitive skin, you should opt for products with vegetable oils - olive, sandalwood. Also, such representatives should visit the solarium as rarely as possible, which means that you need to make sure that the resulting tan lasts as long as possible. For this, there are cosmetics with vitamin D and watermelon extract. If you have very light skin (Celtic type), then creams with bronzers should be natural and contain extracts of henna, walnut.

For an even golden hue, rather than a brown shade, an accelerator cream will do. It speeds up the production of melanin.

Women who belong to the second skin type and have a light epidermis, but not very sensitive to sunlight, can opt for a cream with a natural bronzer. However, the volume of the bronzing components must be controlled. So, you can start sunbathing using a product with a small amount of bronzers. Gradually, you can move on to the use of products with an enhanced tanning effect. Keep in mind that the effect of bronzers wears off after a few days, but the actual tan remains.

Creams with a body blush effect give a good effect for light-skinned people. They help improve blood flow, oxygenate the epidermis and achieve a beautiful, naturally tanned complexion.

How to quickly tan in a solarium using cream for dark skin

Tanning in a solarium with cream for dark skin
Tanning in a solarium with cream for dark skin

Tanning cream in a solarium is a must-have attribute for those who want to get an even and healthy tan under artificial ultraviolet light. Do not ignore this rule, believing that you have dark skin, which means that your tan will fall flat anyway. Special cosmetics are needed not only to enhance tanning, but also to moisturize the epidermis. Ultraviolet light dries the skin harshly, which is why it ages quickly.

Only allergy sufferers and people with very oily epidermis who take ultraviolet baths to dry their skin can not use special cosmetics in a solarium.

If you go to the solarium to enhance the natural darkening, to make the chocolate shade more pronounced, then choose a cream with a bronzer that suits your color type. You can also opt for creams with accelerators and tingle-effect cosmetics. The latter helps to accelerate blood flow, helps to achieve an even color in the shortest possible time. However, such sun-enhancing creams are not suitable for people with sensitive skin, as this is fraught with irritation and allergies.

How to sunbathe and visit the solarium without cream

Tanning in a solarium without cream
Tanning in a solarium without cream

In some cases, it is permissible to use vegetable oils rather than special cosmetics for visiting the solarium. This is justified in cases where a woman has a tendency to allergies. Recommended moisturizers for visiting a tanning bed are coconut oil, shea, avocado, walnut, olive. They can be applied both in pure form and in combination. In this case, you cannot use ethers with a strong odor. It is recommended to apply oils just before tanning session. They should be applied in a thin, even layer over the entire body.

Do not use mineral cosmetic oils, such as Johnson's Baby, to moisturize the skin in tanning beds. Such a product will clog pores, form an airtight film on the skin's surface, and may even cause thermal burns.

How best to sunbathe in a solarium: general recommendations

Tanning in a horizontal solarium
Tanning in a horizontal solarium

Currently, there are two main types of tanning salons - horizontal and vertical. Both of these types are widely used in beauty salons. Tanning in them has its own characteristics.

It is convenient to lie in the horizontal solarium, relaxing during the procedure. In this case, the body sunbathes almost completely, including the feet. However, there is a risk that the areas that were in the fold in the supine position will not be covered with tan. Such areas may become pale. Also, when placed horizontally, the upper part of the body tans worse. In addition, the UV lamps in such a booth are slightly weaker, so you will have to lie under the rays of the artificial sun longer than in a vertical solarium. In a vertical solarium, the client has to stand during the entire procedure. At the same time, he does not touch any surfaces, which is considered more hygienic. In a vertical cab, the upper part of the body is better tanned. These solariums are equipped with more powerful lamps, so the procedure takes less time and can be reduced to 5-10 minutes, instead of 15-20 in a horizontal booth. Such a short session exposes the skin to less risk of drying out and dehydration, and is considered more gentle. Light-skinned people are recommended to sunbathe in horizontal installations with low power lamps. But the dark-skinned can have sessions in vertical booths with high-pressure lamps. How to sunbathe in a solarium - watch the video:

Tanning in a solarium differs from natural only by the time spent under ultraviolet rays. The duration of the sessions under the artificial sun is much shorter than under the natural one. Therefore, the skin is less dry, is at risk of rapid aging and the development of various dangerous diseases. However, in order not to jeopardize your health, it is important to adhere to all requirements when visiting a tanning salon.
