It would seem, well, what could be easier than boiling potatoes in their skins? But, nevertheless, even this type of potato cooking has its own characteristics and subtleties. And which ones, read in this article.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Many people still argue about which potatoes are tastier, with or without peels. Of course, there is no definite answer, since it's a matter of taste. Some people prefer the taste of potatoes with the skin, while others like the taste of it cooked without it. Opinions also differ regarding the benefits. Evaluating the product on the one hand, it can be noted that all the nutrients are collected just under the peel, because it protects tubers from the loss of vitamins and minerals. But at the same time, harmful substances, like nitrates, are collected under the skin of a potato, which we get rid of by peeling it.
For cooking jacket potatoes, it is best to choose tubers of the same size, small and medium. This will cook them evenly and faster. If you use them differently, then the small ones will quickly boil up, and the large ones will remain tough. Then it will be difficult to determine the optimal cooking time. There are also other rules on how to cook potatoes properly.
- The water should completely cover the potatoes, even with a small margin, for boiling.
- To prevent the peel from bursting, the water is salted at the beginning of cooking. 1 tsp will be enough. for 2-2, 5 liters of water, but more is possible.
- Another secret that prevents bursting of the skin is to add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to the water before laying the potatoes.
- The readiness of the vegetable is checked by piercing it with a toothpick - it should easily enter. If you do it with a knife or fork, then the finished tubers may fall apart.
- When checking readiness, it is not recommended to pierce potatoes many times, because vitamins are digested through lesions on the skin.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 61 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - about 30 minutes

- Potatoes - 4 pcs.
- Salt - 1/3 tsp or to taste
How to boil new jacket potatoes

1. Wash the potatoes and place them in a cooking pot. When buying it, pay attention so that old small-sized tubers are not sold under the guise of young potatoes. These can be determined by scratching the fruit with a fingernail, the skin should easily come off.

2. Pour hot drinking water over the tubers or immediately immerse them in boiling water. The water should completely cover the potatoes. Also add salt and stir.

3. Place the pot on the stove and boil. After boiling, bring the heat to low, cover the pot and cook for about 20 minutes. Then check the readiness with a toothpick. If it pierces the fruit halfway easily, drain the water. Leave the potatoes in a saucepan and return to the stove, where they hold for 1-2 minutes, so that the moisture evaporates and it becomes dry.

4. Use the prepared potatoes as directed. For example, add butter (or for a vegetarian dish, drizzle with vegetable oil or olive oil) and serve alone. You can also add finely chopped dill or season with minced garlic. It can also be cut into 2-4 pieces and fried in a pan or peeled and added to any salad.
See also a video recipe on how to cook young potatoes with herbs.