The benefits and harms of soda-based deodorants, recipes for products that are easy to make at home, the rules of use and the result of the application. Baking soda is an affordable remedy found in every home to reduce sweating without blocking the sebaceous glands. The white powder prevents the growth of bacteria and therefore the spread of unpleasant odors. On the basis of sodium bicarbonate, you can prepare multi-component effective deodorants at home. Their main plus is the natural composition and the absence of aluminum salts, which are present in industrial antiperspirants and negatively affect the human body.
The benefits of baking soda as a deodorant

Baking soda is an acidic salt of carbonic acid and sodium, known to all housewives as an indispensable tool in the preparation of confectionery and bakery products. However, this white powder is also often used as an alternative to synthetic deodorants or antiperspirants.
Today, more and more people want to get away from the use of drugs that include parabens, which affect the appearance of breast cancer, and aluminum salts, which lead to atherosclerosis and diseases of the nervous system. Baking soda does not contain such substances, it is rich in other components that have a positive effect on the body.
What are the beneficial properties of soda:
- Antacid … Aimed at stabilizing the pH level of the dermis. In a normal state, the indicator of acid-base balance is close to 5.5, and if the skin is dry, it is 4.4. During sweating, it increases, and baking soda works as a stabilizer for this process.
- Antiseptic … Reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and soothes damage to the dermis. If store products completely block perspiration, then baking soda, due to its powdery consistency, reduces the volume of sweat production by 20-30%.
- Bactericidal … Eliminates the acidic environment under the armpits, which often leads to the growth of bacteria and, as a result, the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The use of baking soda prevents the growth of bacteria.
- Leaching … It removes alkalis from the blood, mucous membranes, preventing the development of an unpleasant odor, which is characteristic of the accumulation of alkalis in the body.
- Drying … Works by analogy with the powder that is used for the face. Clogs the pores a little, but does not clog them, allowing oxygen to enter the cells. Thanks to this effect, a person gets several hours of time when his armpits remain completely dry and there is no sweat smell.
Soda as a deodorant is suitable for people who suffer from allergies to other products, or adherents of natural cosmetics.
Note! To achieve the desired effect, you need to use soda correctly. You shouldn't be guided by the rule: the more, the better. In this case, you risk ruining your clothes.
Contraindications and harm of soda instead of deodorant

Soda has the property of irritating the walls of the stomach, so it basically has contraindications for oral use. External use is considered relatively bladeless, but also has its own nuances.
When does soda harm:
- With prolonged (up to several days) and close contact with the epidermis, it can cause irritation, dehydration and even the appearance of wounds.
- If sodium bicarbonate is applied to an open wound, the person will experience discomfort. This method has nothing to do with the treatment of hyperhidrosis.
- Using baking soda every day instead of deodorant for several months can cause an allergic reaction - itching and redness.
- It is forbidden to use it for warts, cuts, severe dryness of the dermis. Any individual features of the skin require consultation with a specialist before applying baking soda in any form.
The main criterion in the issue of the tolerance of the white powder is your personal well-being and the reaction of the epidermis. If you notice that the skin has become dry, dehydrated or there is a tightening effect in the armpits, stop using this product, it is not suitable for you.
Soda deodorant recipes
By itself, baking soda gives an excellent result, protecting from the smell of sweat for 3-4 hours. To make the soda deodorant softer, with a subtle but pronounced aroma and delicate structure, various auxiliary components can be added to the main ingredient. You can experiment with the selection of accompanying elements, but for those who first take on the creation of anti-sweat products, it is better to stick to proven recipes.
DIY deodorant made of soda with soap and oils

Antiperspirant with oils and soaps is ideal for those with dry and sensitive underarm skin. Useful trace elements in the composition of the soap and the vitamin complex of oils moisturize the epidermis, and soda eliminates bacteria. Plus, this deodorant is very easy to use.
Sweat preparation technology:
- Get a bar of quality, fragrance-free, palm oil-free baby soap. Cut it into pieces, place in a metal container.
- Prepare oak broth: take 2 tbsp. l. dry oak bark and pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire and let it boil for 5-7 minutes. Oak bark is known for its drying effect, so it is ideal for enhancing the properties of a homemade antiperspirant deodorant.
- Pour 100 ml of oak broth into the prepared soap and put on fire. The soap should melt and acquire a creamy texture.
- When the liquid soap has cooled down a little, add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. In no case do not pour white powder into a hot soapy mass - soda will immediately lose some of its beneficial properties.
- Then add 5 drops of bergamot essential oil, a well-known elixir that can help treat hyperhidrosis. It contains vitamin C and sesquiterpene alcohols, which inhibit the growth of bacteria and strengthen the immune system.
- From the resulting plasticine-like mass, form a bar that is convenient for you. Best of all is an oval-shaped product that is easy to grasp on one side, and treat the armpit area on the other.
If you use laundry soap in the preparation, then the product is suitable for treating the feet and will also give an excellent result, eliminating the unpleasant odor.
Homemade deodorant with baking soda and starch

Cornstarch is an emollient and works well with baking soda to make the dry sweat deodorant soft to the touch. If you prefer denser products, you can enrich this base mix with different ingredients to add flavor and nutritional benefits.
How to make a baking soda and starch deodorant:
- Combine 2 tbsp in a glass container. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. corn starch. Starch, in addition to its delicate texture, also has the ability to absorb fats, for which it is actively used in cosmetology.
- In a steam bath, melt solid cocoa essential oil to make 5 tbsp. l., and carefully add it to the dry mixture. Mix thoroughly. Cocoa butter is hypoallergenic, deeply moisturizes the dermis, unclogs pores and has healing properties.
- Add 5 g of beeswax to this mass to thicken the deodorant. In addition, wax is useful in this product because it maintains optimal water balance and also softens the dermis.
- For flavor, add 5 drops of lavender oil and stir well.
- Form the product into a block or ball and place in a ceramic container.
- Store deodorant in the refrigerator.
Note! You can replace starch with white clay, which will also gently interact with the skin, nourishing it with beneficial trace elements. Its main active ingredient - koalin - has drying and cleansing properties.
Homemade deodorant with baking soda and herbs

Hard deodorants, despite their effectiveness, are not to everyone's liking. On the basis of soda, it is easy to get a familiar antiperspirant, which can be sprayed on the armpit area and get rid of the unpleasant odor. It is not difficult to make such a remedy, the main thing is to pre-prepare a herbal decoction, which will act as the basis of a deodorant.
Rules for preparing a liquid product:
- Make a decoction of herbs, flowers, or roots. For this purpose, a string, linden, chamomile are ideal. For cooking, pour 2 tbsp. l. herbal collection 250 ml of water and let it boil for 20 minutes.
- Strain and cool the broth and add to it, stirring constantly, 4 tbsp. l. soda.
- To soften the effect of deodorant, add 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, which has a calming effect.
- For a subtle scent, add 5-7 drops of rose essential oil.
You can prepare an alternative version of such a liquid product, where, instead of a herbal decoction, take a weak saline solution - 1 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of water. Salt draws out pathogenic fluid from tissues and has an absorbing property. It is the soda-salt deodorant that is the ideal product that will not leave yellow marks on clothes. What's more, salt and baking soda are often used to remove these stains.
The liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days, but must be shaken vigorously before each use.
How to use baking soda instead of deodorant

Soda-based deodorant can be applied to the dermis in different ways, it all depends on the person's preference and the consistency of the product.
Soda use options:
- As a mono-remedy for sweating … Dry soda should be rubbed with light movements into the places where sweat is excreted - the area of the armpits and feet. The armpit skin should be smooth and free of hairs. At the same time, sodium bicarbonate should not be applied to the freshly shaved area, as irritation may appear. It is best to apply it the next day. After applying the white powder, lightly wipe off the excess with a cotton cloth so that it does not leave marks on the clothes.
- Spray … Place liquid deodorant in a spray container. Shake and spray the underarms area from a distance of 10-15 centimeters 2-3 times before use. Wait for the liquid to dry before putting on your clothes. If you put it on right away, it will absorb the remains of the product, and its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.
- Like a solid deodorant … A solid soda-based product should be taken by hand and passed over the skin several times. You will achieve a greater effect if the surface of the epidermis is smoothly shaved. For convenience, make a cotton cover for the bar.
Any soda-based sweat remedy keeps the result for 3-4 hours, then bacteria break through the protective layer and begin to multiply. That is why soda deodorants have to be used several times during the day in order to prolong their effect.
The result of using baking soda instead of deodorant

Using baking soda instead of deodorant once a day won't get rid of your sweat smell for 24 hours, but in any case, opting for a sodium bicarbonate-based product will change the way the sebaceous glands work and normalize the pH level.
What real improvements can you feel after using baking soda?
- An antiperspirant stabilizes the work of the sweat glands, reducing sweat production and reducing its pungent odor. Soda is often used not only to eliminate sweat and its aroma, but also to treat hyperhidrosis. With prolonged use, there is an improvement, the person sweats less.
- Powdery powder removes alkalis, cleansing the body through the pores. The increased alkali content negatively affects digestion, skin condition, etc.
- Kills bacteria. Creates a specific environment in which they lose their ability to reproduce.
- Moderate use of baking soda makes the dermis soft and soft to the touch. By choosing natural products based on sodium bicarbonate, you care about the condition of your skin and its health.
How to make soda deodorant - watch the video:

To get the opportunity to use baking soda deodorant when the opportunity arises, carry with you solid products that will delicately protect your skin from perspiration and bacteria accumulation.