Can you lose weight with baking soda?

Can you lose weight with baking soda?
Can you lose weight with baking soda?

Find out how effective baking soda is to burn fat. The pros and cons of this method of losing weight are told by the professionals of dietetics.

Baking soda is becoming an increasingly popular weight management tool. For this, many take baths with soda or use this substance internally. Today we will take a closer look at the question - is it possible to lose weight with baking soda? If you search the net for information on this topic, you will find a large number of articles. They talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of losing weight and even give the opinions of experts in the field of nutrition.

Losing weight with baking soda: true or not

Girl on the beach and soda lost weight with soda
Girl on the beach and soda lost weight with soda

To answer this question, you first need to find out if taking baking soda by mouth will harm you. Some doctors are sure that baking soda taken orally can disrupt the acid-base balance, irritate the mucous membrane and even lead to the development of ulcers.

At the same time, scientists agree that baking soda is a strong antiseptic and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This substance helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach and, most importantly for us, takes an active part in the processing of fats contained in food. It is this last statement that made baking soda the subject of attention of nutritionists and people who want to lose weight.

We can say that you can use baking soda for weight loss, but in reasonable quantities. Many people strive to quickly achieve their goals and often use large dosages of various substances. For soda to become an effective weight loss tool, it must be used correctly. Moreover, this does not mean more at all, but rather the opposite.

Don't think of baking soda as a “magic pill” that can give you quick results. The process of proper weight loss is very long and you need to prepare yourself for this. An overdose of any substance, even plain water, is fraught with the most serious consequences.

Start your baking soda with a minimum amount

To do this, dilute soda that fits on the tip of a teaspoon in a glass of warm water or milk. However, we will talk in more detail about the ways of using baking soda as a tool to combat fat reserves a little later.

Sometimes information appears on the Internet that the use of soda can even increase the effectiveness of the training process. You should not trust such statements, since they are not substantiated. Also, you should remember that the maximum effect can be achieved only by combining the use of baking soda with training and an appropriate nutrition program. Only in this case can soda normalize the acid-base balance. Slightly reduce your appetite, and also slow down the absorption of fats in foods.

How to use soda for weight loss?

A spoonful of baking soda and a glass of water for weight loss
A spoonful of baking soda and a glass of water for weight loss

Once again, we note that if you do not reduce the energy value of your diet to the required level, then you will not be able to lose weight. In such a situation, any drug will be powerless, not to mention soda. It should also be remembered that it is very dangerous to consume large quantities of baking soda.

The recommended amount of baking soda is half a teaspoon, which must be diluted in a glass of warm, but not hot, boiled water. Take this solution about half an hour before eating. There is a recipe according to which a tablespoon of the substance must be dissolved in 300 milliliters of water. This is a high enough dosage and should not be used. At the very least, don't do this from the beginning of your course.

If you notice any side effects while taking baking soda, such as nausea, dizziness, lethargy, etc., then you should stop taking baking soda immediately. There is a fairly large number of positive reviews on the use of soda on the network, but they can not always be trusted. It is best to consult a doctor before starting the course.

If you find a recipe for using soda with citric acid, then this mixture is neutral, since it contains antagonist substances

Alkali and acid cancel out each other's properties. The only advantage of using this drink is the ability to reduce the calorie content of the nutrition program. This is only due to the fact that you fill your stomach with an aqueous solution before eating.

If we talk about lemon juice, then you can drink freshly squeezed juice of one or two lemons about 30 minutes before eating food.

However, after that, to prevent the destruction of tooth enamel, you should rinse the oral cavity with a solution of soda. If you have a high rate of stomach acidity, then this remedy is contraindicated for you. Many doctors agree that it is better to take baths with baking soda. It is absolutely safe for the body and promotes the activation of lipolysis processes.

To do this, you need to dissolve a pound of sea salt and 0.5 pack of soda in a 200-liter bath of water. The water temperature should be around 39 degrees. For maximum relaxation and stress relief, you can add aromatic oils made from citrus, rosemary, juniper or bergamot to your bath.

However, such a bath should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during critical days. You should also be careful with the bathroom and people who have problems with the work of the vascular system and heart. If you decide to use this method of losing weight, then do not immerse the top of the case in water.

The duration of this water procedure is about 25 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the water temperature is in the range from 37 to 39 degrees. After the bath, don't rinse your body, just dry it off with a towel. Then you need to wrap yourself up and lie down for forty minutes. One course of soda baths consists of ten procedures.