How to make beeswax face cream

How to make beeswax face cream
How to make beeswax face cream

Useful properties of beeswax for the face and contraindications to its use. The best recipes and technology for making a cream based on it. Beeswax is a unique biologically active product with many useful properties that have been used in the practice of cosmetology and medicine for over a thousand years. Its uniqueness still remains relevant - there is no synthetic analogue to it.

Benefits of beeswax for the face

Beeswax cream
Beeswax cream

Beeswax is a product produced by bees using special wax glands. It is a fat-like substance with a complex and rich biochemical composition - about 300 active elements, including minerals, esters, fatty acids, vitamins, hydrocarbons, aromatic components. Therefore, beeswax ranks second in importance among beekeeping products and is actively used in cosmetology, in particular, it is included in facial skin care products.

Consider the full list of properties that beeswax has for the face:

  • Protection … The wax contains many surfactants. It is thanks to them that he creates the thinnest film on the surface of the skin. It serves as a protective barrier, not allowing external "aggressors" from the environment into the dermis.
  • Antibacterial action … There are substances in wax that actively fight inflammation, viruses, bacterial and allergic agents. Therefore, it can be effectively used to solve skin problems such as rashes and redness of various nature. Beeswax shows a good result in the treatment of acne, since it does not clog the pores of the skin.
  • Moisturizing … The unique protective film that forms when a beeswax composition is applied to the skin protects not only from external influences, but also from dehydration. This gift of nature retains moisture inside the cells of the dermis, preventing dryness, decreased turgor and the formation of wrinkles.
  • Antioxidant action … Natural beeswax is a storehouse of vitamin A (4 g of vitamin per 100 g of wax), one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Hence its miraculous regenerative and restorative properties. The degree of saturation of a product with this vitamin can be determined even visually: the yellower the wax, the more vitamin A it contains.
  • Softening and Healing … This beekeeping product perfectly relieves itching and removes flaking of the skin, has a good wound healing effect.
  • Rejuvenation … Its ability to retain moisture, protect, soften and nourish it makes beeswax one of the most potent anti-aging treatments available.

Due to its safety and unique composition, beeswax has no restrictions on its use and can be applied to any type of skin.

Important! The composition and effectiveness of beeswax largely depend on the living conditions and the nature of the diet of the bees.

Contraindications to the use of beeswax for the face

Beeswax for cream
Beeswax for cream

The wax produced by bees is considered an absolutely safe product for cosmetic procedures. However, it must be borne in mind that it may contain a little honey or propolis, which means that it can still cause allergies. Therefore, it is not recommended to use beeswax-containing cosmetics for those who have an allergic reaction to honey.

To avoid unpleasant manifestations, even on skin that is resistant to any influences, it is better to first conduct an allergy test for sensitivity to the product. To do this, apply a drop of warm melted wax to the crook of your elbow or the back of your hand and observe the reaction to the product. If within 10-15 minutes the skin condition does not change (there is no redness, rash, burning sensation or itching), wax can be applied to the face as well.

The composition of the beeswax cream and the characteristics of the components

Essential oils as ingredients of the cream
Essential oils as ingredients of the cream

Face cream is one of the most common forms of cosmetic products containing beeswax. Here he has all the conditions to demonstrate his useful qualities. Plus, the base of the beeswax cream helps the other components of the product to open up as much as possible.

This is facilitated by the structure of the wax, which perfectly accepts any "additions" in the form of essential and natural oils, medicinal herbs, vegetable and fruit juices, and cosmetic clay. Thanks to this, homemade beeswax creams have a light texture and a pleasant honey aroma.

The most common "partners" of beeswax in face creams are:

  1. Honey … It has the same rich composition of trace elements and biologically active substances and the same strong nourishing, restorative and cleansing properties. Honey penetrates deeply into the skin, perfectly tones, softens and tightens the face contour.
  2. Natural vegetable oils … The choice will depend on the goal of the cream. Olive, coconut and almond oils will help rejuvenate, tighten and moisturize dry and / or sensitive skin. Do the same, but for oily and problem skin - oils of avocado, grape seed, jojoba or wheat germ. In winter, cocoa butter is ideal.
  3. Fresh vegetable juices … These include carrot, potato, cucumber, zucchini juice. The microelements and vitamins contained in fresh vegetable juices help to increase the tone and freshness of the skin, remove excess fluid and toxins from it.
  4. Lanolin … The chemical properties of this substance allow it to "conduct" into the deep layers of the dermis all the beneficial substances of the other components of the cream, enhancing its absorbency. Lanolin itself is capable of moisturizing and softening the skin well.
  5. Vitamins A, E … These natural fighters against free radicals are essential for activating the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin, especially in the cold season, during illness or any intoxication.
  6. Lemon juice … Fresh from this citrus improves the condition and color of the skin, tones, relieves inflammation and actively fights fine wrinkles. Plus, lemon dries well skin prone to oily, as well as combination.
  7. Essential oils … As with natural vegetable oils, the application will depend on the condition and type of skin and the purpose you want to achieve. Lemon, grapefruit, lemon balm, rosemary oils will help to tidy up oily skin. Fading ylang-ylang, verbena, neroli, sandalwood, patchouli, rose will be tightened. The oils of jasmine, rose, myrrh, patchouli will fill dry and sensitive skin with moisture, and the oils of patchouli, lavender, jasmine, geranium will soothe irritated skin.

Beeswax face cream recipes

Natural beeswax in homemade cream can be a good alternative to even the most expensive face cream with anti-age effect or antibacterial properties. You just need to choose the right recipe.

Beeswax face cream with oils and vitamin E

Vitamin E for cream
Vitamin E for cream

An effective anti-aging effect is possessed by a cream made on the basis of the most powerful natural "rejuvenating" products - beeswax, vitamin E and natural oils.

Homemade cream recipes with beeswax, oils and vitamin E:

  • Almond … In a glass container, mix 0.25 cups almond oil, 2 vitamin E capsules, 2 tbsp each. l. coconut oil and wax, 1 tbsp. l. Shea butter, 3-4 drops of essential oil (any of your choice). Put everything in a water bath and, stirring, bring the mixture until smooth. Then pour the finished cream into the container in which you will store it. Let it cool and store in a cool place (no more than 21 days).
  • Orange … Remove the zest from a large orange, chop (you can grind) and steam it for 6-8 hours in 100 ml of boiling water. Then strain and cool. Squeeze the juice out of the citrus pulp. Next, melt together 20 g of wax and 50 g of regular margarine. Add yolk to them, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 10 drops boric alcohol, 1 tsp. honey, juice and infusion of zest, 10 drops. vitamin A, 1 ml of vitamin E.

You can buy this product, unique in terms of face rejuvenation, on the market or in specialized stores where beekeeping products are sold. There are many offers for the sale of beeswax on the Internet.

Beeswax cream with glycerin

Glycerin for making cream
Glycerin for making cream

Very good results are obtained by the interaction of beeswax with glycerin - both for problem skin and for aging.

Homemade face cream recipes with beeswax and glycerin:

  1. From youthful acne … To make such a cream with your own hands, grate 10 g of wax (preferably white), mix with 2 tbsp. l. peach oil, 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 tbsp. l. raw materials celandine. Melt the resulting mixture, refrigerate and use 1-2 times a day as a regular cream.
  2. Universal … Melt 20 g of crushed wax and add 2 teaspoons to it. coconut oil. Mix everything well until smooth. Then stir in 3 tsp into the mass. olive oil,? h. l. glycerin, the contents of 3 capsules of vitamin E and 5 drops of geranium oil. Pour the finished cream into a separate jar, where it thickens to the desired consistency. Such a composition will provide your skin with nourishment, hydration, lifting, protection, freshness and prevention of wrinkles (or fight against them).

Face wax cream with honey and oils

Honey as an additional ingredient in the cream
Honey as an additional ingredient in the cream

A very effective option for combating the beginning processes of skin aging and the first wrinkles is to use two gifts of bees, such as wax and honey, to make the cream.

Homemade face cream recipes with beeswax and honey:

  • Wheat Germ Oil Cream Mask … Combine 1 tsp. bees wax, honey and wheat germ oil, 1 tbsp. l. rosehip oil and 2 tbsp. l. onion juice or lemon juice (for oily skin). Melt the wax first, then add the rest of the ingredients to it. Stir the mixture for another 30 seconds, remove from heat and beat with a mixer. A still warm composition is applied to the face for half an hour. During this time, the composition should be almost completely absorbed. The remains of the cream are removed with a paper towel or cosmetic disc.
  • Peach oil cream (can be substituted with olive oil) … We melt 2 tbsp. l. grated wax. Without removing the container from the heat, add 5 tbsp to the wax one by one. l. selected vegetable oil, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. citrus juice (lemon or orange), 5 drops of peppermint and rosemary essential oil, 10 drops of orange essential oil. Then remove from heat and continue stirring for another 5-7 minutes. Then you can put the cream in a jar.

Homemade face cream with beeswax and rose petals

Heating beeswax
Heating beeswax

There is another way to use the rejuvenating and restorative properties of this bee waste product for the face.

Homemade face cream recipes with beeswax and rose:

  1. To fight the first wrinkles … Take equal parts fresh nettle leaves, parsley, currant and jasmine petals, rose. Squeeze juice from this raw material in an amount of at least 1 tbsp. l. Then dilute 1 tsp in a water bath. beeswax, add 1 tsp to it. vegetable oil (any), vitamin A, the juice obtained from the leaves and petals and 1 tbsp. l. hot water. Stir the mixture well, remove from the stove and beat until cool.
  2. For dry skin … Melt 1 tsp. cocoa butter and 1 tsp. bees wax. When the mixture is completely dissolved, add to it? h. l. petroleum jelly, 3 tbsp. l. infusion of rose petals and 2 tbsp. l. peach or grape seed oils. After a couple of minutes, remove the mass from the heat, beat with a mixer and chill.

Beeswax face cream preparation method

Cream ingredients
Cream ingredients

In order for a self-made cream to retain the maximum of active ingredients, it is important to observe not only the proportions of the ingredients, but also the technology of its manufacture. Therefore, remember a few important points in the method of creating a homemade miracle cream with beeswax:

  • To make the wax melt better, grind it first (grate, make shavings with a knife).
  • To melt the wax, use stainless steel, glass, aluminum containers or enameled dishes. It is strongly not recommended to melt the product in metal (iron, copper) and cast iron dishes. The reason for this selectivity is the ability of wax fatty acids to interact with metals and form compounds harmful to health.
  • It is better to heat the wax in a water bath. The melting point of beeswax is 63-65 degrees. In order for the consistency of the cream to be uniform, the wax must be stirred during melting.
  • For better interaction of wax with other components of the cream (oils, water, margarine, chalk), it is recommended to add them during the melting of the product or after, but also warmed up.
  • It is advisable to continue stirring the finished cream until it cools in order to maintain a homogeneous structure of the composition.

You can store the finished cream with bees wax in any container (except metal) with a tight-fitting lid for up to 3 weeks. Cool places or a refrigerator are still considered optimal conditions for maintaining the effectiveness of the product.

How to make beeswax cream - watch the video:

[media = v = 8szWI3FqnLA] Homemade face creams using beeswax are truly capable of competing with their industrial cousins. At the same time, being no less effective, but safer, more affordable and natural.
