What is Cleopatra's cream, what useful properties it has, possible contraindications to its use, recipes and methods of preparation, rules for applying a cosmetic product to the skin of the face and neck. Cleopatra's cream is a unique skin care product. Presumably, one of the recipes that exist today was used by the Egyptian queen herself in order to maintain her youth and freshness. You can prepare the cream at home.
Useful properties of Cleopatra face cream

The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was famous for her beauty. The recipes for her means for maintaining an excellent appearance for many centuries have outlived their owner.
The main "beauty remedy" of the majestic Cleopatra was a special cream. Several recipes of the so-called Cleopatra creams have survived to this day. It is impossible to establish exactly which one the queen used. However, they all have anti-aging and nourishing properties. The composition of these cosmetic preparations includes components that perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. Thanks to their effect, the epidermis restores its functions and maintains a fresh look. Cleopatra's prescription face creams help to prolong youth, make the skin soft and velvety, and restore a natural healthy color. They provide comprehensive and complete care for the epidermis. Cleopatra's cream has the following effects on the skin:
- Moisturizing … Any cream according to Cleopatra's prescription contains components that effectively moisturize the skin and saturate it with beneficial moisture. Thanks to this, the epidermis becomes more elastic, elastic, wrinkles are smoothed.
- Nutritious … The ingredients that make up the cream saturate the skin with vitamins, microelements, help it glow from the inside. The face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.
- Rejuvenating … The composition of creams includes aloe - in the form of powder or crushed fresh leaves. It is a powerful ingredient that can help reduce wrinkles and make them less visible. With regular use of this cosmetic product, the oval of the face becomes more toned and clear.
- Matting … Cleopatra cream helps to slightly whiten the skin, make it smooth, eliminate oily sheen. There are cream recipes for both oily skin and dry, sensitive and flaky skin. The effect of these drugs depends on the main components that make up their composition.
You can use these creams not only for face care. They also help heal flaky skin on hands, elbows, knees, and repair cracked heels. Another undeniable advantage of Cleopatra's cream is that it can be easily prepared at home. Any composition of the tool includes components available for everyone.
Contraindications to the use of Cleopatra cream

In general, Cleopatra's prescription creams are absolutely harmless, since they contain exclusively natural ingredients. They almost never cause irritation. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to one of the ingredients of the cosmetic product. To check how your skin reacts to the cream, just do a little test. Apply a small amount to the inside of your wrist or elbow. If an allergic reaction does not appear on the skin within a couple of hours, then the cream can be used. You should not apply any cosmetic product to the skin on which there are visible lesions - wounds, abrasions, unhealed sutures, as well as herpetic eruptions, fungus, lichen and other dermatological diseases.
Cleopatra face cream recipes at home
The presented recipes are quite simple, and you can even collect the ingredients for them in your own garden, vegetable garden or grow in a flower pot at home. At the same time, you can be sure that the products do not contain any chemicals and will have the most beneficial effect on your skin.
Cleopatra Cream with Aloe and Rose Petals

To prepare this cream, you will need the following components: aloe powder (5 grams), distilled water (40 milliliters), rose water (20 milliliters), natural bee honey (one teaspoon), lard (100 grams). Instead of aloe powder, you can use fresh plant leaves or juice from them. In this case, 40 milliliters of liquid is sufficient.
Aloe contains a large percentage of water, as well as nutrient compounds that actively penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to this, the face is saturated with moisture. To prepare the cream, you will need a plant that has reached the age of three. In this case, it must be watered no later than a week before the intended use. The sweet scent of rose water will give the cream a great scent and the softness of flower petals on the skin. The water should not be brought to a boil while cooking. It is best to buy the finished product from a pharmacy. Pork lard or lard is a common ingredient used to make homemade cosmetics. It is important to properly melt it so that it retains all its properties for nourishing the skin. Honey is an ingredient that Cleopatra used to prepare almost all of her cosmetic preparations (creams, baths, masks). It contains a huge complex of vitamins, minerals, organic compounds that saturate the epidermis with vitality. We prepare a cream with aloe and rose petals according to the following instructions:
- Pour aloe powder into distilled water or add juice squeezed from a crushed plant.
- Pour rose water into the solution.
- Add honey and mix the mixture thoroughly.
- We put the resulting base on a steam bath and bring it to a warm state.
- We introduce lard into the base, constantly stirring the mixture.
- As soon as the consistency of the resulting product has become homogeneous, remove from the water bath.
- Pour the cream into a clean glass container and refrigerate.
You can apply this cream daily to your face and neck.
Cleopatra cream at home with lemon

The composition of this cream is quite simple, and for its preparation you will need three lemons, a glass of hot water, rose water (100 milliliters), olive oil (a teaspoon), natural honey (a teaspoon), any cologne (three tablespoons). In this case, olive oil is used as a fat base, which contains a large amount of fatty acids and essential organic compounds. If desired, an infusion of jasmine petals can be used instead of rose water.
Cleopatra's cream, prepared according to this recipe, will help keep the skin youthful and slightly whiten it. We prepare Cleopatra's cream with lemon according to the following instructions:
- Remove the peel from the lemons and grind it on a fine grater.
- Pour boiling water over the zest and set to infuse for 10 hours in a thermos.
- After the required time, filter the solution.
- Pour in rose water.
- Add olive oil, honey, cologne to the mixture.
- Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour into a glass container.
It is also necessary to store the cream in the refrigerator. Apply to clean face twice a day - morning and evening.
Instructions for the preparation of Cleopatra vitamin cream

This cream is a real storehouse of vitamins necessary for the skin. True, its recipe is quite specific and is not suitable for owners of oily skin, since it contains too many fatty components. But it will perfectly moisturize dry and delicate epidermis.
To prepare this product, you will need the following ingredients: zest from three lemons, a glass of hot water, butter margarine (100 grams), vegetable oil (three tablespoons), one egg yolk, one teaspoon of honey, lemon juice (70 milliliters), vitamin A in the form of oil (ten drops), mayonnaise (one tablespoon), camphor alcohol (one tablespoon). Lemon juice and lemon peel have a whitening effect. In addition, they perfectly refresh the skin and give it a light scent. Also, lemon contains fruit acids that tone the epidermis, eliminate fine wrinkles.
Yolk and honey are a storehouse of beneficial nutrients that actively penetrate deep into the skin and saturate it with vital components. Camphor alcohol has a bactericidal effect, cleanses the skin, helps to make it smoother and smoother, and dry out the rash.
Vitamin A or retinol is a substance that belongs to the group of so-called "beauty vitamins". It actively helps fight premature aging. Cleopatra's vitamin cream also contains lemon peel.
The preparation is prepared as follows:
- Grind the peel of the lemons on a grater.
- Pour it into a thermos and fill it with boiling water. We leave for 8 hours.
- Mix the softened margarine with vegetable oil.
- Add honey and yolk. When doing this, make sure that the oil mixture is not hot.
- We introduce lemon juice, vitamin A, mayonnaise, camphor alcohol into the solution. Mix everything thoroughly.
- Add infusion of lemon peel to the composition.
We store the cream in the refrigerator in a clean container. Apply to face and neck twice a day.
Rules for applying Cleopatra's cream on the face and neck

It should be remembered, no matter how useful and high-quality the cream is, it is necessary to apply it according to certain rules, otherwise the effect may be exactly the opposite of what is expected. Inaccurate or hasty application of the cosmetic to the face and neck can stretch the skin. In the future, this will lead to sagging and wrinkle formation. Apply Cleopatra's cream on the face and neck using your fingertips with light movements. In this case, the actions should be soft and patting, but not stretching. The benefit of applying a cosmetic product with your fingers is that the skin is additionally warmed. Due to this, the active components of the drug penetrate faster and deeper into all layers of the epidermis. Light massage movements should be carried out from the bottom up, from the center to the periphery. You need to move consistently: from the beginning of the eyebrows to the hairline, from the end of the nose to the interocular zone, from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones and from the chin to the cheeks. Applying the cosmetic product to the forehead, we make gentle horizontal strokes from the center to the temples. Do not forget about applying the cream to the neck area. Apply the product in this area from the bottom up with gentle massage movements. This gentle massage, combined with the efficacy of Cleopatra's cream, will keep your skin looking fresh and radiant for years to come. How to make Cleopatra oil - watch the video:

The secret of Cleopatra's cream is that it contains natural products that slow down the aging process, actively moisturize the skin, make it smooth and elastic. At the same time, it is not difficult to cook it at home.