Today, kettlebell lifting is becoming more and more popular, because you can train at home. Get to know the technique and training system in kettlebell lifting. As you probably already understood from the title of this article, it will focus on the methods of training kettlebell lifters. We will tell you about the basic training principles and stages of training.
It is possible to achieve high results in kettlebell lifting only if you have good physical fitness. However, this does not mean that there is nothing for beginners to do here. Everyone starts sometime and, thanks to intensive training, succeeds. In order for you to be able to make your classes effective, you must adhere to the following principles:
- Increase the load gradually;
- Diversify the training process as much as possible;
- Use maximum loads.
Only by increasing the workload will you make progress. At the same time, starting to work with small weights, you can first pay special attention to the technical aspect. Using various exercises, you will be able to diversify your activities and harmoniously develop all the muscles of the body.
When using maximum loads, not only physical parameters are effectively developed, but also volitional qualities. You should use the method of periodization, the essence of which is to alternate hard training with light exercises.
The periods of the training process in kettlebell lifting

In total, there are three main stages in the training process. Now we will tell you more about each of them, while observing the chronological sequence.
Preparatory stage

The duration of the first stage depends on the level of fitness of the athlete. For experienced athletes, it makes no sense to delay the preparatory phase. On average, it lasts from one to two months.
For kettlebell lifters, the best time for the preparatory stage is September or October. This is due to the fact that most tournaments are held in autumn and winter, which makes it possible to prepare for them with high quality. During the preparation phase, you must improve your physical fitness and improve your movement technique. Do not use heavy loads at the preparatory stage. Your body should smoothly enter the training regime. For beginners, it is best to practice twice in seven days, and experienced athletes can do three classes a week. The duration of one workout is from one and a half to two hours.
At this stage, you should devote about 20 minutes to warm-up. The main part of the training lasts about an hour, and devote the final ten minutes to a cool down.
Competitive stage

During this training phase, athletes should continue to improve their exercise technique and take part in tournaments. This stage is characterized by working with heavy weights in the snatch and clean and jerk. In addition, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of additional movements aimed at improving the physical indicators of athletes.
During this period of preparation, the question of the number of athletes training in the group is very important. Based on rich practical experience, we can say that the optimal number of training groups is from 6 to 10 athletes.
For the first 20 minutes, pay special attention to a good warm-up. The main part of the training lasts about 60 minutes. At this stage, you need to combine the execution of auxiliary movements with competitive ones. The final ten minutes should be set aside for a cool-down.
At this stage, you will be using significant loads and for this reason, special attention must be paid to the regime. When participating in tournaments, you should be aware of their monotony and tune accordingly. After completing performances, rest for a couple of days and resume training.
Transitional stage

This stage of the training process is intended for the recovery of athletes. You also need to take stock of the past competitive season and deal with mistakes. At this stage, it is necessary to use small loads and, first of all, to focus on improving the technique.
More informative information about kettlebell lifting in this video:
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