To win the Russian bench press, you must not squeeze out the maximum weight, but perform as many repetitions as possible. Learn about the Russian bench press training method. The main difference between the Russian bench press and the classic is in the condition of victory. If in the bench an athlete needs to squeeze out the maximum possible weight, then in Russian, to win, you should perform the largest number of repetitions. Competitive nominations in the Russian bench press are subdivided depending on the weight of the sports equipment. Today we will talk about the method of training the Russian bench press.
The approach in the Russian bench press can be considered successful only if the athlete manages to squeeze the projectile at least eight times, and for the 200 kilogram category - from 5 repetitions.
The main characteristics that athletes should develop are strength indicators, as well as general and salt endurance. Although a lot here depends on the categories. In the most difficult, where athletes work with a projectile weighing 200 kilograms, strength comes to the fore. Only leaders who perform at least 10 repetitions should also have developed strength endurance. In the light categories, the main indicators are general and strength endurance.
Russian press training

Just as it is impossible to simultaneously achieve great results at short and long distances in running, it is very difficult to perform equally well in the heavy and light categories in the Russian bench press. For this reason, the athlete will have to decide on one or at most two categories. The entire training process should be built taking into account the peculiarities of the category in which the athlete is going to perform. For obvious reasons, Russian bench press training methods for different categories have their own characteristics.
To achieve results in the most difficult category, training practically does not differ from the training program for representatives of powerlifting or bench press. Approximately one month before the start of the competition, the athlete should approach the bench press of the highest possible weight. Then, for 3 to 4 weeks, he will have to work with weights that are from 90 to 110 percent of the maximum. There is no need for aerobic exercise.
The most difficult of all is the preparation of athletes to compete in the 150 kg category. It should be noted that it is also considered the most popular. This is largely due to the fact that for a successful performance an athlete needs to have high indicators of strength and general endurance.
The technique of training the Russian bench press, which will be discussed below, is more of a recommendatory nature. Athletes should design their own training program, taking into account individual characteristics and, if necessary, use today's advice.
And now we should pay attention to the very method of training the Russian bench press. To increase the indicator of strength, a competent training system is needed. During the first two months, you need to progress in this very parameter. The bench press can be performed once for 4 or 5 days with a working weight of 170 to 190 kilograms. Once within two weeks, the weight should be increased to 200 or 205 kilograms. The number of repetitions in the first case should be from 10 to 6, and in the second - from 2 to 4.
You should also pay attention to the additional study of the deltas and triceps. Dips, narrow grip presses, and 45-degree presses are very good exercises for this. When performing these movements, the number of repetitions can be from 6 to 12.
You should not go on a one-time bench press and there is an explanation for this. First, the athlete can get annoyingly injured and miss the competition. Secondly, such training involves a heavy load on the central nervous system, which leads to its depletion, and this should also not be allowed. And thirdly, this will not lead to an increase in the result in the competition.
When the phase of gaining strength described above is completed, you can proceed to work with weights of 205 and 190 kilograms, performing 3 and 6 repetitions, respectively. It should also be mentioned that during the period of gaining strength, it is necessary to consume proteins and creatine. This can dramatically speed up your progress.
When a couple of months are left before the start of the competition, then attention should be switched to strength endurance training. Do 2 workouts per week, working with a weight of 130 to 170 kilograms. Once within two weeks, they should be increased to 180-190. Of the additional movements, you can leave only the bench press in the prone position with a narrow grip, performing from 12 to 20 repetitions.
You also need to make some changes to your nutrition program. The amount of protein consumed can be reduced to one serving daily, and the amount of creatine taken in the same amount as before. In addition, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of carbohydrates.
Russian bench press training program

One day a week should be devoted to working on the muscles of the thigh. To do this, you can perform leg press, classic and hack squats. You should not work with maximum load, but it should be sufficient to ensure that a large amount of blood flows to the muscle tissues.
In addition, once a week, you can perform a row not to the limit, but with a large number of repetitions. Based on practical experience, without a well-trained back and legs, it will be difficult for an athlete to perform well.
The category of 125 kilograms is very similar in its training methodology to the nomination of 150 kilograms, but here the athlete should pay more attention to the development of the indicator of strength endurance.
In lighter categories, the number of repetitions can go up to 100 and exceed this limit. Thus, the training methodology for the Russian bench press in this category should be based on the development of general endurance. As you know, this indicator is greatly influenced by the amount of oxygen consumed by the body, which implies work in an aerobic mode. For this reason, it makes sense to include work with a heart rate of 160 to 170 beats per minute in your training program.
For more information on the Russian bench press, see this video:
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