Macrocycle training in bodybuilding and powerlifting

Macrocycle training in bodybuilding and powerlifting
Macrocycle training in bodybuilding and powerlifting

Professionals use training cycles to improve the effectiveness of training. Learn how to plan your workouts to build and build strength. The basic principle of bodybuilding is load progression. However, this cannot be achieved without cycling. You just won't be able to train in one mode for a long time. If you have already passed the first stage of training from a beginner to an advanced athlete, then you should start using training cycles. If earlier you noticed significant progress from any load, now it will be more and more difficult for you to progress. The body cannot constantly increase its physical parameters and build muscle. Today we will look at the types of training macrocycles in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

What are training cycles?

Training cycle diagram
Training cycle diagram

It should be said right away that training cycles are used in all sports disciplines. The essence of this method lies in the constant change in the weight of sports equipment and the intensity of training. In addition, the number of sets also changes. Sometimes athletes will dramatically increase the volume of training, while cycling can achieve better results.

Beginners may not pay much attention to changing loads. To progress the first two to three months, it is enough to choose a few of the most effective basic movements. You should only slightly reduce working weights once every couple of months during the week to give the body a rest.

After eight months, the rate of your progress will noticeably decrease and at this point you should consider switching to training cycles. You must understand that at some point you are no longer a beginner, and a decrease in the rate of progress is inevitable. However, do not worry about this, since there is a way out. To begin with, you cannot use heavy weights yet, as your connections between muscles and brain are not yet well developed.

On average, it takes about three weeks for the body to fully recover from high-intensity training. You may want to prove to yourself that you can train intensely all the time, but you are not. You will very quickly see that after a certain point you will not be able to progress constantly, and a training cycle can help you correct this situation.

For example, in weightlifting, cycling has been around for a very long time. Today we are talking about powerlifting and bodybuilding, but these disciplines have their roots in weightlifting. For this reason, you just need to take all the best that has been developed in this sport over several decades and adapt for yourself.

This will allow you to avoid overtraining and mental exhaustion. We will modify the number of repetitions in sets. In the first stage of the cycle, you need to use a weight of 75 percent of your maximum and do 10 repetitions in three sets. You must remember to start each cycle with a light weight.

After that, begin to gradually increase the weight, but do it also in cycles. Let's say add three kilos for the first few weeks, and add only one kilo for the eighth. During the first stage of the cycle, you should pay more attention to the technique of movements. At the same time, your nervous system will recover. Note that sometimes athletes choose an overestimated load to start a new cycle. It is best to carry out the necessary calculations on paper.

Types of training cycles

Example of a one-year training cycle
Example of a one-year training cycle

You can use cycles of different lengths. Let's say a mini-cycle can only last eight sessions. This is a great way to overcome plateaus. If your progress has stopped, then you need to quickly change the load, but this must be done so that the body understands that it is necessary to start progressing further.

In mini-cycles, you should use slightly higher weights compared to long cycles. For the first 14 days, use 85 to 90 percent of your maximum weight. Then go to 95 percent load and after a week start using 100 percent load. Mini-cycles are always measured in number of sessions, not months. The planning of the length of rest between sessions depends on the reasons for the beginning of the cycle. If, say, you have overtrained and now you need to overcome a state of stagnation, then rest more time.

Cycles with variable intensity

An example of a loop with variable intensity according to Soboleva
An example of a loop with variable intensity according to Soboleva

You should understand that a new activity does not have to be more intense than the previous one. Now we will talk about how it is more effective to alternate intensive training with light training. The peculiarity of this type of cycles is that difficult exercises become even harder, and easy ones do not change.

This allows you to increase the time for recovery, and also diversifies the training process. At the same time, the word "light" does not mean that you practically do not need to exercise. Use 40 percent of your maximum weight during this time. It is also important to perform all movements at a fast pace. Note that these cycles are long lasting, usually at least four months. This is provided that you spend two workouts during the week.

Use 5x5 or 5x3 programs. Perform two warm-up sets with the weight of the shells from 35 to 50 percent. Note also the fact that you can use in this cycle not only basic movements, but also isolated ones.

Periodization of training cycles

Periodization of the training cycle
Periodization of the training cycle

This is another type of training cycle. Its essence is to change the intensity of the exercise. Let's say your cycle, which is three months long, is divided into three stages with a certain number of repetitions. Start each new cycle according to the rules of the mini-cycle. After that, by the last week of the cycle, you should reach your weight limits. Also, you should reduce the number of repetitions as you increase weight. The maximum training intensity should be in the last weeks of the cycle.

For more details on macrocycling according to Funtikov, see this video:
