Oily hair: causes and ways to fight

Oily hair: causes and ways to fight
Oily hair: causes and ways to fight

Causes of increased oily hair, the correct selection of shampoo, masks and folk recipes to normalize the sebaceous glands, advice on the care of oily hair. Many women are faced with the problem of oily hair. Someone thinks this flaw is a disease, someone is a cosmetic defect. In any case, it is important to understand that oily hair is the result of improper (excessive) work of the sebaceous glands. Under normal conditions, the oil produced moisturizes the scalp and protects the hair follicle. In other cases, it has a detrimental effect: in addition to aesthetic problems, it can provoke weakening and hair loss.

Causes of increased oily scalp

Before proceeding with the elimination of the consequences of increased fat content of the scalp, it is necessary to identify the main reasons. Since without establishing a provoking factor, any actions may be ineffective.

Why did my hair become oily

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands on the head
Increased activity of the sebaceous glands on the head

If by nature you are the owner of normal hair, and suddenly you are faced with this problem, then pay attention to the following factors that may be present in your life:

  • Frequent stress … Sometimes excessive physical or mental stress, which is difficult for the body to cope with, can affect the increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Poor nutrition … Frequent snacks at fast food restaurants, soda, and foods that are too oily or spicy can have a detrimental effect on hair. It is better to exclude such foods from the diet.
  • Taking medication … The use of certain medicines, such as antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives, can affect some of the body's functions. In this case, it is recommended to pause in treatment (after consulting with the attending physician) in order to confirm or eliminate suspicions.
  • Heredity … Genetics plays an important role. You just need to come to terms with the problem and minimize it in different ways.
  • Change in hormonal levels … It can also affect the appearance of strands of "icicles". These are not only certain days of the female cycle, but also the period of puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause. In this situation, the best option would be to contact a therapist or endocrinologist.
  • Improper care … It is very important to choose shampoos, balms, masks exactly for your skin and hair type. Both a trichologist and a good consultant in a specialized store will help to determine the choice of cosmetics.
  • Hair accessories and hats … Frequent wearing of hats, scarves, caps does not literally allow the skin to breathe. In this case, it is better to choose natural fabrics and materials, as well as remove the headdress whenever possible.
  • Various diseases … If the cause of oily hair roots is difficult to establish, it is worth being examined for hidden chronic diseases. The provoking factors can be problems with the endocrine system or gastrointestinal tract. After recovering from the underlying ailment, the hair problem will resolve itself.

After analyzing the above factors, you can independently determine the cause of oily hair and start changing your usual lifestyle.

Hair has become oily due to frequent washing

Washing head
Washing head

It happens that we ourselves provoke problems with appearance, and oily hair is no exception. For example, if you change your hair care regimen drastically, they may "react" negatively. For example, in winter and spring, wash your head every 4-5 days, and in summer - every day. After such changes, by the fall you will have to act in the same “rhythm”.

The fact is that the hair and scalp have already adapted to daily procedures, and sebum has begun to be produced more intensively. To get rid of oily hair, you need to smoothly enter the usual rhythm (4 days). First wash your hair every other day, then try after two, later after three days. Gradually, the scalp will enter its usual "schedule".

Oily hair, what to do for quick results

Applying dry shampoo
Applying dry shampoo

It often happens that the hair does not look the best, but the result is needed as soon as possible, that is, there is no time to wash and dry the hair. To look fresh and well-groomed, you can use the following tricks:

  1. Get dry shampoo. It will absorb excess grease and dirt. It will take about 10 minutes to use it, and your hair will look noticeably better. As an alternative to the miracle shampoo, you can use flour (for blondes) and dry mustard (for brown-haired women). However, it is better to pre-check folk remedies in a calm home environment so that unexpected incidents, such as allergies or irritation, do not arise.
  2. You can wash and quickly dry only the upper strands, but keep in mind that this option is only suitable for collected hair, and the "period of use" is reduced significantly, since clean curls will gradually become saturated with fat.
  3. You should pay attention to sprays that help hair keep its fresh look longer. They are sprayed onto dried hair. Many of them also have a weak fixation effect.
  4. If you are a happy owner of a bang, then you can only wash it (it will be much faster than washing your entire head), and collect the rest of the strands.
  5. If the situation is hopeless and there is no shampoo or spray at hand, try masking the look of your hair. Tie a scarf or ribbon, headband or glasses over your head if the weather is right.
  6. A good option for "masking" oily hair would be a hairstyle from braids or any other with gathered hair. To style the curls better, try combing them a little at the roots. This way, you will give them volume and they will become a little more obedient.

Ways to combat oily hair

It is important to choose the right caring procedures, among which there will be therapeutic nourishing masks, rinsing, deep cleansing of the hair, removal of irritation from the oily scalp. If you are determined to get rid of oily hair and then keep it healthy, the following tips will definitely come in handy.

What shampoo to choose for oily hair

Shampoo for oily hair KEUNE P13
Shampoo for oily hair KEUNE P13

The best way to buy shampoo is from a pharmacy that sells medicinal cosmetics. It is medicinal, because oily hair "suffers" from its condition. They are more susceptible to temperature changes and the harmful effects of the atmosphere.

There are a lot of shampoos for this type of hair. The main thing is to choose for yourself the one that will be most effective. Some brands, such as DAVINES, offer the Natural Tech Rebalancing System medicated shampoo. It deeply cleanses the scalp, normalizes the sebaceous glands, adds volume, and restores the structure of damaged hair.

However, this series is from the class of "elite cosmetics", and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, there are also budget options such as Schauma 7 herbs. The composition contains special substances that prevent skin irritation and gently cleanse the hair. After washing, they retain their freshness and natural shine for longer.

Foreign cosmetic companies offer their experience in combating oily hair. The Dutch company KEUNE has a line of P13 shampoos, the Italian company Selective Professional offers its solution to the problem of oily hair: Equilibre Pro-Tek shampoo. Londa has in its arsenal a liquid keratin product to give hair softness and volume.

The main thing is that the selected shampoo does not weigh down the strands and gently cleanses the oily hair roots from impurities.

Applying masks for oily hair with henna

Applying henna to oily hair
Applying henna to oily hair

Henna is the leader among hair care products. This natural substance absorbs excess oil and envelops each hair, protecting it from various damage. If you have not thought about parting with your hair shade, choose colorless henna. It has the same healing properties, but will not color your hair. However, in some cases, colorless henna can slightly dye the hair a yellowish or greenish tint.

Henna is sold in small sachets at the pharmacy or in the store. Usually, instructions for use are described on the package, if not, follow these tips:

  • Pour 1-3 tablespoons of powder into a deep container (depending on the length of the hair).
  • Add a few teaspoons of boiled water to form a monotonous gruel.
  • Using a brush, apply the mixture to all hair, paying particular attention to the roots.
  • First we wrap up the hair with polyethylene, and then with a towel.
  • For a start, 25 minutes of waiting will be enough, later you can increase the time to an hour.
  • After the expiration date, rinse hair with water.

An important point! Fresh henna has a slightly greenish tint. If the color is different or has become so during the storage period, it cannot be used.

Using clay masks for oily hair

Green clay mask
Green clay mask

Clay also has a drying effect. It is applied to damp hair and waited for about an hour, after which it is washed off with water. Better to use green clay. 1-2 tablespoons are diluted with 3 teaspoons of water until a homogeneous mass is formed. The mixture is applied to the hair roots. After an hour, wash it off with shampoo. It is important to remember that ordinary tap water contains a lot of sulfates, fluorides and other heavy metals. All of them work intensely on the skin and can stimulate the production of sebum. Therefore, try to rinse your hair with at least boiled water.

To improve the condition of oily hair after a clay mask, you can use sea salt (provided that it is natural and purified). Add one teaspoon of salt to a large container of water and rinse your hair.

Some oils help to cope well with excess fat. For example, grape seed, jojoba, almond, tea tree, mint, lemon. Try to choose balms with these ingredients.

Homemade mask recipes for oily hair

Mask with pepper and kefir on the head
Mask with pepper and kefir on the head

You can improve the condition of your hair by resorting to proven home recipes. Homemade masks contain ingredients that cost little and are almost always on hand:

  1. Cucumber mask … To prepare a mask-lotion, take in equal proportions the juice (you can together with the crushed pulp) of cucumber and 40% alcohol (you can replace it with vodka). The resulting mixture is smeared with hair roots three times every 10 minutes. Then everything is washed off. This course must be carried out for at least one month.
  2. Pepper and kefir mask … Grind one bell pepper to make a gruel, and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of kefir. This mixture should be applied to the hair roots for half an hour.
  3. Aloe and carrot juice … Before applying shampoo, you can rub aloe or carrot juice into the roots. These natural products have a degreasing effect. After application, put on a special hat or wrap your head with cellophane. After an hour, wash your hair as usual. It is important to remember that carrots can color blonde hair slightly, so blondes are better off choosing aloe.

Oily hair: tips for using a scalp peel

Salt peeling for hair
Salt peeling for hair

Peeling is a great way to cleanse your oily scalp. It helps to exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, improve microcirculation. The skin will breathe better and absorb nutrients better. It is useful to peel before applying medical masks.

There are several recipes for oily hair peels:

  • Sea salt … For our purposes, fine or medium salt is needed. It must be rubbed into the skin for several minutes and left on the head after the procedure. Hair must first be slightly moistened. It is advisable to cover the hair with plastic. The exposure time is half an hour.
  • Salt and kefir … You can also add kefir or yogurt to sea salt. It is recommended to slightly wet the hair and rub the product into the roots. Leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo. Salt peeling can be used 2 times a week. Most importantly, do not scratch the scalp, do not rub too vigorously.
  • Black bread … Stale crusts must be steamed with boiling water. After insisting for an hour, you can start rubbing them into the scalp. You can wash off the product without shampoo.

After cleansing the scalp with peeling, the hair remains clean and fresh for a long time.

Peeling effect is possessed by mint, tea tree, jojoba, lavender, castor oils. They can be rubbed into the hair roots and left on for 30-60 minutes.

How to get rid of oily hair with rinsing

Hypericum infusion for hair
Hypericum infusion for hair

It will not be possible to completely eradicate the problem of oily hair in a few days, however, following simple recommendations, you can significantly improve the appearance of your hair. For starters, a small detail that most people overlook: if you wash your hair every day, try to do it in the morning, not in the evening, since the sebaceous glands work more actively at night than during the daytime.

Keep in mind that you can fight oily hair by rinsing after washing:

  1. If you want to smooth curls without using conditioner, rinse your washed hair with a solution of lemon juice. Just a few drops per liter of water will reduce oil production from the scalp. You can also mix lemon juice with mint infusion and rinse your hair with this mixture.
  2. It is recommended to wash your hair with herbal infusions. Chamomile, nettle, sage, coltsfoot, horsetail, rosemary will do. A couple of tablespoons of dry plants (one at a time or assembled) are poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting solution is filtered and cooled. Then they rinse their hair.
  3. Infusion with St. John's wort. Mix one part of dry herb St. John's wort with five parts of water, boil, strain through a sieve and cool slightly. Rinse your hair with this solution several times a week. For a lasting result, you will need at least 12 procedures.
  4. Plantain copes well with the problem of oily hair. Pour six tablespoons of chopped leaves with a liter of water and boil for about 25-30 minutes. Filter and cool the resulting infusion. You can rinse your hair with this solution after washing.
  5. Such a decoction helps to fight excess hair greasiness: pour a couple of tablespoons of wormwood with 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After that, add 3 bay leaves and leave for half an hour. After washing, rinse your hair with infusion.

It is best if the herbs that you will use for the infusions are fresh. However, in the absence of freshly cut herbs, dried ones are also suitable. Only you should buy them in pharmacies.

Features of care for oily hair

Hair styling product MANLY CRYSTAL POMADE
Hair styling product MANLY CRYSTAL POMADE

To minimize the influence of external factors that provoke oily hair, you should act according to the following tips:

  • The first thing to remember is the correct temperature. Try not to wash your hair with very hot water. It is better if it is the same temperature as the body (up to 37 degrees), or even cooler (28-35 degrees).
  • The next is a hairdryer. Try to use it as little as possible, or use a gentle temperature setting if possible for your model.
  • It is also advisable to postpone straighteners, curling irons and curlers for a while. Perhaps they dry out the hair too much, and the body, thus, tries to compensate for the lack of moisture.
  • To avoid suffering from oily hair roots, use a regular comb or a wide-toothed comb instead of brushes. The latter, perhaps, comb the hair much faster, but also distribute excess sebum along the entire length of the hair. And do not forget to rinse your comb once a week with running water, or better yet with soap. Thus, it will not accumulate fats and skin particles.
  • It is best to choose styling products that are water-based. It is better to refuse oily or too thick products for a while. Also, keep in mind that many conditioners, for example, to make hair shine, smoother or better combing, need to be applied along the entire length of the hair, stepping back two to three centimeters from the roots. The result will not be much affected by this, but the oily scalp will not be exposed to additional external influences.
  • Find the right shampoo. It is best if it comes from a medical series, and it should be purchased at a pharmacy. Shampoos should be lipid, protein and silicone free. All these ingredients only make the hair heavier.
  • There is another trick: apply shampoo slightly diluted with water to your hair. To do this, it must first be well foamed and already used in this form. Since the foam contains air particles, it is less traumatic for hair scales, but it perfectly removes dirt and grease.
  • Minimize your hair exposure to UV light. Be sure to wear hats in the sun.

It will not be superfluous to recall the importance of a balanced diet and the use of vitamin complexes. Vitamins A, E are suitable for improving the condition of the hair. How to care for oily hair - watch the video:

[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = a33rD6isw9Y] The problem of oily hair is quite common. However, it is solvable. The first thing to do is find out the reason. Next, you should choose the right shampoo and other care products, eat rationally and rest well. If these methods do not help, you should consult a doctor or beautician.
