Oily hair: causes and treatment

Oily hair: causes and treatment
Oily hair: causes and treatment

The article discusses the causes of oily hair, and also provides methods for treating sebaceous curls with medications and folk remedies. Oily hair is a common problem that patients go to a trichologist for. Even if the disease is inherited, you should not be upset. With proper care, you can restore your hair to a well-groomed look quickly enough.

Causes of oily hair

There are many factors that provoke the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands on the head, therefore, the solution of the problem must be approached in a comprehensive manner. Local funds alone may not be enough.

Why hair is oily in people with health problems

Oily hair with metabolic disorders
Oily hair with metabolic disorders

The problem is common in women and men, as the sebaceous glands work hard to prevent the tips from drying out and retain moisture in them. It turns out a vicious circle, because it is the dryness at the ends that provokes the increased work of the sebaceous glands.

Health problems causing excessive sebum production:

  • Hormonal imbalance … It can be seen in adolescents or in women before menstruation. For adolescents, an oily face and hair can be a real challenge, since along with a cosmetic defect, complexes arise. Skin diseases are also common in women with endomeriosis and multifollicular ovaries. This is due to the excessive production of male hormones. It is they who provoke the growth of excessive facial hair and the release of a large amount of sebum.
  • Taking contraceptives … Modern hormonal contraceptives are low-dose, and in most cases they are prescribed for women with problem skin. Often, girls suffering from acne and acne, problems with the epidermis disappear after the start of taking contraceptives. But in rare cases, hormones can provoke excessive greasy hair.
  • Metabolic disease … These are usually problems with the liver and digestive system. With dysbiosis, some of the nutrients from food are not absorbed in the intestines, which leads to drying out of the curls. Because of this, the hair quickly turns oily. In people with diabetes, hair often looks greasy and unkempt. Hair problems are also observed in people with thyroid ailments.
  • Seborrhea … With this ailment, the skin often peels off not only on the head, but also on the face. The sebaceous glands try to relieve dryness. Accordingly, along with pieces of dandruff on your clothes, you will find curls knocked into icicles.
  • Improper nutrition … Oddly enough, but our skin and its condition depends on what we eat. Usually, problems with the skin of the face and scalp are observed in those with a sweet tooth and lovers of spicy and salty foods. Do not overuse fatty foods. Because of this, the liver is disrupted, which entails skin ailments. With improper nutrition, the outflow of bile is disturbed, which also worsens the condition of the skin and hair.

Why hair gets greasy with improper care

Frequent coloring as a cause of oily hair
Frequent coloring as a cause of oily hair

Often, untidy hair has nothing to do with ailments of internal organs. Usually, their mistress is to blame for the terrible condition of the curls.

Errors in hair care that provoke oily roots:

  1. Frequent scratching … By endlessly combing your curls throughout the day, you stretch the sebum from the roots over the entire surface of the hair. In addition, constant scalp massage provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands. If your curls are tangled and tangled in icicles, comb them starting in the middle. Just take a lock of hair in your hand and comb through the ends. This will prevent you from touching the scalp.
  2. Frequent staining and blow-drying … By using hot air during styling, you provoke moisture to evaporate. Accordingly, the body tries to replenish the loss of water and secretes a lot of fat.
  3. Stress and depression … With psychological problems, adrenaline is released into the blood, which is the reason for the activation of the sebaceous glands.
  4. The use of balms and masks in large quantities … Often, when using balm, women apply it not only to the ends, but also to the roots. This is not worth doing. Apply a small amount of skin care product to the palm of your hand and rub it between your fingers. Then use your fingers to comb through the hair, starting in the middle. Don't touch the roots.
  5. Wearing a tight headdress … In winter, the problem of oily hair is exacerbated by the use of tight hats. Opt for thin knitted beanies that fit slightly around your head.

Features of the treatment of oily hair

You can get rid of the problem through medication or using folk methods. In the presence of ailments of internal organs, all cosmetics will be useless. Try to adjust your nutrition initially. Eliminate fatty foods and sweets. Increase your daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

How to get rid of oily hair with medication

Sulsen's hair paste
Sulsen's hair paste

Trichologists often prescribe medications to correct the problem. Now in the pharmacy there are a lot of remedies for the treatment of oily roots.

Preparations for the treatment of oily hair:

  • Skin-Cap or Friederm zinc … These hair care products contain zinc pyritone. This substance gently cleanses the hair and has an antibacterial effect. Recommended for seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Sulsena … This is a whole series of substances based on selenium sulfide. You may not get a black, viscous paste with an unpleasant odor. Now on sale there is a shampoo that smells good and is easily washed off from the curls.
  • Friederm Tar … Means based on birch tar were used in Russia to treat hair and skin problems. Tar eliminates flaking and has a mild antiseptic effect.

Using shampoos to fight oily hair

Burdock hair shampoo
Burdock hair shampoo

Often, shampoos are used to improve hair. They contain essential oils, herbal teas and special chemicals to get rid of the problem.

Shampoos for the treatment of oily hair:

  1. Burdock … It is considered the most popular. It gently cleanses the curls and does not dry out the scalp. Thanks to this, the production of sebum is inhibited, and the curls stay clean longer. Ineffective for seborrhea.
  2. Nouvelle with nettle … The product contains lysine and cysteine. These substances inhibit the production of sebum. Stinging nettle soothes irritated skin so the curls don't dry out.
  3. Green mama … Inexpensive mint shampoo will give your hair freshness and pleasant aroma. The modern formula without sodium lauryl sulfate perfectly cleanses the skin without drying it out.
  4. Wella Regulate … This product contains mineral clay, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The substance is not addictive, therefore it can be used for frequent washing.
  5. Loreal Pure Resource … The product contains vitamin E, which improves hair elasticity and prevents moisture evaporation. The shampoo contains antioxidants that normalize sebum production and prevent the negative effects of hard tap water.

All of these shampoos are ineffective with improper care. If a trichologist diagnosed seborrheic dermatitis, then these funds will be useless. It makes sense to purchase shampoos and masks based on birch tar, selenium sulfide or zinc.

How to deal with oily hair with folk methods

Aloe tincture for hair
Aloe tincture for hair

Despite the low cost and high efficiency of pharmacy products for eliminating oily hair, many people prefer traditional medicine. After all, almost every housewife has everything for the preparation of a healing composition at hand.

Masks and tinctures for oily hair:

  • Mustard powder … To prepare the mask, 30 g of dry powder is poured into 200 ml of very hot water. It is necessary to mix everything so that there are no lumps. After that, the slurry is diluted with water to a volume of 1 liter. Curls are washed with this composition. After using mustard, the strands are washed with cool water. You need to use the product 2 times a week after each shampooing.
  • Aloe tincture … The tincture can be rubbed into the skin just before washing the strands or added to masks and shampoos. To prepare the tincture, 6 aloe leaves are peeled and crushed. The mass is poured with 100 g of alcohol or vodka. Leave for a week to infuse. After that, the mixture is filtered and used to treat greasy hair.
  • Camphor oil and yolk … This remedy is very effective. Use it instead of hair shampoo. In a bowl, mix the egg yolk with 12 drops of camphor oil and 20 g of warm water. The mask is applied to the curls and rubbed into the scalp. Wash off after 5 minutes. The product perfectly cleanses the roots, so there is no need to apply shampoo.
  • Cognac and yolk … In a container, using a brush, beat the yolk with 20 g of brandy and 30 g of boiled water. Apply the mass to dry hair roots and wait 15 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo.
  • Potatoes and kefir … Root vegetables are peeled and grated. The gruel is transferred to cheesecloth and squeezed out. This juice is mixed with 150 ml of kefir and kept on curls for 40 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.

Using herbs for oily hair

Using chamomile for hair
Using chamomile for hair

From time immemorial, our ancestors used medicinal herbs to treat all diseases. Hair problems are no exception.

Herbal Recipes for Oily Hair:

  1. Chamomile and sage … Mix dry raw materials in equal amounts. Pour 20 g of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the container in a towel and let sit for 20 minutes. Massage the composition into the scalp before each wash.
  2. Pyzhma ordinary … Fresh leaves and stems are used for treatment. They must be cut into small pieces and filled with a liter of boiling water. After complete cooling, the broth is filtered and used every other day to wash the curls. You do not need to use soap. The period of use is 1 month.
  3. Nettle … To prepare the broth, pour 20 g of dry herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Then drain the liquid into a separate container. Pour 30 g of blue clay with the resulting broth and apply to the roots. You need to keep it for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
  4. Sagebrush … Prepare a decoction, pouring 20 g of grass with 200 ml of boiling water. Pour 100 g of black bread with the resulting broth, take the crumb. Pound the soaked bread into a gruel and apply its roots. Leave for half an hour and rinse your hair thoroughly.
  5. Oak bark … This is an effective and time-tested remedy. To prepare the substance, pour 20 g of bark with 400 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid and wash your hair every 3 days. You will see the effect after 2 weeks of using the product.
  6. Rowan berries … It is an effective quick action remedy. 50 g of rowan fruits without twigs are poured with 400 ml of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. After that, the liquid is left to cool for 30 minutes. With this broth, rinse the curls every other day.

Oily hair care rules

Oak bark for oily hair
Oak bark for oily hair

If you take care of your hair incorrectly, then even with proper treatment, the problem will return after a while. Follow the recommendations for caring for your oily head and you will be able to keep it clean for longer.

Recommendations for the care of oily scalp:

  • Do not use very hot water to wash your hair. It enhances the work of the sebaceous glands, and by the evening your curls will look untidy.
  • Before washing your hair, rub aloe juice or a decoction of medicinal herbs into the scalp a few minutes before the procedure. Use a shampoo for your hair type. They often include a decoction of oak bark, aloe juice and other medicinal herbs.
  • Do not use hot air to dry curls. Set the hair dryer to a cold setting and try to use it less often. As rarely as possible, style the curls with an iron and curling iron, they greatly dry out the ends of the hair.
  • Apply masks and conditioners for oily hair. Apply split ends only to the ends. These masks contain oils that grease the roots.
  • Change your diet. Replace fatty foods and fast food with raw vegetables and fruits. Add more fresh salads to the menu. Do not use mayonnaise for dressing.
  • Get the right hairstyle. Long hair and tight ponytails make the situation worse. Therefore, choose a fluffy hairstyle so that the hairs are less in contact with each other.

How to get rid of oily hair - watch the video:

Greasy hair is easy to care for. If you follow the recommendations, you can significantly reduce the secretion of sebum and make the curls more tidy.
