Small acne on the forehead - causes and ways to fight

Small acne on the forehead - causes and ways to fight
Small acne on the forehead - causes and ways to fight

Why do small pimples appear on the forehead? Methods of dealing with rashes, proven means for eliminating cosmetic defects.

Small pimples on the forehead are an unpleasant cosmetic problem that women of different ages have to face. It is necessary to start eliminating rashes by finding out the reasons. The choice of a method of dealing with the phenomenon will depend on this. Often, you have to take a set of measures to get rid of annoying pimples.

The main causes of small acne on the forehead

Small pimples on the girl's forehead
Small pimples on the girl's forehead

Why sprinkled the upper part of the face, find out taking into account the age. For example, for adolescents this is a very common and natural phenomenon - it is hormonal changes in them that are the most likely cause of small acne on the forehead. Typically, the problem goes away on its own when puberty is complete.

If the forehead sprinkles after reaching the age of majority, one has to think about what led to this. Rashes are of a different nature: white and red, subcutaneous and superficial.

A fairly common cause of pimples on the forehead is blockage of the sebaceous ducts. It occurs due to malfunctions of the sebaceous and sweat glands. When the skin overproduces fat, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria to proliferate. As a result, inflammation occurs, and after that, acne appears.

However, unfavorable processes are triggered by a variety of factors. The most common of them include:

  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene … The forehead pours out small pimples, if it is corny to forget about skin care at the end of the day. It is very important to thoroughly wash off cosmetics using special products. Even if no foundation and other formulations were applied to the face, cleaning is still necessary: from street dust, sweat.
  • Wrong choice of cosmetics … If you buy creams, other products, without taking into account the type and characteristics of the skin, it is also easy to provoke rashes. Naturally, it is unacceptable to use products that are unusable due to the fact that they are expired.
  • Allergic reaction … Suddenly, you can find “surprises” on your face in the form of inflamed pimples, if you eat a forbidden product, use cosmetics that contain allergens. This often happens when an allergy sufferer first tries a new natural remedy. In this case, to solve the problem, it is enough to eliminate the cause. That is, exclude the product from the diet or no longer experiment with natural cosmetics.
  • Drug reaction or side effect of taking medication … If the rash appeared during therapy, and then after the completion of treatment, it disappeared safely, most likely, this is really due to the action of the drug. Therefore, you do not have to puzzle over how to remove small pimples on the forehead.
  • Disorders in the work of internal organs … Sometimes no remedy helps for acne for the simple reason that the roots of the problem lie very deep. For example, rashes appear due to disruptions in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Acne is possible due to diseases of the liver, gallbladder, other organs and systems.
  • Skin infection … Alas, this is due to banal negligence. You can squeeze out just one harmless pimple with dirty fingers to get a reaction in the form of a rash over a large area of skin.
  • Unbalanced diet … What people eat is often displayed on their faces. Therefore, various methods of dealing with rashes are useless, while the diet contains an abundance of spicy and fried foods, smoked meats. Abuse of sweet carbonated drinks, desserts, fast food also does not paint anyone.
  • Bad habits … Smoking, frequent alcohol consumption - there is no need to talk about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol. The way of life is reflected both in the state of the internal organs and in the appearance.
  • Excess vitamins … Everything is good in moderation - this is fully true in relation to any vitamin preparations. Usually, rashes appear due to the abuse of pharmacy products. True, some people, in a fit of desire to "vitaminize", manage to cause an unhealthy reaction, even limiting themselves exclusively to natural gifts. Example: it may well sprinkle from excessive consumption of tangerines, oranges, lemons, which supply vital vitamin C.

Note! Small pimples on the forehead in women often appear during pregnancy, during age-related hormonal changes.

Cosmetic problems also occur in men. Moreover, because of their thick skin, they often have to deal with rashes. The situation is aggravated by the activity of male hormones, which provoke the violent activity of the sebaceous glands. And this is especially true for the forehead, which is included in the T-zone. If you do not monitor the condition of the skin, do not take care of its regular cleaning, acne blooms in all its glory.

Rashes are characteristic of representatives of certain professions. The risk group includes people who work with chemicals.

How to get rid of small forehead pimples?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude serious causes - diseases of the internal organs. Often the task has to be solved in a complex way, having figured out why there are small acne on the forehead. Namely, to establish a diet, take care of regular fluid replenishment, and forget about bad habits. Plus, you can use effective and fairly simple ways to restore the beauty of the skin.

Steam baths

Steam bath for small acne on the forehead
Steam bath for small acne on the forehead

In almost any situation, for whatever reason acne appears, gentle but thorough cleaning of the skin is necessary. Gently enough, but effectively, you can treat your face with steam.

To do this, use a decoction of herbs. Chamomile in combination with string and nettle shows itself in the best way. Ingredients are taken in equal proportions and boiled with boiling water.

While steam is still coming from the infusion, you need to bend over it, covering your head with a towel. It is worth staying in this position for 10 minutes. During this time, the skin heats up, the pores and ducts expand. As a result, the formed plugs come out to the surface.

It remains to complete the cleaning, without fail taking care of sterility.

Important! Steam baths are not done if acne is severely inflamed and festering.

Homemade lotions

Homemade lotion for small forehead acne
Homemade lotion for small forehead acne

If your forehead is covered with small pimples, you can make effective lotions for regular skin care from available products. Ingredients are chosen that have drying properties, help reduce inflammation, and thoroughly but gently cleanse the skin.

Aloe juice works great. This tool is capable of a lot:

  1. eliminate irritation;
  2. relieve inflammation;
  3. heal wounds;
  4. soften the skin;
  5. remove toxins.

Aloe lotion is made in the simplest way. It is necessary to grind the leaf of the plant and squeeze out the juice. They rub the skin with it. You can safely handle the entire face completely: there will only be benefits.

Lotions based on calendula are equally effective. Cooking them is as easy as shelling pears: you can pour 0.5 liters of boiling water 20 g of dried flowers. When the broth is infused and cooled, you can wipe your face with it.

Effectiveness is guaranteed thanks to the invaluable composition, which includes:

  • oleanolic acid - a natural antibacterial agent;
  • lupeol - a component that relieves inflammation and helps restore cells;
  • carotenoids - contribute to the balance of metabolism, rejuvenation, elimination of inflammatory processes.

Amazing effects can be achieved using potato juice. It contains a lot of vitamins, microelements, which also help relieve inflammation and heal wounds.

To make potato lotion, you need fruits of exceptional freshness, without greens on the skin and without rotten spots. After peeling the peel, the potatoes are washed, rubbed and juice is obtained. It can be used immediately as a lotion.

Masks for small acne

Mask against small acne on the forehead with black clay
Mask against small acne on the forehead with black clay

If there is an acute question of how to get rid of small acne on the forehead, you can and should add a variety of masks to the arsenal of home remedies. A huge plus of this procedure is that it does not require much effort, and sometimes even cost. Because at home there are likely to be ingredients to perform an activity aimed at combating rashes.

Recipes for effective masks for small acne on the forehead:

  1. Lemon mask … Due to the chemical properties of the fruit, its juice effectively removes dead cells, disinfects the skin, helping to reduce rashes and prevent the appearance of new pimples. You can do the procedure as simply as possible: cut the lemon into slices and leave it on your face for 10 minutes. Alternatively, beat 1 egg white and add 1 tbsp to it. l. lemon juice, stirring - this is a composition for application to the skin.
  2. Protein mask … This tool helps to normalize the sebaceous glands. Therefore, after the procedures, it will be possible to forget about the oily sheen of the skin, as a result, the rashes will also decrease. It is enough to beat the egg white and apply for 15 minutes.
  3. Honey mask … The beekeeping product has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It removes irritation, promotes skin regeneration, and helps fight acne. It can be simply dissolved in a steam bath and applied to your face. It is important to make sure that you are not allergic to honey!
  4. White clay mask … Kaolin is able to show excellent results if many small pimples appear on the forehead. You can buy a ready-made powder for cosmetics and dilute it with a decoction of chamomile to a thick gruel. This is a gentle remedy that can be safely used even by owners of sensitive skin.
  5. Black clay mask … This natural product dries out the skin, helping to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. In parallel, it eliminates inflammation, accelerates healing. To make a mask, you can use a decoction of string and mint to get gruel. These herbs also help fight breakouts.
  6. Streptocide mask … This pharmaceutical preparation has a strong bactericidal effect. That is why it shows good results in the fight against rashes. However, there are contraindications to it, and unpleasant side effects are also likely. Therefore, the agent is used carefully, strictly adhering to the dosage and excluding the possibility of harmful effects on health. Alternatively, the tablets are turned into powder, aloe juice is added to it, diluting to the state of gruel. To get an impact agent, a couple more drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine are injected. With this composition, only acne is treated, without touching healthy skin!
  7. Oatmeal mask … This is a very delicate product that also relieves irritation and inflammation, while simultaneously nourishing the cells. Therefore, it is taken as the basis of a gentle mask, grinding it into flour and mixing with egg white, whipping it beforehand. The resulting mass is applied to the skin, wait until it dries, and then gently rinse off with warm water.

Lotions and compresses

Compress against small acne on the forehead
Compress against small acne on the forehead

If the forehead is covered with small pimples, you can and should use special compresses and make lotions. For example, products based on regular baking soda show excellent results.

She is capable of such effects:

  • removal of dead cells, which helps to release pores;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • reduction of skin oiliness.

To make a lotion, you need to combine soda with water, stirring the mass to a state of gruel. The resulting composition is applied pointwise to acne. After a couple of minutes, the lotion is removed.

Green tea is a highly valued beverage in cosmetology. It is good to drink, but can also be used in areas affected by rashes. Tea leaves are brewed with boiling water to make a steep infusion. Next, you can take a clean cloth or cotton pad, soak it in the tea leaves and apply it to the area with small subcutaneous pimples on the forehead. It is enough to stand for about a quarter of an hour for the compress to have a beneficial effect on the affected areas.

How to get rid of small pimples on the forehead - watch the video:

To eliminate the rash, you have to analyze your own lifestyle, revise your cosmetic bag for the presence of expired or questionable products. In this case, home treatments will quickly help eliminate small white pimples on the forehead and other imperfections.
