Sweating feet: causes and features of treatment

Sweating feet: causes and features of treatment
Sweating feet: causes and features of treatment

Causes of foot sweating. Methods of combating hyperhidrosis with the help of medicines and traditional medicine are considered. Most men encountered unpleasant foot odor. Many of them change their socks daily and pay a lot of attention to hygiene procedures, but the sweating of the feet does not disappear. Perhaps the problem lies not in the legs at all, but in serious ailments.

Causes of foot sweating

At first glance, this is a cosmetic problem, but in fact, the "smell of socks" causes complexes in humans. The patient becomes irritable, tries to avoid visiting. In stressful situations, adrenaline is released, and sweating increases, as a result of which the person becomes nervous, which leads to the next release of the hormone. A vicious circle is created, which is quite difficult to break.

Why feet sweat in adults

Heart disease
Heart disease

Here are the most common causes of wet feet in adults:

  1. Heart disease and high blood pressure … Due to the accelerated blood supply, sweat production increases. This is facilitated by the structure of the foot. 1 cm2 the foot has 250-350 sweat glands.
  2. Colds and SARS … During infection with an ailment, the body secretes a huge number of leukocytes that fight the disease. Because of this, there may be a fever, fever. After 2-3 days, the fever disappears, and the legs sweat less.
  3. Tuberculosis, bronchitis and other ailments of the respiratory system … Here, severe sweating of the legs is caused by a constant spasm, which provokes a violent cough. A person does not have enough oxygen, respectively, the body is trying to speed up metabolic processes due to sweating and an increase in temperature.
  4. Hypothyroidism … This is an ailment of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by a lack of hormones. A person is constantly thrown into the heat, then into the cold. The feet are constantly wet and cold.
  5. Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus … Most often, these ailments are observed in sedentary people. Due to illness, the body is under stress, which is the reason for "wet feet".
  6. Cancer ailments … These are tumors that also "consume" a lot of the body's energy. To cool the body, the skin produces a lot of sweat.
  7. Hormonal ailments … Typically, men have legs that sweat due to andropause. In women, hypothyroidism of the legs is associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause. Excessive sweating of the feet often occurs during adolescence due to constant fluctuations in hormone concentrations.
  8. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene … A person rarely washes his feet. This is necessary due to the fact that bacteria and microorganisms multiply in conditions of constant moisture and high temperatures. Sometimes foot fungus occurs.
  9. Heavy physical activity … With constant movement and weight lifting, the load on the legs increases, because of this, they sweat. The most interesting thing is that in such conditions, a bacterial infection often joins, provoking an unpleasant odor, itching and even stratification of nails.
  10. Tight or overly spacious shoes … Cheap Chinese leatherette shoes are often the cause of excessive sweating. The legs in it sweat and do not breathe. Accordingly, bacteria multiply on the insole and feet, provoking an unpleasant odor.
  11. Overly warm socks and boots … Many are accustomed to buying one pair of shoes for the season. But the temperature in winter can vary widely. At the same time, we walk in thermal boots both at + 10 ° C and at -20 ° C. Of course, during the thaw, the feet in such shoes sweat. Wear demi-season boots and a thin toe.

Why do children's feet sweat?

Vitamin D
Vitamin D

Consider the causes of foot hyperhidrosis in children:

  • Parasites … The presence of worms in the body provokes sweating of the legs. If the child has frequent bouts of dry cough and it constantly itches between the buttocks, it is worth taking a feces test for an ovarian leaf.
  • Lack of vitamin D … This is the initial stage of rickets, in which not only the legs, but also the head sweat. Sweat smells unpleasant and is sticky to the touch.
  • CNS ailments … These are not necessarily mental illnesses or disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system. Muscle hypotension and hypertension are also neurological problems and cause sweating of the feet.

Features of the treatment of sweating feet

The tactics of treatment depend on the reasons that provoked the hyperhidrosis. With ailments of the thyroid gland and with diabetes mellitus, baths, creams and ointments will eliminate sweating for a short time.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the legs in women

Washing feet
Washing feet

First, find out if you really have a problem. To do this, run a simple test. Wash your feet in warm, soapy water and pat dry. After that, apply the iodine solution to the foot and let it dry. Sprinkle the starch over your feet. If your legs turn blue, then you really have foot hyperhidrosis.

Non-medical treatments for foot sweating:

  1. Wash your lower limbs with soap in the morning and evening. It is advisable to gradually reduce the temperature of the water. So, you will affect thermoregulation.
  2. Apply antibacterial soap. It is best if you purchase a regular household one.
  3. After water procedures, dry your feet and sit for another 15 minutes without socks. It is necessary that the limbs are completely dry. After that, you can lubricate your feet with anti-odor cream.
  4. For the treatment of sweating in women, which is provoked by ailments of the internal organs, it is necessary to get rid of the cause. Otherwise, your feet will still sweat. During menopause, it is recommended to take hormonal drugs. As the frequency of hot flashes decreases, sweating of the legs and the whole body will decrease.

Treatment for sweating feet in men

Walking in flip flops
Walking in flip flops

Of course, it’s worth making sure that the sweating is not caused by any serious medical condition from the outset. To do this, contact a therapist, he will prescribe all the necessary studies. If hyperhidrosis is a consequence of a serious illness, then it will disappear in the process of treating the ailment. Rules for eliminating sweating of the feet in men:

  • Change your socks often. If you cannot wash your feet during the day, carry antibacterial wet wipes with you.
  • Don't wear rubber shoes.
  • Choose boots for the weather.
  • In summer, wear flip-flops or flip-flops whenever possible. Choose shoes made from genuine leather or suede.
  • If you notice an unpleasant smell, wipe the inside of the shoes with a solution of vinegar or turpentine.
  • Throw away the old insole and get a new one made of leather.
  • It is helpful to take a calcium gluconate solution. It is the lack of this mineral that can cause sweating. For treatment, drink 20 g of a 10% solution three times a day.
  • You can lubricate your feet with a mixture of talc and starch. These substances absorb sweat, leaving your feet dry.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the legs in a child

Examination by a pediatrician
Examination by a pediatrician

If the legs sweat in a baby under 1 year old, this is not a cause for concern. The baby does not have a well-established thermoregulation system, the body itself does not quite correctly understand when to cool the body.

Ways of treating "wet feet" in children:

  1. In winter, give 1-2 drops of Aquadetrim to children under 2 years old. It is vitamin D, which is used to treat and prevent rickets in children, which causes sweating.
  2. Take preventive examinations from a pediatrician and a neurologist. If the sweating of the legs is caused by decreased muscle tone, it is enough to undergo several courses of stimulating massage to eliminate the problem.
  3. With ICP and pyramidal insufficiency, it is worth taking a course of treatment with drugs that improve the functioning of the brain. By eliminating neurology, you get rid of sweating.

Remember! In most cases, the cause of sweating of the feet in babies is the excessive care of the mother. Many women dress the child "like a cabbage." Due to active movements, legs in warm boots sweat. In addition to an unpleasant odor, wet feet can also trigger colds.

What to use for sweating feet

Nowadays, cosmetics stores sell a lot of products for the treatment of foot hyperhidrosis. These are solutions, baths, ointments, powders and even tablets. Deodorants and scented insoles help reduce sweating.

Applying a cream for sweating feet

Teymurov's pasta
Teymurov's pasta

Formaldehyde is usually present in the composition of such products. It blocks the work of the sweat glands. Please note that this substance is toxic, so try not to get the product on the mucous membrane and in the mouth.

Antiperspirant creams:

  • Formal … This is a product with oily consistency of formaldehyde. Apply to feet for 30 minutes. After that, it is washed off with warm water. The skin of the feet is wiped dry. One use is enough to forget about "wet feet" for two weeks.
  • Teymurov's pasta … The product contains antiseptics, lanolin and herbs. Thanks to the complex effect, the skin dries out. Medicinal herbs and lanolin keep the skin from drying out. After application, the paste must be kept for 2 hours, and then washed off. Repeat the procedure for 3 days, and then take a break for a month.
  • Celedrem … The drug was not originally intended to treat sweating. With the help of the cream, skin ailments are treated, and the suppression of the sweat glands is a side effect of the remedy. The cream contains hormonal substances, so you should not use it without a doctor's prescription.
  • Deocontrol … The product is based on tea tree oil, which is famous for its antibacterial effect. In addition, the cream contains shea butter, mint and cocoa. They deodorize the skin of the feet and prevent dry feet.

Using ointment for sweating feet

Zinc ointment
Zinc ointment

Usually, the effect of ointments for sweating is associated with their antibacterial properties. These are antiseptics with essential oils.

List of ointments for sweating:

  1. Zinc-salicylic ointment … It is used to treat hyperhidrosis not only of the feet, but also of the armpits. As part of the product, zinc oxide and salicylic acid are well-known antiseptics. They kill bacteria on the surface of the skin and stop the sweat glands from working. Sweating may decrease slightly, but you will get rid of the smell.
  2. Unguentum Zinci … It is a zinc ointment made of zinc oxide and petroleum jelly. Copes well with "wet feet". It can be considered a universal remedy for sweat.
  3. Lifusol … The drug is based on furacilin, a well-known antiseptic. Apply to clean skin of the feet twice a day. The drug fights bacteria and destroys fungi. Reduces perspiration.
  4. Furacilin ointment … Antibacterial agent based on nitrofural. Used to treat suppurations, rashes and allergies. Copes with sweating by killing bacteria.

Foot sweat bath recipes

Taking a foot sweat bath
Taking a foot sweat bath

These remedies for the treatment of foot hyperhidrosis are harmless and often give good results. The trays contain antibacterial drugs and herbal decoctions. Essential oils are often used.

Recipes for foot sweat baths:

  • Spruce needles … To prepare a medicinal broth, pour 400 g of spruce needles with 5000 ml of boiling water. Wrap the container with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Drain the solution and discard the needles. Keep your feet in the liquid for 20-30 minutes. Used for unpleasant odors.
  • Oak bark and straw … To prepare the broth, you need to take 300 g of oat straw and 50 g of oak bark. Pour dry ingredients in a bucket of water and simmer for 20 minutes. Let the broth cool slightly and dip your feet in it for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily. Can be used for hyperhidrosis of the limbs and the whole body.
  • St. John's wort … The tool is used daily for 1 month. To prepare the broth, pour 40 g of St. John's wort into a saucepan and pour in 2000 ml of water. Boil for 15 minutes. Strain and refrigerate slightly. Keep your feet in the broth for 20 minutes.

Folk remedies for sweating feet

Anti-perspiration aromatic foot bath
Anti-perspiration aromatic foot bath

Traditional medicine mainly offers herbs for the treatment of limb hyperhidrosis. Decoctions are prepared from them for oral administration or baths are made. Traditional medicine recipes for sweating feet:

  1. Stearin powder … You should put this substance into clean socks and walk around all day. 2-4 procedures are enough to forget about “wet feet” for 2 weeks.
  2. Oak bark powder … You need to sprinkle powder on your feet and wear warm socks. It is best to do the procedure at night. In the morning, wash your feet with cool water. Repeat the manipulation daily for a week.
  3. Apple vinegar … Wash your feet with soap and water. Let the skin dry. Take a towel and soak it with apple cider vinegar. Wipe your feet and put on your socks. Apple cider vinegar is an antiseptic and can dry out your feet.
  4. Boric acid … After your morning shower, sprinkle some boric acid on dry feet. Rub between your fingers. Spread evenly over the foot. Leave it until evening. Wash your feet with warm water before bed.

How to get rid of foot sweating with unconventional remedies

Botox for the treatment of sweating feet
Botox for the treatment of sweating feet

There are ways to solve the problem with rather unusual methods. These methods are used by doctors when the patient wants to achieve long-term results.

Unconventional methods of dealing with foot hyperhidrosis in the clinic:

  • Electrophoresis … During the procedure, a weak electric current is applied to the lower limbs. It also blocks the work of the sweat glands. The effect after the course of treatment is observed for 6 months.
  • Dysport … These are injections of botulinum toxin, which kills the cells of the sweat glands. The effect lasts for 5-9 months. The cost of injections is high, so not everyone can afford it.
  • Sympathectomy … This is a surgical operation, during which nerve bundles are clamped with a special clip. Signals to the sweat glands are blocked. The effect of the procedure lasts for 2-4 years.

How to get rid of sweating feet - watch the video:

As you can see, there are many ways to combat leg sweating. Choose the remedy that works best for you and forget about hyperhidrosis.
