Cottage cheese is included in the diet of every athlete. But very often there is a poor-quality product on the shelves that will not contribute to the growth of muscle mass and weight loss. Absolutely everyone has heard about cottage cheese. Every second uses this product in their diet. Athletes treat him in a special way. For them, cottage cheese is a source of essential protein, which is so necessary for the growth of muscle mass.
How to get cottage cheese
To talk about the benefits of cottage cheese, you need to understand what this product is. Everyone knows that cottage cheese is made from milk. First, the cow product is brought to curdled milk. This is due to the action of beneficial bacteria that reproduce naturally. After that, the sour milk is brought to a boil, the liquid fraction is separated, and a thick sediment forms cottage cheese.
Only 200 grams of cottage cheese is obtained from 0.5 liters of milk. Hence the conclusion: cottage cheese cannot cost less than milk. Pay attention to price when shopping for your sports nutrition products. A cheap product is, most likely, a curd product, in which there is nothing useful. An adequate amount of protein is obtained from low-fat cottage cheese. Walking between the counters, you can see that the manufacturer offers three types of products: low-fat 3%, fat 18% and bold 9%. Athletes choose the first option and use it, as a rule, before bed.
Curd protein - what is it?

The protein in this product is classified as animal protein. Therefore, it contains enough amino acids to influence the growth of muscle tissue. As you know, foods such as fish and meat are rich in proteins. The cottage cheese on this list is the cheapest source of animal protein. This explains its popularity among athletic people.
Why is it consumed before a night's rest? Because in its composition 50% is casein (complex protein). But it cannot be classified as a long-term protein, since the remaining 50% are fast proteins. Therefore, cottage cheese is most likely a complex protein. It is an alternative to expensive sports supplements. Each is based on casein. And if your grandmother keeps the creator of this product, then the savings will be noticeable, and the effect is no worse than from sports cocktails. At the same time, cottage cheese is quickly digested when compared with meat products. From the above, we can draw conclusions:
- 20% of proteins are in a semi-cleaved state.
- Animal proteins are a source of amino acids. You eat and your muscle mass grows.
- In the composition of cottage cheese, not only fast protein is noticed, but also casein. The percentage is 50/50.
- Calcium and phosphorus actively strengthen bone tissue. Also a significant plus for a person who regularly uses power loads.
The benefits and harms of cottage cheese for the body

Even this product can create some problems. With some you can fight, but there are those that cannot be influenced.
There are times when a person is allergic to milk protein. Signs of the disease are redness on the skin, itching or redness of the mucous membranes. In this case, you will have to reconsider the use of standard sports nutrition. It is possible that there will be no allergy to artificial protein. There is also such a disease as lactose intolerance. In this case, a person is allowed to consume dairy products, but in a strictly limited amount.
As you can imagine, it is difficult to cope with such problems. You will have to revise the entire diet and replace the dairy product with meat or fish. There is also a local problem manifested in low-quality cottage cheese.
Any manufacturer wants to invest a minimum in their product, and at the same time get a 200% profit. This is the trouble of modern society, GOSTs have ceased to be the starting point for every product. Technical specifications and deceptive advertising GOSTs are increasingly common on the labels. Very often the manufacturer indicates the word GOST in large letters, people react positively to these four letters and strive to buy a quality product. But these letters and numbers do not always refer to the product itself, they often indicate the packaging. So much for a deception of pure water.
Pay attention to such a phrase as "curd product". This means that the package contains "linden" cottage cheese, which contains:
- Vegetable fats that increase the shelf life of the product. Remember: well, cottage cheese cannot be stored for more than 5 days!
- Starch is used to increase the weight of a product.
- The proportions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates are significantly altered. It is more profitable to shove fats into the product, rather than proteins.
- Preservatives.
All this overshadows the desired result. Imagine you eat cottage cheese in packs, but there is no progress in muscle mass! These are the moments that undermine the morale and the desire to become better.
How to choose good cottage cheese

Is it possible to purchase a quality product in a modern store? Practice shows that this is quite real. The main thing is to carefully read the labels and look at the appearance of the cottage cheese:
- Cottage cheese is a perishable product; it cannot be stored for a month. The best option is the one where the shelf life is 5-7 days.
- The composition of the product should not have many complicated words. The ideal formula for curd is sourdough and milk. The most common words are calcium chloride or enzyme. Choose a product in which the list is small.
- Don't buy cheap goods. Curd cannot be cheaper than milk.
- The density should be moderate. A product that is too dry or liquid indicates a violation of technical standards during cooking.
- The quality of the fats can be determined. To do this, leave a small amount of cottage cheese on the table overnight. If it is slightly sour, but has not lost color, this indicates the use of natural fats. A yellowish tint and invariability of taste is a sign of an artificial product.
- The presence of starch will reveal iodine. Drop iodine on the surface of the curd. If the stain turns blue, then there is starch in the composition. Consistency of color indicates the naturalness of the curd.
- Choose a grainy product, it is more natural.
If we analyze modern producers of cottage cheese, then it is better to give preference to cottage cheese "Sval" or "Savushkin Khutorok". Other well-known brands such as "Vkusnoteevo" and "Domik v Derevne" are far from ideal, and are curd mass.
Watch what you eat and you will get results!