Side crunches on the press

Side crunches on the press
Side crunches on the press

Learn the technique of performing one of the most effective exercises for building a beautiful abs. Practical advice with an exclusive video. Everyone knows that the press consists of several muscles:

  • Rectus abdominal muscle.
  • External oblique muscles.
  • Internal oblique muscles.

To effectively work the prima muscles, you just need to perform straight or reverse crunches, or from a variation. But there are still the external oblique muscles, for which it is best to use the lateral crunches on the press.

Side crunch technique

The athlete performs side crunches
The athlete performs side crunches

Lie on your back as if you are about to do classic crunches. After that, place the palm of one hand behind your head, with the elbow joint pointing forward. The second hand should be on the side where the twists will be performed. This will allow you to better feel the contraction of the working muscles.

Then bend your knee joints and turn them slightly to the side. This will be your starting position. As you inhale, begin to pull your left elbow towards the right knee joint, trying to reach it (this depends on the side in which you twist). With the maximum contraction of the muscles, pause for one or two seconds. After that, return to the starting position. After completing 15 repetitions (more possible), start doing the exercise in the opposite direction.

A variation of the side crunches for the press is also possible, where you need to perform the classic side crunch and at the same time raise your leg. But for beginners, simple side twists will be enough.

Also important for many is the question of the frequency of training the oblique muscles of the press. We can say for sure that it is not worth getting carried away with this movement, especially for girls. Any physical activity leads to muscle hypertrophy, and the growth of the oblique abdominal muscles will lead to an increase in waist size. It is much more important to first eliminate the fat deposits in the abdominal area so that the abs are visible.

Side crunch effects

Muscles involved in lateral twisting
Muscles involved in lateral twisting

As you already understood, this is a very simple exercise and very easy to master on your own. Let's see what effects you can get from doing side crunches on the press:

  • Not only the oblique muscles are strengthened, but also the rectus muscle. Although when performing regular twists, the oblique muscles also participate in the work, but not so actively.
  • Fat burning is accelerated when using the multi-rep mode.
  • The figure will become more attractive for both men and girls.
  • Developed abdominal muscles better support internal organs, and blood flow in the pelvic area also increases.

Of course, in order to achieve good results, you need to work for a long time. Most people just don't have the patience to wait for the results. In addition, intense training causes an unpleasant burning sensation in the muscles, which causes discomfort for many.

Check out the technique for performing side crunches on the press in this story by Denis Borisov: