Omnadren in bodybuilding: course, dosages and side effects

Omnadren in bodybuilding: course, dosages and side effects
Omnadren in bodybuilding: course, dosages and side effects

Find out why Omnadren has become one of the most popular steroids and how to properly formulate a course for gaining lean muscle mass. In bodybuilding, the steroid is actively used to gain muscle mass. Most often, it becomes the main drug in the combination cycle, although the solo cycle can give excellent results. The drug is also in demand in sports such as powerlifting or weightlifting. This fact is associated with the ability of the omki to significantly increase the power parameters.

According to athletes, in one course of anabolic steroids, you can gain about ten kilos. This is an average indicator, because a lot depends on the genetic characteristics of the athlete, his experience, etc. The above positive properties are not the only advantages of Omnadren. Under the influence of a steroid, the secretion of red blood cells is accelerated. As a result, the body is not deficient in oxygen and takes less time to recover. In addition, oxygen is needed to obtain energy with all the ensuing consequences.

Possible side effects of Omnadren

Omnadren packaging on a red background
Omnadren packaging on a red background

Like any medication, Omnadren has a certain set of side effects. First of all, we are talking about increasing the concentration of female hormones. This is due to the acceleration of the aromatization process. In the male body, estrogens play an important role, but only at a certain concentration. To maintain a balance between testosterone and female hormones, the first substance is converted into the second if necessary.

This is due to a special enzyme - aromatase. Our body always strives for balance and with the introduction of exogenous dough, the aromatization process is accelerated. When estrogen levels exceed acceptable levels, the athlete may face some problems. One of the main ones among them is gynecomastia. It should not be forgotten that omka contains testosterone esters, which is a strong androgen. As a result, this type of side effects may develop, such as acne or baldness. However, most often this happens with a genetic predisposition of the athlete.

Another serious negative effect of all steroids is the suppression of the pituitary arch, which consists of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and testicles. The processes of dough secretion by the body are regulated by hormones of the gonadotropic group - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing.

When the level of the dough rises sharply due to artificial hormones, then the body does not need to produce an endogenous substance. As a result, testicular atrophy is possible.

Instructions for the use of Omnadren in bodybuilding

The guy shows a jar of steroids
The guy shows a jar of steroids

So we come to the last part of our topic - the course, dosages and side effects of Omnadren in bodybuilding. To avoid all of the side effects described above, athletes must strictly adhere to the steroid instructions for use. The average duration of drug courses is 1.5 to 2 months. In amateur bodybuilding, this time period is sufficient to obtain good results. Although the drug can be administered only once during the week, we recommend placing the omka twice. This will ensure that hormonal pits are avoided.

Omka dosages should be selected on an individual basis, but at the same time be in the range from 0.25 to 0.75 grams throughout the week. Moreover, in most cases, it is quite enough to use 0.5 grams at this time interval. This will allow you to get excellent results and minimize the risks of side effects. By the way, various drugs are used to eliminate them on the course:

  1. Estrogenic side effects - aromatase inhibitors, for example, anastrozole or exemestane, must be added to the course.
  2. Androgenic side effects - finasteride is used.
  3. Suppression of endogenous testosterone secretion - if the duration of the course exceeds ten weeks or the drug is used in large doses, it is necessary to use gonadotropin.

Also, after the end of the cycle, rehabilitation therapy is mandatory. To do this, you must choose one of three drugs - clomid, tamoxifen or toremifene. The first two are the most popular among athletes. Experienced athletes most often use AAS in various combinations. Combined cycles allow you to increase performance without increasing the risk of side effects. Let's look at examples of several courses with Omnadren.

Omnadren course for fast muscle mass gain

This cycle includes omnadren, testosterone propionate, winstrol and turinabol. All these drugs must be taken according to the following scheme:

  • 1st to 6th week - The weekly dosage of Omnadren is 0.4 grams.
  • 1st to 6th week - Take 40 milligrams of turinabol daily.
  • 7th to 9th week - every second day, inject 0.1 grams of testosterone propionate.
  • 7th to 9th week - The daily dosage of Winstrol is 50 milligrams.

Omnadren course for experienced athletes

  • 1st to 8th week - The weekly dose of Omka is 0.75 to 1 gram.
  • 1st to 8th week - Take 0.1 grams of oxymetholone every day.
  • 9th to 11th week - The daily dosage of Winstrol is 50 milligrams.
  • 9th to 11th week - every other day, inject 0.1 grams of testosterone propionate.

Omnadren Course on Strength

  • 1st to 8th week - Omnadren is administered in an amount of 0.7 grams.
  • 1st to 8th week - The daily dosage of turinabol is 50 milligrams.
  • 9th to 11th week - Take 50 milligrams of methandienone every day.
  • 9th to 11th week - every other day, testosterone propionate is injected at a dosage of 0.1 grams.

When choosing combinations of AAS, there are no restrictions, and you can use Omka with any steroid. At this moment, you need to proceed from the tasks set and the characteristics of your body. All dough ethers are perfectly perceived by the body, because the exogenous substance does not differ from the endogenous one. Most often, problems on the omnadren course arise when the recommendation is not followed or the genetically predetermined high activity of aromatase and 5-alpha dihydrogenase enzymes.

How are Omnadren and Sustanon different?

Ampoule with Omnadren is on the package
Ampoule with Omnadren is on the package

It is these two drugs that are most often compared by athletes. This is quite logical. Indeed, each of them contains four dough ethers. However, experienced bodybuilders often report that sustanon is a milder steroid. Let's try to find out if there are differences between these AAS. The composition of Sustanon has remained unchanged since the inception of the drug.

But in Omka, manufacturers often changed the fourth ether, and at the moment, most often it is caproate. We tried to compare these anabolic steroids according to several criteria and now we want to share the results with you.


Sustanon is officially banned for sale through the official pharmacy chain. Of course, this does not prevent builders from turning to numerous online stores where they can purchase any sports pharmacology. Omnadren, in turn, can be found in a pharmacy, but in Russia you will be required to have a prescription. In Ukraine, everything is somewhat simpler and athletes can purchase this anabolic drug even without presenting a prescription.


Sustanon is a relatively expensive but popular AAS. Not every online store sells drugs undergo additional testing. Although there is a huge competition between the online trading platforms now. Fake drugs are still found. If you want to buy sports pharmacology safely, then you should find a reliable dealer.

It is quite obvious that you should not purchase steroids from the hands. Omnadren, in turn, most athletes try to purchase at the pharmacy. As we said above, in Russia this is quite difficult to do, but it is still possible. Although fake omka is also found on the market, it happens less often than with sustanon.


This criterion is the most important for most bodybuilding lovers. Sustanon costs 1.5–2 times more on average.

The decision to start using sports pharmacology and the choice of drugs is a personal matter for each athlete. Today we talked about the course, dosages and side effects of Omnadren in bodybuilding. This article should help many bodybuilding lovers make the right choice.

More on the use of Omnadren in the following video:
