Deca-dik - side effects of Nandrolone

Deca-dik - side effects of Nandrolone
Deca-dik - side effects of Nandrolone

Find out what hidden dangers may lie in wait for you on the course with Nandrolone and how to prevent their development. Nandrolone became popular among athletes almost immediately after its inception. Unlike most steroids, nandrolone continues to be used in traditional medicine as well. Two esters of nandrolone are now available: decanoate and phenylpropionate. The main purpose of the steroid is to gain mass. In addition, athletes appreciate it for its ability to increase the performance of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Today we will talk in more detail about this drug and take a closer look at its side effects of nandrolone deca-dik.

Features of nandrolone

Nandrolone in the form of suspensions
Nandrolone in the form of suspensions

The molecular structure of nandrolone is very similar to testosterone. The difference between these hormones is the presence of a carbon atom in the 19th position of nandrolone. This fact predetermined the ratio of anabolic and androgenic activity. The first indicator is slightly higher in comparison with the male hormone, and the androgenic properties are much lower. It should be noted that nandrolone is produced in the body, but in small quantities and only under the influence of physical exertion.

In addition, nandrolone is converted to the inactive form of dihydronandrolone. Testosterone, in turn, in the course of chemical reactions turns into the most powerful natural androgen - dihydrotestosterone. It is with this substance that almost all the negative effects of the androgenic type are associated. In addition, nandrolone is extremely weakly susceptible to aromatization, in contrast to testosterone. All these features of the steroid make it so popular among athletes.

Here are the main effects that athletes get when using anabolic steroids:

  1. The process of production of protein compounds is accelerated.
  2. The synthesis of hormones of the glucorticoid group slows down.
  3. The production of IGFs is accelerating.
  4. The nitrogen balance shifts to the positive side.
  5. The number of red cells in the blood increases.
  6. The synthesis of synovial fluid is accelerated.
  7. The rate of bone mineralization increases.

Most of these effects are inherent in other AAS, but, say, the concentration of nitrogen, nandrolone increases more actively. As you know, with a positive nitrogen balance in the muscle tissues, anabolic reactions are activated. But the acceleration of the synthesis of synovial fluid and an increase in the rate of bone mineralization are inherent only in nandrolone. This explains its therapeutic properties. Many athletes on the course of this drug note an improvement in the work of the joints and the elimination of pain in them. At the same time, nandrolone also has side effects of nandrolone deca-dik, which we will talk about a little later.

How is nandrolone used?

The doctor draws a syringe
The doctor draws a syringe

Therapeutic dosages of the drug are from 0.1 to 0.2 grams, administered throughout the week. To obtain the anabolic effect that athletes need, the steroid is used in large quantities. Recommended dosages for athletes are in the range of 0.4 to 0.6 grams. In most cases, using the lowest dosage is sufficient to obtain excellent results.

Applying 0.4 grams weekly, the athlete almost one hundred percent guarantees the absence of side effects of Nandrolone deca-dik. All athletes who decide to use steroids need to remember that as the dose increases, the risk of negative effects also increases.

A side effect during a deca-dik cycle - what is it?

Estrogen and the phonendoscope
Estrogen and the phonendoscope

Now we will take a closer look at such a side effect of Nandrolone as deca-dik. Often, athletes, especially beginners, when it manifests itself, do not understand what needs to be done. We have already said that Nandrolone is weakly susceptible to aromatization. However, this steroid has progestogenic properties. Simply put, it stimulates the production of prolactin.

Prolactin is a hormone of the lactogenic group and is synthesized by the cellular structures of the pituitary gland. In molecular structure, prolactin is a protein compound. The main functions of the hormone in the body are to stimulate the development of the mammary glands, regulate the milk production process and form the maternal instinct.

It is quite obvious that this is a female hormone that men do not need at all. If a man's hormonal system is working normally, then prolactin in the body should not be produced. Scientists have not yet understood why this hormone can be synthesized by a man's body, but it is safe to say that the process of its synthesis must be blocked.

In an athlete using Nandrolone, prolactin is produced due to the high progestogenic activity of this anabolic. Prolactin contributes to a decrease in the rate of testosterone production, which can lead to serious negative consequences if measures are not taken to reduce the concentration of this female hormone. When the level of prolactin in the blood falls, the production of hormones of the gonadotropic group is activated, which allows the normal functioning of the entire pituitary arch to be restored. As a result, sexual desire is normalized, the work of erectile function is improved and the risk of developing gynecomastia is eliminated. As a result, the hormonal system begins to work as before.

After each course of AAS, athletes need to undergo rehabilitation therapy. Most often, athletes determine the time of its onset by the half-life of the longest steroid. However, it is more correct to take tests that allow you to establish indicators of the level of testosterone, estrogen and prolactin.

To block the production of this female hormone, it is necessary to use drugs from the prolactin inhibitor group. Today, bromocriptine is used for this (a class of drugs that stimulate dopamine-type receptors), as well as cabergoline or quinagolide (a class of drugs that are selective stimulants of dopamine-type receptors D2). Now we will talk about how each of these drugs can cope with the side effect of Nandrolone deca-dik.

Bromocriptine is a dopamine-type receptor antagonist and is able to influence the metabolism of norepinephrine and dopamine. As a result, the concentration of serotonin decreases, which leads to an increase in sex drive. Since the use of bromocriptine stimulates dopamine receptors, the production of prolactin slows down. It should also be said that if there are certain disorders in the work of the hormonal system, bromocriptine can also slow down the production of growth hormone. If there are no health problems, then this does not happen and even an increase in the concentration of growth hormone is observed.

Side effects are also possible when using bromocriptine. However, they are possible only with a strong excess of dosages or individual intolerance to the active component of the drug. To combat prolactin, athletes need to take 5 milligrams of bromocriptine twice a day (morning and evening).

Cabergoline stimulates the work of dopamine D2 receptors located in the cellular structures of the pituitary gland. In addition to reducing the rate of prolactin production, Cabergoline can reduce depression, rigidity and tremors. It is also necessary to take Cabergoline twice a day in an amount of 0.25 milligrams. Also note that prolactin inhibitors should be used with caution by people with liver problems.

And now we will consider an example of restorative therapy, which will allow you not only to get rid of the side effect of Nandrolone deca-dik, but also to reduce the level of estrogen, completely restoring the work of the hormonal system after an anabolic course. Inexpensive Tamoxifen or Proviron can be used to combat high estradiol levels.

These drugs are very popular with athletes. At the same time, you can use more powerful and expensive antiestrogens such as Letrozole or Anastrozole. We will focus on the first two drugs, as they are the most economical choice.

Start taking Proviron or Tamoxifen for two weeks at 25 milligrams. You will also need one of the prolactin inhibitors. We indicated the dosages of Cabergoline and Bromocriptine above. These drugs are also used for two weeks. After that, your hormonal system should be fully functional again.

For more information on Nandrolone and its effectiveness, see this video:
