Diets alone are not enough for effective weight loss. To speed up the process, you need to exercise. Do you want to lose weight? Study your training program carefully. Everyone knows that in order to burn fat, you need to create a calorie deficit. Most often, this is done by reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed, since you already need to eat fats in small quantities. After that, the body can use for energy only fat located in adipose tissues, as well as amino acid compounds from muscle tissues.
Thus, your main task is to force the body to use only fat stores without affecting the muscles. It is much easier for the body to obtain energy from amino acid compounds and maintain fat mass. Often, athletes cannot get the desired results, since they do not imagine all the mechanisms of fat burning. Today we are going to take a look at what a fat burning workout in bodybuilding should look like.
Why does training accelerate fat burning?

To deal with this issue, you need to remember that there are two types of fibers in the muscles - type 1 and type 2. To gain muscle mass, you need to focus on training type 2 fibers, since they reach hypertrophy faster. On the other hand, type 1 fibers have a very effective mechanism for fat oxidation.
Many athletes do not pay enough attention to training these fibers, since it is much more difficult to achieve their hypertrophy. Bodybuilders tend to work out with high weights and low reps. This not only leads to hypertrophy of type 2 fibers, but also reduces the number of type 1 fibers.
When using dietary nutrition programs, fatty acids will enter muscle tissue for oxidation for energy. It is at this stage that the first obstacle rises in front of you. Muscles have a limited ability to attract fatty acids. For this, a special enzyme called lipoprotein lipase is used, which is found in type 1 fibers.
Since most athletes use the training methodology that we talked about above, the number of these fibers decreases, which also reduces the amount of fatty acids that can penetrate the muscles. It should also be noted that when you focus on training type 1 fibers, their ability to attract fatty acids from the bloodstream is enhanced.
We will also say a few words about the process of fat oxidation in muscles. Since the main source of energy for muscles is ATP, then fatty acids will be used for the synthesis of this substance. These processes take place in the mitochondria. Fibers of the second type contain few mitochondria, which complicates the conversion of fatty acids into ATP. They use carbohydrates as an energy source. For this reason, you should limit your intake of gainers during the drying period.
Fat burning training program

Fighting excess weight is very difficult. Your task is further complicated by the fact that it is necessary to preserve the muscles. In order for muscles to effectively burn fat, it is necessary to restore all pathways of metabolic reactions aimed at this. At the same time, this is a rather lengthy process and you need to remember this at every lesson throughout the year, and not just before starting to use dietary nutrition programs.
Muscle tissue is reluctant to burn fatty acids unless you train them to do so. It is most important that the fatty acids are consumed by muscle tissue even at rest, and not just under the influence of training. If you achieve this, then the fight against body fat will become more effective. We have already said that only type 1 fibers are able to use fats for energy. Thus, you must constantly train them, because they also have the ability to hypertrophy, although not to the same degree as fibers of type 2. You must solve the following problems during your training:
- Prevent atrophy of type 1 fibers and enhance the process of oxidation of fatty acids by them.
- Accelerate the transport of fatty acids from adipose tissues to muscular tissues.
- Achieve type 1 fiber hypertrophy.
- Use a lot of repetitions.
It is high repetitions that can help you fight fat. After completing the basic training of a group of muscles, you need to additionally perform a couple of sets with a number of repetitions of at least 50. Those muscles that are not used on this day, you should train at least 100 repetitions.
Now, someone will probably say that such training promotes an increase in catabolic processes. But this is not true, because without training, your muscles do not want to actively burn fat. Once you start doing high repetitions, you will find that it is very effective.
It is clear that this technique will lead to an increase in the lesson time. To avoid this, reduce the number of low-rep sets. Your high rep workout should take an average of 10 minutes. Find out how many sets you are doing in a familiar style in that time frame, and remove them from your workout routine.
You can also use special supplements that speed up the fat burning process. Start taking omega-3s and GLA first. For a cheaper alternative to these supplements, you can use flaxseed oils. But remember that the first two are the most effective. Consume one gram of omega-3 and three grams of GLA per day.
Uridine triphosphate is also an effective substance. It is one of the components of DNA and is sugar. Do not take more than 3 grams of this supplement per day.
Also remember to mix caffeine and ephedrine. It is a very effective fat burner. It should be admitted that there are a large number of drugs on the market today aimed at accelerating fat burning, and you can use any of them.
Fat burning relief workout from Vladimir Borisov in this video: