Ginseng for the face

Ginseng for the face
Ginseng for the face

Find out what ginseng is made of, what benefits it has, and its uses in cosmetics. This miraculous plant has been known since ancient times. It has always been used in Chinese medicine. It is the root of life, in ancient times, ginseng was considered a panacea for most diseases. No wonder he got such fame. Unfortunately, natural ginseng is not used now, in most cases it is cultivated and grown in specially created conditions. The most valuable part is the root, which contains many nutrients and minerals.

Ginseng root composition

Ginseng root
Ginseng root
  • Minerals and trace elements (iron, magnesium, calcium, cobalt, zinc, copper, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and molybdenum).
  • Ginsenosides are the basis of the healing properties that ginseng has.
  • Pantothenic and folic acids.
  • Polysaccharides.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Amino acids, with the help of which the amount of fluid in the body is normalized.
  • Vitamins E and C - help to prevent the aging process of the skin.
  • Acetylene derivatives (falkarintriol, sesquiterpenes, panaxinol and others).
  • Also sugars, starch, choline, beta element, sterols, pectins, fats and vitamins B1, B12 and B2.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the root of life is actively used in cosmetology. Especially well and effectively rejuvenates the skin with a mask based on ginseng.

What properties does ginseng have?

  • The skin is renewed and the healing process takes place faster.
  • Blood circulation is stimulated, cells are saturated with oxygen.
  • Ginseng has a mild foaming property.
  • The skin is toned, becomes softer as a result of the normalization of the water-salt balance.
  • The cells of the epidermis are saturated and renewed.
  • The skin is saturated with useful macronutrients and minerals, as a result, the metabolism improves.
  • Collagen production is stimulated.
  • Ginseng has antibacterial and healing properties.
  • UV protection.
  • Anti-aging effect on the skin of the face.
  • Relieves irritation and inflammation, and reduces tissue swelling.
  • Saturation of damaged cells with nutrients.

Ginseng as a whole gives the body more strength and energy, endurance increases, mental performance improves, the body becomes more resistant to stress and emotional stress. All this makes your skin breathe youth and freshness.

How is ginseng used in cosmetology?

A series of cosmetics for face, body and hair based on ginseng root
A series of cosmetics for face, body and hair based on ginseng root

Ginseng extract is actively used in various cosmetics for the anti-aging process; it is also found in creams to protect against ultraviolet radiation and exposure to cold. Ginseng is also added to shampoos, gels, etc. for body care, aging skin and hair.

The extract is thrown into the bath (about 3-4 teaspoons), it nourishes the body, gives the skin elasticity. Ginseng is also often used as a natural coloring agent. You can find ginseng extract in shower gels, toners and face scrubs, lipsticks to protect the lips. Quality cosmetics are not cheap, so you can make a homemade facial remedy based on ginseng root. Buy the root in reputable stores. There are three types of ginseng:

  • Sunny - the processing temperature reaches 110 degrees.
  • Red - the temperature is 90 ° C, the ginseng is at least five years old.
  • White - such ginseng is from four to six years old, the root must be fresh, dried.

You should choose the root very carefully, since overdried ginseng root loses all the beneficial properties, as a result, you will waste money and time.

Several recipes for masks with ginseng

Ginseng face mask
Ginseng face mask
  • For dry skin, it is recommended to mix chamomile, sage, ginseng and hawthorn. In total, this is 1, 5 tbsp. l.per liter of water. Apply and hold the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • If you have combination skin, you need to mix ginseng essential oil (two drops), wheat bran (1 tablespoon), coconut oil (teaspoon), and crushed raspberries (2 teaspoons). We wash off this mask after 17 minutes.
  • The following recipe will work for any skin. You must grind dry ginseng root to a powdery state. Fill it with hot water (water temperature should be 70 ° C). When the mixture has cooled to your body temperature, you can apply it to your face. We hold for about 20 minutes. This mask has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, so do it a couple of times a week.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of ginseng. You just need to find out if it does not apply to your allergens. Therefore, either consult a specialist, or apply on your hand and see the reaction of your body.

For more information on the properties of ginseng, see this video:

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