Description of the pigeon plum and the chemical composition of the pulp. Useful properties and harm from use. How is a tropical berry eaten, what dishes are prepared from it? Interesting Facts. If a woman adhered to an irrational diet, after which she cannot return to healthy food, or a prolonged refusal to eat provoked anorexia, the introduction of sour berries into the diet will help to restore the joy of eating again. This snack improves appetite.
Contraindications and harm of titonga

Sour fruits are not for everyone. With increased acidity, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, bleeding disorders, they will have to be abandoned. Fresh pigeon plum can cause harm if the oral mucosa is damaged. Too acidic juice corrodes fibrin, which has already formed on ulcers or microcracks. Pain will be felt after use.
Do not experiment with berries if you have a history of chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis. Eat a few berries, and then there will be a relapse of the disease.
If children out of curiosity try the fruits, it's not scary. But it is not worth experimenting and overeating on purpose, even as an adult. An unpleasant set of teeth and a feeling of tightness remains in the mouth. The pigeon plum pulp contains too much tannins, astringents.
Contraindications to use are also individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation and age up to 3 years - if this is a new product in the diet. But since it is impossible to eat a large amount, then negative consequences are unlikely to appear.
How is Pajiplum eaten?

Recently, it has been impossible to buy berries at the bazaar. Farmers rarely grow trees on purpose, instead of hedges to protect them from the wind. But sometimes pigeon plums are eaten as usual, plucked from the tree. So you can quench your thirst and eliminate the unpleasant taste in the mouth, if it appears.
But you won't be able to gorge on the fruits. They mostly ripen on the upper branches - you can't reach it with your hand. It is impossible to shoot down, ripe berries, falling to the ground, break into porridge.
But if it is possible to harvest, then the berries are covered with sugar, jam and jelly are made from them, and added to ice cream. Pigeon plum juice is used to prepare homemade liqueurs and liqueurs, and on an "industrial scale" they make strong alcoholic drinks from the fruit.
Pigeon plum recipes

To get rid of the acid that interferes with enjoying a pleasant tropical taste, the plums are dried. In this case, they can be eaten without restriction, if there is no individual intolerance. Those who have tried rehydrated berries believe that they are not inferior in taste and medicinal qualities to prunes. After heat treatment, beneficial substances partially decompose.
Delicious Pigeon Plum Recipes:
- Jelly … The fruits are washed and seeds must be removed. Then the pulp is placed in an enamel pan, compacted, poured with boiled water so that the liquid covers the surface. Put the container on fire, bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, so as not to burn. As soon as the plums become soft, rub the fruit mass through a sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth. The process is repeated 2-3 times so that no lumps or pieces of a dense shell remain. The juice is again poured into a saucepan and boiled, adding sugar to taste. When the jelly begins to thicken, the container is removed from the heat. No gelatin or agar is needed, the pulp contains enough pectin. Hot jelly is poured into sterilized jars and put away in a cool, warm place. When the jars are opened, the contents will be like jam in consistency.
- Sauce … It can be used to marinate kebabs or serve with meat. The seeds are removed from the berries, 2 kg, and boiled, as for making jelly. Tied together bundles of spicy plants - cilantro and mint - are dipped into the boiling liquid. After 15 minutes of boiling, remove the pan from heat and leave to stand. After about an hour, the herbs are taken out - they are no longer needed, and the fragrant berry mass is rubbed through a sieve 1-2 times. Put the berry puree on the fire again, add 2 teaspoons of salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar. If it seems that this amount is not enough, you can safely add it to your taste. While the mixture is boiling, one and a half bunches of mint, cilantro, 9-10 cloves of garlic, 1, 5-2 chili peppers are dipped into a blender (the seeds are removed beforehand so that it does not turn out too hot). Dip everything in a saucepan and cook for 25 minutes. The sauce can be poured into sterilized jars and used all winter, or served immediately after chilling.
Recipes for making delicious drinks:
- Pouring … Berries, 2-2.5 kg, are harvested not only from the tree, but also from the ground. There is no need to wash, otherwise fermentation will not occur. To remove dirt, wipe them with clean gauze. Pigeon plum is poured with sugar - 300 g, everything is mixed. The container should be 2/3 full. Close the neck with gauze folded in several layers, put it away in a dark, warm place. By the end of the second day, fermentation usually begins. If this does not happen, in order not to pour out the contents, add a little yeast. The future liqueur should ferment for 7-8 days, no more, otherwise the contents of the bottle will turn into vinegar. Be sure to install a water seal. To make it, a glass or plastic tube is inserted into a dense rubber stopper (you can use a tube from a dropper), lowering the free end into a glass of water. After the end of fermentation, 2 liters of vodka are poured into the container, everything is stirred well and the bottle is removed to a dark place. After three weeks, the drink is filtered through a cotton-gauze filter. A layer of cotton wool is wrapped with gauze folded in several layers. To improve the taste, add honey or sugar, bottled and put away for 3 months in the cellar.
- Soothing tea … The dried fruits and leaves of the pigeon plum are poured with boiling water - 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water, let it brew. You can drink it hot or cold. It is better to use honey instead of sugar.
You can also cook compote from berries, make juice or cover with sugar and pour ice cream with the resulting syrup. Small fruits from the Buckwheat family are no worse than the fruits of the Rosaceae family.
Interesting facts about the pigeon plum

Trees are often used for ornamental landscaping as they are easy to maintain. The culture is resistant to pests, tolerates drought, flooding, strong winds. However, it dies in light frosts and even at temperatures around zero. However, such a cold snap in a tropical climate is considered an anomalous natural disaster.
With the help of plantings of pigeon plum, they create protective strips on the sea shores and river floodplains. This helps to prevent landslides and avoid sand spreading on orchards along the coast.
When strengthening the dunes and banks, some features of plant cultivation should be taken into account. They bear fruit steadily, and because of the berries falling from the top, whole heaps of pigeon plums are formed near the trunks, which begin to ferment. Hedgehogs, cats, small rodents and raccoons, eating "treats", get drunk, throw themselves under the wheels of passing cars and die. Wolves, eating fermented berries, become dangerous to others and often attack people. Therefore, planting owners should think about cleaning the area during the fruiting season.
Until the middle of the twentieth century, the fruits of a tree from the Buckwheat family were used as raw materials for extracting tannin. The substance was added to energy drinks and some medicines. Later they found another, more convenient source of raw materials.
What does a pigeon plum look like - watch the video:

Pigeon plum, along with other tropical plants of this family, are often grown on windowsills. In summer, it is enough to withstand the temperature of 24-26 ° C, and in winter, reduce it to 16-18 ° C. The nature of the soil is not important - in natural conditions, the tree takes root on salt marshes. It is enough to provide good drainage and feed once a month with mineral fertilizers. True, it is impossible to enjoy the smell of flowers and the taste of fruits at home - the plant will not bloom. But if you have a greenhouse, you will be able to get acquainted with a tropical berry. In the summer, bees and other insects fly into the open windows to feast on nectar. And then the fruits will surely be formed.