What is pandanus? Composition and useful properties of a tropical fruit. Contraindications to use and possible harm. How pandanus is eaten, recipes.
Pandanus is a low-growing perennial tree-like plant that resembles a palm tree and grows in the tropical territories of the Eastern Hemisphere, as well as its incredibly beautiful fruits. Other names are Pandanus, pandanus, wetakeiya tree, Muhudukeiya, screw pine. There are more than 700 varieties of this plant, and not all of them have edible fruits. Fruit that can be eaten is considered quite rare in countries outside the pandanus range. At the same time, they are distinguished by an interesting taste and aroma, and also contain many useful substances, due to which they can be used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. More information about the composition, useful properties and use cases in this article.
Description of the pandanus plant

Pandanus plant photos
Pandanus is more common in tropical African countries, in India and Australia, on the island of Madagascar, in Vietnam, Thailand, and on some islands in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, it is cultivated in other countries, often as a domesticated and ornamental plant. At home, it rarely blooms and does not bear fruit.
The pandanus plant is thermophilic, but at the same time it adapts well to various soils and waters. In particular, it can grow both on the coast of the sea and on rivers, swamps, coral reefs and even the slopes of volcanoes and in forests. The growing area, of course, affects the composition of nutrients, taste and appearance of the fruit.
The tree has a rather short trunk, but the crown is very lush and spreading, while the branches are few. The long, xiphoid leaves of the pandanus with spines along the edges give special splendor. The root is thin, and additional aerial roots grow in the lower part of the trunk as it grows. Thanks to them, the plant was nicknamed "the tree that walks."
Flowers appear during the flowering period. Male ones are rather small, painted in greenish-yellow color and collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Women, on the other hand, are rather large, bright yellow, similar in shape to a bell and have a delicate fruity aroma that fills the air around the tree. The plant requires cross-pollination.

Photo of pandanus fruits
Pandanus fruits are ovoid or spherical in shape. They are rather large: they often reach 20-30 cm in diameter. The head of the fruit consists of a core surrounded by many (up to 200 pcs.) Oblong segments. There are quite a few seeds inside. The phalanges are grouped together rather tightly. At the beginning of growth, they are greenish on the outside, as they mature, they can turn brown, but more often they acquire a bright red-orange color, and sometimes even purple or bluish. Because of this color of the fruit and the spreading green leaves, pandanas are often confused with pineapple, although in fact these fruits are completely different.

The inner part of the phalanx (drupe) of the green fruit, which becomes visible when cutting, is pale yellow, and in ripe fruit it becomes brighter, sometimes acquiring a rich orange hue. This makes the pandanus incredibly attractive and interesting.
Pandanus has a scent similar to that of aromatic rose oil. However, in some varieties, you can feel fruity or hints of musk, sandalwood or jasmine. The pulp is very pleasant to the taste, there is a slight sourness and sweetness in it. Thanks to this, it is actively used in cooking.
It is worth noting that the plant is waste-free: not only fruits are used, but also flowers, leaves and even rhizomes, which are harvested in the summer, dried and shredded and sent for storage.

In the photo, dried pandan leaves
Outside the countries of growth, it is quite difficult to buy fresh pandanus. The fruits are very poorly stored. However, on sale in online stores you can find fresh or frozen leaves, dried seeds and flowers, powder from different parts of the plant, extracts and syrups. In such forms, they retain a huge amount of nutrients, taste and aroma. The use of pandanus in cooking is becoming more and more popular every day. Famous chefs from different countries very often use pandanus ingredients to add bright flavor to dishes.
Composition and calorie content of pandanus fruit

There are a huge number of varieties of plants of this genus. In this case, the nutritional value varies from variety to variety. This fruit is highly valued for its high content of vitamin C. However, in addition to it, there are other useful substances in the composition.
The calorie content of aromatic pandanus fruit per 100 g of pulp is 321 kcal, of which:
- Proteins - 1, 3 mg;
- Fat - 0.7 mg;
- Carbohydrates - 17 g;
- Fiber - 3.5 g;
- Water - 80 g.
Nutrients per 100 g:
- Calcium - 134 mg;
- Phosphorus - 108 mg;
- Iron - 5.7 mg;
- Vitamin C - 5 mg;
- Thiamin - 0.04 mg.
In addition, the composition of the fruits of the Pandan aromatic variety contains beta-carotene, vitamins B and D, potassium, as well as alkaloids, steroid substances, lignans, isoflavones, phenolic compounds, amino acids and glycosides.
Nutritional value of Pandanus tectorius per 100 g of edible part:
- Proteins - 0.4 g
- Fat - 0.3 g;
- Carbohydrates - 19 g;
- Fiber - 0.3 g;
- Water - 80 g.
Useful properties of pandanus

Pandanus fruits, like the flowers and leaves of the plant, can provide health benefits because have a positive effect on the body in many ways. First of all, they serve as a source of many useful substances and replenish energy reserves. In addition, they have antipyretic, sedative, antiseptic, antioxidant, antispasmodic and mucolytic effects, therefore they are used for various diseases.
Useful properties of pandanus for various organs and body systems, namely:
- The cardiovascular system … Pandanus fruits are rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on blood circulation. The pulp of the fruit becomes an excellent alternative to various snacks, because it is more useful and does not clog veins and arteries. Eating fruit fiber reduces the risk of developing various heart diseases. In addition, fruits are a source of potassium, which lowers sodium levels and removes excess fluid, relieving not only swelling, but also high blood pressure.
- Digestive system … As noted, pandanus is an excellent source of fiber, which is also essential for normal digestion. The fruit prevents constipation, flatulence and bloating, and also helps stop diarrhea. The beneficial effect on digestion allows you to correct appetite and lose weight in the long term.
- Metabolism … Pandanus has tonic properties. The calories obtained from eating pandanus are not empty, they are actively involved in energy metabolism and help to normalize the metabolic rate. With the help of this fruit, you can easily get rid of fatigue, loss of energy and increase efficiency. The calorie content of the product is quite high, but at the same time it does not lead to weight gain. On the contrary, by accelerating metabolic processes, it indirectly stimulates fat burning. Drinking tea made from pandanus leaves can help normalize blood glucose levels.
- Genitourinary system … The pain relieving effect affects the sensation of women during menstruation. The eaten pulp relieves pain by significantly improving well-being. In Vietnam, pandan tea is highly prized by locals for its aphrodisiac and libido-boosting properties. The presence of folic acid in the composition allows the product to have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.
- The immune system … The pulp of the fruit strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight off infectious diseases more easily by preventing cell damage. Studies have proven the anti-cancer activity of pandanus extract.
- Nervous system … Fresh ripe fruits combined with other healthy foods can help relieve headaches and migraines. They normalize the mental state, help relieve stress, relieve stress and excessive anxiety, and also relax the brain during mental overload.
Pandanus seeds are also used: they extract oil with a tonic effect. The beneficial properties of pandanus flower tea are mucolytic and soothing. Also, a drink with a bright exotic aroma and pleasant taste can be used to relax the nervous system. Antipyretic and diuretic decoctions are prepared from the roots.
Contraindications and harm of pandanus

The magnificent pandanus fruit is delicious and healthy. But even the widest list of useful properties can be overshadowed by some contraindications for use.
This fruit is not an allergic food. However, tropical fruits can still provoke a negative reaction if a person has individual sensitivity. In this case, the harm to the fruit manifests itself in the form of itching, small rash, redness, nausea. Because of this, individuals who are prone to allergic reactions should try pandanus with caution, starting with small portions.
Locals eat healthy pandanus without fear, but during pregnancy and lactation, you should also be careful, because exotic fruits for us can negatively affect the condition of the fetus and the growing baby.
Another rule is dosage. It is important not to overeat so as not to provoke indigestion.
After the first acquaintance with an exotic fruit, you need to listen to the body in order to understand how well the fruits are absorbed. Digestive disorders can occur if there is a lack of enzymes necessary for the digestion of the product.
Before eating pandanus, you need to know which parts of the fruit can be eaten raw and how to cook it properly.
How is pandanus eaten?

In the photo, the process of cutting a pandan
Pandanus fruits can be eaten raw or cooked. A large fruit should be disassembled into parts - to tear off all the phalanges from the core, it is they who will be used. If you start eating them, just by biting off, then the stomach is unlikely to be able to easily cope with digestion, because there are a lot of coarse fibers. For more comfortable use, it is better to process the fruits additionally.

Cooking recipes:
- Pandanus puree and juice … On each phalanx we cut off the base and the outer top, and pass the middle part through a press or juicer. This is how we get an orange puree. It must be combined with coconut milk: the taste of pandan will turn out to be very interesting and harmonious. This exotic cocktail can be eaten raw or slightly boiled to aid digestion. If you use a thicker filter attachment during spinning, you can get a thinner mass - pandanic juice, sweet and sour with piquant notes. Pandanus syrup can be added to smoothies and a variety of meat and rice sauces.
- Pandan cocktail … To prepare a vitamin drink, the fruit is initially dried and then ground into powder. In this form, it can be stored for a long time. This blank is mixed with palm syrup and water until the desired consistency and taste is obtained.
- Spices … You can make aromatic flavors from the pandanus flower. After collecting the raw materials, it is dried and ground into a fine powder. According to the same principle, spices are prepared from leaves and fruits. Such seasonings are distinguished by a pleasant sweet taste and unique aroma. It is an important ingredient for various dishes - first, second, desserts and sauces. The dried leaves are also a natural, safe color that can be added to baked goods, jellies, and creams.
- Pandanus cakes … Ingredients: pandanum puree (100 ml), flour (200 g), egg (1 pc.), Egg white (2 pcs.), Sugar (1 tablespoon), baking powder (5 g), butter (50 g)). First, beat eggs with sugar. If you do this with a mixer, you can get a thick foam. Then add mashed potatoes and bring until smooth. Sift the flour and, together with the baking powder, mix with the pandanic mass: knead the thin dough. We bake using the pancake technology. Sprinkle with butter before serving.
- Chicken in pandanus leaves with rice and pandanus puree … Ingredients: chicken meat (600 g), fresh or frozen pandan leaves (6-10 pcs.), Minced garlic (3-4 cloves), shallots (2 pcs.), Rice wine (2 tsp.), dark soy sauce (2 tsp), sugar (2 tsp), fish sauce (2 tbsp), sesame oil (2 tbsp), ground white pepper (1/2 tsp.), chopped lemon sorghum (white part), thick pandanum puree (200 g), rice (100 g). Cut the meat into pieces measuring 5 by 5 cm and marinate. For the marinade, we use all the ingredients, except for the leaves and puree. During this time, we prepare the leaves: we defrost the frozen ones and wipe them dry, and scald the fresh ones with boiling water to make them elastic. Boil rice and mix with mashed potatoes. Wrap the meat in leaves, as in a ball, and fry in vegetable oil until tender. The dish can be made healthier by roasting or steaming the meat. When ready, serve hot with rice.
- Pandan tea … Ingredients: dried pandanus leaves (2 tablespoons), boiling water (450 ml), sugar (to taste). Place the leaves in a teapot and pour 200 ml of hot water (from 80 to 95 degrees). After 20 seconds, drain the first water and fill it with the remaining hot water. We insist 3-5 minutes, add the sweetener. In Thailand, pandanus tea is very popular.
- Pandanic Lamingtons … Ingredients: eggs (8 pcs.), Icing sugar (250 g), pandan paste (3 tsp), flour (250 g), butter (30 g), white chocolate (600 g), cream (300 ml)), coconut flakes (400 g). You need to start the preparation of this amazing dessert by kneading the dough. To do this, mix eggs, pandan paste and sugar. Place in a water bath and beat for 5-10 minutes to create a stable foam. Then add flour and melted butter. In this recipe, pandanus can also be added as a powder from the leaves to give the mass a greenish tint. Pour the finished dough into a mold and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. We take out, cool, cut into 3 by 3 cm squares. Now melt the chocolate with the addition of cream in a water bath. In turn, dip the baked dough pieces into the chocolate mixture and roll in the coconut flakes. We put it in the refrigerator. After complete hardening, serve the dish, garnish with mint sprigs and serve.

Pandan leaf cocktail

Pandan leaf tea

Pandanus leaf bread

Pandanus leaf baked goods
How pandan is eaten - watch the video:

Pandanus is considered one of the most unusual plants on earth. If you cut off a part of the fruit, the pandanus fruit becomes like a cutaway of the globe. The fruit also has layers that visually resemble the mantle, crust and core. All this exotic is complemented by a wide range of useful properties and incredibly interesting taste characteristics. During the preparation of any heat-treated dish, the room is filled with a bright exotic aroma that leaves few people indifferent.