Bunhozia silvery - peanut butter tree

Bunhozia silvery - peanut butter tree
Bunhozia silvery - peanut butter tree

Description of silvery bunhozia, distribution area. The chemical composition of fruits, the benefits and harms of eating. How is the fruit of the peanut butter tree, what dishes can be cooked. How to grow a tropical plant on your own windowsill. Since fruits are eaten with seeds, research on nutrients has been carried out in full.

Micro and macro elements in seeds per 100 g:

  • Sodium, Na - 8, 69 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 132, 41 mg;
  • Aluminum, Al - 12, 30 mg;
  • Silicon, Si - 9, 71 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 364, 81 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 181, 91 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 37, 19 mg;
  • Potassium, K - 2022, 63 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 207, 96 mg;
  • Titanium, Ti - 0, 37 mg;
  • Chromium, Cr - 0, 32 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.93 mg;
  • Iron, Fe - 5, 72 mg;
  • Nickel, Ni - 0.19 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.55 mg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 4.01 mg;
  • Rubidium, Rb - 3, 56 mg;
  • Strontium, Sr - 1.39 mg.

Fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Myristoleic - 7, 89-9, 22 mg;
  • Palmitic - 0.75-3.35 mg;
  • Stearic - 7, 40-13, 28 mg;
  • Oleic - 4, 55-6, 20 mg;
  • Linoleic acid - 1, 79-23, 23 mg;
  • Linolenic - 1, 14 mg;
  • Arachidonic - 0, 72-1, 80 mg.

Nutritionists recommend introducing the fruits of bunhozia into high-calorie diets. Eating 100 g of fruit per day provides 32.7% of the required amount of potassium, 50% of magnesium, iron and aluminum. If fruits are eaten along with seeds, then the required amount of nutrients will be fully replenished.

Benefits of the fruit of the peanut butter tree

What does silvery bunhozia look like?
What does silvery bunhozia look like?

The healing properties of the fruits of the "peanut butter tree" are so pronounced that they are widely used in traditional medicine recipes.

The benefits of silver bunhozia:

  1. Increases the tone of the body, prevents the development of colds during the season of epidemics, strengthens the immune system.
  2. Increases blood clotting.
  3. Normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Improves the work of the central nervous system, strengthens memory, improves memorization function.
  5. Stops age-related changes, improves the quality of skin and hair.
  6. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis and senile dementia.
  7. Normalizes metabolic processes, helps to get rid of toxins and toxins in the intestines, providing a mild laxative effect.
  8. Stimulates the production of red blood cells, relieves anemia.
  9. It has an antioxidant effect, isolates free radicals circulating in the bloodstream, stops the growth of neoplasms and malignant degeneration at the cellular level.
  10. Strengthens the strength of bone tissue, stops degenerative-dystrophic changes - the development of osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis.
  11. Normalizes the production of digestive enzymes, stimulates the thyroid gland and controls the production of thyroid hormones.

The most useful is the use of the fruit for the elderly, weakened by chronic diseases, for patients with a history of tuberculosis, HIV infection, for women after exhausting diets. Very often, when losing weight, they adhere to irrational diets, from which the skin and hair begin to deteriorate, the gums bleed. Two to three tropical fruits a day and the problems will go away quickly.

Contraindications and harm to silvery bunhozia

Nausea in a girl
Nausea in a girl

There are no absolute contraindications for the introduction of fruits into the diet, however, one should take into account the harm of silvery bunhozia for patients with a history of hyperthyroidism, insomnia, exacerbation of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

It should be borne in mind that the development of individual intolerance is possible for tropical fruits. Tourists often experience unpleasant symptoms - nausea and diarrhea - when discovering a new flavor.

Many people think that if the pulp of the fruit resembles butter in structure, then a protective film forms on the wall of the stomach. This is a wrong opinion. By stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, the acidity of the gastric juice increases. This causes heartburn and epigastric pain. In addition, the load on the liver increases and the production of bile increases.

You should not introduce fruits into the diet of pregnant women, lactating children, children under 3 years of age. Although the laxative effect is mild, women in a "special" position may experience uterine tone, and babies develop prolonged diarrhea.

Do not pick unripe fruits. Visually, they look attractive, the pulp is juicy, but the aftertaste is unpleasant, astringent. In addition, after unripe pulp, it begins to tickle in the throat, nausea appears. Children may develop stenosis with the transition to respiratory failure.

How to eat silvery bunhozia

Bunhozia on a plate
Bunhozia on a plate

The inhabitants of the area where the plant is found, the fruits are popular. Since it is possible to harvest 3 crops per year, and decay sets in quickly, delicious jams, jellies and confitures are cooked from fruits, milk and assorted cocktails are made, they are added to the filling for pies.

The natives of the silver bunhozia eat like apples, raw, plucking from a tree. The soft bones are chewed. True, some people prefer to dry the seeds first, fry, and only then use them, sprinkling with desserts. You can arrange a delicious and healthy breakfast - spread sweet pleasant pulp on a croissant. It is a pity that this method is available only to those living in the plant's growth area. Fruits are not subject to storage - on the third day they deteriorate even in the refrigerator. Therefore, as soon as the bunhozia ripens, it is ripped off. To facilitate harvesting, the crown of the tree is artificially shaped.

Many fruits ripen when picked, on a windowsill or in a dark place. But if you disrupt bunhozia, then it will not have time to "reach", it will rot. The only storage method is freezing. Frozen fruits are not so sweet, but they can be used to make jam and ice cream.

Recipes for dishes from the silvery bunhozia

Bunhozia jam
Bunhozia jam

To avoid rotting of the tasty pulp, it is recommended to store the fruits as follows: cut in half, remove the seeds, wrap them in cling film and put them in the refrigerator chamber, in the "quick freeze" mode. In this case, all useful properties are preserved completely.

Recipes from bunhozia silvery different dishes:

  • Healthy breakfast … To ensure the complete digestibility of nutrients, the pulp of the fruit is mixed with butter in a 3: 1 ratio. This breakfast is recommended for patients with weight deficiency or anemia.
  • Vitamin Jam … In equal quantities, they take crushed bones and pulp of bunhozia, soaked prunes and dried apricots, mix everything and bring to a viscous structure with fresh honey. Used as a remedy for vitamin deficiency, eaten a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  • Assorted jam … The best combination for bunhozia is dense pears, tangerines and lemons. Pits are removed from two "peanut" fruits, cut, laid out in an enamel container. 3 pears are added there, cutting in the same pieces, you do not need to remove the peel. Tangerines, 2 pieces, disassembled into slices, pour in the juice of 2 lemons, cover with sugar - 2 glasses. Let it stand. When the bunhozia juice appears, the container is placed on a small fire and the contents are constantly stirred. There is no need to add water, there is enough liquid. Readiness is checked by pouring a drop onto a nail or a horizontal surface. You can turn off the thickened jam.
  • Ice cream … For cooking, you need a blender with a volumetric bowl. Poured into it the bunhozia fruit cut into pieces without pits and peels, juice and zest of one lime, 2/3 cup of thick honey (last year's can be used), achieve complete homogeneity and increase in volume. Place the blender bowl in the freezer. When it begins to set, they interrupt it again and are already poured into molds. For taste, you can add nuts, and replace honey with coconut milk.
  • Brazilian ice cream … Put fruit slices in a blender bowl: bunhozia, half an avocado, frozen bananas - 2 pieces, melted coconut oil - 2 tablespoons. Interrupt in mashed potatoes, add two tablespoons of coconut sugar. Gently mix with chocolate chips so that they do not break, lay out in molds, put them in the refrigerator. Sprinkle with lime or lemon zest before serving.

Silver Bunhozia drinks:

  1. Milkshake … Pour 2 cups of milk into the blender bowl and lay 2 tropical fruits. Beat well, for taste, you can stir in a little honey. Before serving, the cocktail is cooled and garnished with chocolate chips.
  2. Smoothie … They interrupt the silvery bunhozia and a large banana in a blender. To achieve a more liquid consistency, dilute with skim milk. Garnish before serving with any berries.
  3. Orange juice smoothie … In a blender, mix a glass of fresh raspberry and orange juice, half a glass of raspberries and a whole bunhozia fruit. Achieve a homogeneous structure and the first bubbles. If it is very sweet, dilute with mineral water without gas.

Before you start preparing drinks, tropical fruits are peeled and pitted.

Interesting facts about the peanut butter tree

How does silvery bunhozia grow
How does silvery bunhozia grow

Scientists from the Federal University of Rio Grande studied the properties of the fruits of the silvery bunhozia. It was noticed how beneficial the use of the ripe fruits of the plant has on the body, attempts were made to isolate the extract. It was planned on its basis to manufacture drugs against cancer and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The research is not over yet.

For medicinal purposes, the fruits of trees that are grown in natural conditions are used. Plants planted in winter gardens do not bear fruit, as bats are needed for pollination.

But the scent of flowers can be enjoyed all year round. It is enough to provide the usual microclimate, and the fragrant brushes will bloom not 3 times a year, as in the wild, but all year round. Seeds or cuttings are prescribed on the Internet. If the choice fell on seeds, then they are soaked before sowing for 2 hours in water, and then for 10-12 hours in a peaty moist substance. Sow into a peat mixture, stretch a film on top and place in a warm, bright place. You need round-the-clock lighting with special lamps.

The cuttings are germinated in moist soil - in loam, rich in organic matter. They are fed 2-3 times a year. Flowering after rooting begins in the third year. At the same time, trees growing in tropical climates begin to bear fruit.

Watch a video about silver bunhozia:

Now you can buy any tropical fruit, even if not fresh. Therefore, you can always get acquainted with a new taste without even leaving your own apartment. And it is even easier to admire the flowers - it is enough to grow a plant on your windowsill.
