Step-by-step recipe for chicken thighs in batter in a pan: choice of products, cooking technology. Video recipe.

Chicken is one of the most popular foods. It is rich in protein, easy to digest, therefore it is actively used even in dietary nutrition. There are a great many options for its preparation. In cooking, the thigh of the carcass is highly valued. Here the meat is quite tender and the dishes are very juicy.
Chicken thighs in batter is one of the variations of fried chicken. Thanks to this fried dough coat, the meat retains its juiciness and tender structure even when frying in a pan. The finished dish looks very festive and appetizing.
Before you cook chicken thighs in batter in a pan, you should choose a quality product. It is always best to use fresh chilled thighs. Clean light skin, pink meat, no stickiness on the surface, delicate pleasant smell and elastic structure are indicators of good quality and freshness.
Frozen food loses a lot of its nutrients. It can be deliberately soaked in moisture to increase weight. There are always doubts about its freshness and the fulfillment of the shelf life, because it is quite difficult to assess important characteristics in frozen form.
The use of spices in batter in a pan in this recipe enhances the taste and aroma of the finished dish. Curry and paprika, coriander and rosemary, thyme and marjoram, etc. are perfect for chicken. You can add a little turmeric to the batter to give it a beautiful yellow tint.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple recipe for chicken thighs in batter with a photo of step-by-step cooking. This option will surely take pride of place in the home cookbook.
Read also about making chicken thigh chops.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 219 kcal.
- Servings - 4
- Cooking time - 45 minutes

- Chicken thighs - 4 pcs.
- Egg - 1 pc.
- Flour - 6 tablespoons (for batter)
- Kefir - 60 ml
- Curry - 1/2 tsp
- Ground paprika - 1/2 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Ground pepper - to taste
- Vegetable oil - 50 ml
- Roll flour - 5-6 tablespoons
Step by step cooking chicken thighs in batter in a pan

1. Before you cook chicken thighs in batter in a pan, you need to prepare a batter. For this purpose, we mix kefir, chicken egg and flour. This mixture can be supplemented with salt and spices. To make the crust in the finished dish crisper, partially replace the flour with potato starch.

2. Bring the mixture until smooth with a whisk or blender. If the flour is poorly diluted, then you can leave the mixture for a few minutes, and then continue kneading until the lumps are completely dissolved. In consistency, this dough should resemble low-fat sour cream, slightly flowing, but not watery. If the density is increased, then you can add a little kefir or one more egg.

3. Mix flour for crusting with spices and salt. Then we prepare the chicken. Cut off excess fat from them, remove the skin if necessary, rinse in cold water, dry on a paper towel. Before placing the chicken thighs in the batter, roll them on all sides in the flour mixture.

4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan with high sides. Next, we dip each piece into the batter, let the excess drain a little and place it at some distance from each other in the pan so that they do not stick together.

5. Reduce heat to medium and fry chicken thighs in batter for about 10 minutes. Then turn over, make the minimum heat, cover and simmer for another 20 minutes. After this time, we transfer the chicken with the resulting browned crust on a paper towel for 3-4 minutes so that the excess oil is absorbed into it.

6. Pan-fried delicious chicken thighs in batter are ready! Serve the dish with slices of pickled cucumber and herbs. Serve your favorite sauce and side dish separately.
See also the video recipe:
1. Chicken legs in batter