How to protect your face in the fall?

How to protect your face in the fall?
How to protect your face in the fall?

Autumn weather negatively affects the condition of the skin, which is why care must be taken very carefully. In this article you will find a lot of interesting things about skin care. That's all, the warm, clear and sunny weather has come to an end, such a beautiful time as summer. During this period, our skin acquired a wonderful bronze tint, enriched with vitamins, in particular vitamin D, and also received a boost of energy and vivacity. But no matter how much we want it, after the summer sunlight there are also small negative sides: the skin begins to lose its elasticity, new wrinkles, age spots, freckles and other imperfections may appear.

To avoid skin problems in the autumn, you need to take more serious care of it, especially you need to protect your skin more carefully. After all, it is the front zone that is constantly open to wind, rain and sun. After all, if we “close our eyes” to all the warnings, then we will get a huge risk to significantly worsen the condition of our skin. Then red spots, roughness, early irritation of soft and delicate skin may appear. Of course, it is better to prevent the problem than to deal with skin diseases later.

It is necessary to remember five basic elements that will make up the autumn inspection of the skin: protection, hydration, cleansing, nutrition and vitaminization.

Skin protection in autumn

Girl holding face cream
Girl holding face cream

The first step is to protect your skin from seasonal dehydration. Of course, moisturizing creams will be the most important ally in the fight against this problem, and also do not forget about moisturizing serums, which must be applied before creams. But in everything and always you need to know when to stop, because if you apply too oily cream, it will certainly lead to clogged pores, which will not allow oxygen to enrich your skin.

It is important to wipe the skin of the face in the fall with decoctions of various herbs, they will cleanse, protect and tone it.

Also, the amount of fluid in the body has a rather important place in protecting the skin in autumn. You say that the hot summer days are over, and you don't feel like drinking anymore, but this is a misconception, you simply are not thirsty, and the body, as before, needs to replenish its fluid reserves. It is just that during the cooler period of the year, the water can be replaced with warm herbal teas, and if possible, reduce the use of coffee or strong tea, because they contribute to dehydration.

Try to ventilate the room as often as possible, minimize the use of air conditioners, do wet cleaning at least once a week, and use humidifiers if possible.

The best way to protect your skin from the autumn winds is to apply a cream, but this cream should be applied at least 20 minutes before leaving the house so that it has time to absorb into the skin and protect it from damage as much as possible.

Moisturizing the skin in autumn

The girl applies a moisturizing face cream
The girl applies a moisturizing face cream

To help your face look hydrated and radiant, you need to remember to use masks to help you retain moisture as much as possible.

If you are the owner of dry or normal skin, then this mask will suit you: mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Heat the prepared gruel a little. This mask is multi-layered, what does it mean. We first apply one layer, wait a couple of minutes, then the second, wait again and then the third, with it you need to wait another 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

If you have oily skin, then you need to use another mask. A pre-peeled apple must be boiled in milk to make a homogeneous porridge, then after cooling it down, apply a little on the face for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Skin cleansing

The girl's skin is cleansed with lotion
The girl's skin is cleansed with lotion

Lotions work best for this procedure, and lotions made with homemade ingredients will be the most beneficial.

  • 1st lotion: we take 2-3 scarlet leaves, squeeze the juice out of them and dilute it with 2-3 tablespoons of warm boiled water, this cosmetic product must be stored in the refrigerator, and wipe your face with it every evening and morning.
  • 2nd lotion: for 2 tsp. St. John's wort flowers, 2 tsp. petals of a red rose. Pour this mixture with 100 ml of 3% vinegar. Then we leave to infuse for 12-14 days, to avoid 2 weeks, the formed product must be filtered through cheesecloth and wiped over the face with it at least once a day.

Nutrition and vitaminization of the skin

A girl gets a chocolate mask on her face
A girl gets a chocolate mask on her face

It is very important not to forget about skin nutrition in the autumn period, for this we need vitamin masks, for each skin type there is its own mask:

  • If you are the owner of an oily skin type, then a mask made of alcohol tincture, moisturizer and grated cucumber is suitable for you, because it is the cucumber that has the ability to tighten pores, which will simply be a salvation for oily skin type. This mask should be applied to the face, holding it for 40 minutes, then rinse off with warm water, and in no case use soap.
  • If you have a mixed or normal skin type, then another mask will work. It contains the following components: nourishing cream, cabbage, grapes, pear and apple. Grind all components until a homogeneous porridge is formed. Apply the finished mask to the face for 40 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • And the third option if you have dry skin type. It is necessary to prepare a nutritional formula that will become a "lifeline" for dry skin types. It is necessary to combine a fatty nutritious cream with citrus or sea buckthorn. Apply this mixture, as in the previous two versions, for 40 minutes, and rinse with warm water.
  • The beauty and health of the skin depends not only on its external inspection, but also on what you eat. Autumn is a very unfavorable time for the body. That is why you need to enrich it with vitamins and useful microelements as much as possible. Eat as many apples, plums, grapes, watermelons, pears, melons as possible, and your skin will reward you with beauty and a healthy glow.

Tips for all skin types

A man gets a mask on his face
A man gets a mask on his face
  1. Never use soap to cleanse your face; it removes the natural protective film from your skin.
  2. Bathing very often will drain moisture from the skin.
  3. Do not forget that not only the skin needs care, always use nourishing or moisturizing lotions after a shower.
  4. Also remember about your hands, buy a good nourishing cream for them to avoid drying out and cracking.
  5. And the lips are also very important, the skin on them is the most delicate and needs special care. Never forget to paint them with balm before leaving the house if you want to keep your lips tender and soft.

If you take care of the condition of your skin, it will return you with natural beauty, radiance and simply beautiful appearance, regardless of the season.

For more information on how to protect your skin in the fall, see here:
