How to quickly remove a bruise?

How to quickly remove a bruise?
How to quickly remove a bruise?

Find out how to quickly get rid of a bruise at home, which remedies can be used and which ones are better to refuse. Probably everyone, at least once in their life, has come across such an unpleasant phenomenon as a bruise. Of course, it is not capable of giving attractiveness, but it practically does not cause any inconvenience when it is possible to hide it under clothes. But, what if you have a bruise on your face, and you have to go to work in the morning or you have an important business meeting? You can just take a few days off and sit at home until the bruise is completely gone. But today a fairly large number of a wide variety of remedies are known that will help to quickly get rid of a bruise in a relatively short period of time.

Why does the bruise appear?

Bruising on the skin
Bruising on the skin

Few people know, but bruises appear due to very weak vessels. Consequently, its formation will not depend on the force or severity of the impact or fall. Some people suffer from bruising even after pressing lightly with a finger.

The moment the body hits something, blood vessels located in this area burst, as a result of which blood begins to spill over the damaged area. Bruises that have appeared on the legs will take much longer to disappear than those that have formed on the hands.

If any treatment is completely absent, it will take about two weeks to completely remove the bruise, and in the most severe cases, more time (this indicator is determined strictly on an individual basis). During this time, the bruise changes its color several times - from deep blue to black and to dirty yellow. Therefore, it can be concluded that people with weak and thin blood vessels are most likely to suffer from bruises, and it takes a very long time to eliminate them. Thin and very sensitive skin, as well as weak vascular walls, can provoke such discomfort.

How to avoid bruising?

Applying a compress to a bruised arm
Applying a compress to a bruised arm

To prevent the appearance of unwanted bruising, it is necessary to carry out procedures to strengthen the weak vessel walls. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a contrast shower. Due to the effect of different temperatures, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, therefore, in the future, the appearance of ugly dark spots on the skin can be avoided. When taking a shower, it is useful to massage those parts of the body that have a bruise with gentle movements.

To strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to consume sweet bell peppers and citrus fruits every day. The composition of these products contains valuable elements, due to the effect of which the blood vessels are strengthened, while the body is saturated with the necessary amount of vitamin C. It is also useful to eat carrots and rosehip broth.

How to quickly remove a bruise at home?

Lotion for the bruise on the arm
Lotion for the bruise on the arm

To date, there are a fairly large number of a wide variety of tools and techniques that help get rid of a bruise in a relatively short period of time. For this purpose, not only modern medications can be used, but traditional medicine recipes.

Cold compress

Applying a cold compress
Applying a cold compress

Probably everyone knows that after receiving a bruise or blow, you need to apply something cold - for example, ice or any food from the freezer. Due to the effect of the cold compress, vasoconstriction occurs, as a result, the edema gradually disappears.

Before applying cold to an injured area of the skin, it must be remembered that it must first be wrapped with a napkin or towel to avoid frostbite of the tissues.

You need to apply a cold compress for about 15-20 minutes, but no more. You can also pour a jet of ice water over the bruised area for some time.

Warming up against bruising

Warming up the bruise with a metal, warm spoon
Warming up the bruise with a metal, warm spoon

If a bruise of any part of the body was received, you need to wait a little until the swelling subsides. This process can take several hours, but no more than a day. Thanks to the use of the warming procedure, an accelerated recovery of injured tissues occurs, therefore, the bruise disappears much faster.

For warming up, you can use cloth bags filled with hot sand or salt, it is also recommended to use wet and hot compresses. In order for the bruise to go away as quickly as possible, the warming up procedure must be performed 2-3 times a day.

Compresses for removing bruises

Compress on the arm
Compress on the arm

Today, there are quite a number of different types of compresses, thanks to the regular use of which you can get rid of a bruise much faster.

Onion and Salt Compress


This compress is one of the most effective and helps to get rid of bruises almost instantly. To cook it, you need to take onions, peel and grind. Then rock salt (1 tbsp) is added and all the components are well mixed.

The resulting composition should have a uniform consistency, after which it is transferred to a gauze bag and applied to the injured area. The compress is removed after 30-60 minutes, depending on the severity of the problem.

Compress with honey and beets

Honey and beets
Honey and beets

You will need to take not very large beets and chop on a fine grater, then let the juice drain. The remaining beet gruel is mixed with a little honey.

The resulting composition is applied in an equal and dense layer directly to the bruise, a cabbage leaf and a layer of polyethylene are applied on top. The compress is fixed with a bandage and left on for 20-30 minutes.

Starch compress


Potato starch helps to quickly get rid of bruises and abrasions. To do this, you need to dilute a small amount of starch with clean water until you get a thick enough gruel. The prepared mixture is applied to the area of the bruise, fixed with a bandage or gauze, and the compress is left overnight.

Compress with salt


To get rid of bruises, the simplest salt can be used. To prepare such a medical compress, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 100 g of pure water. l. table salt.

Gauze cloth is dipped into the resulting solution (you can use cotton wool) and applied directly to the damaged area. It is worth remembering that the longer such a compress will be, the more benefits it will bring.

To speed up the process of removing the bruise, this procedure should be carried out several times a day.

Compress with apple cider vinegar, salt and iodine

Apple cider vinegar, salt and iodine
Apple cider vinegar, salt and iodine

Apple compress is one of the most effective and effective remedies for bruising. To prepare it, you will need to take apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp. L.), Iodine (0.5 tsp.) And table salt (1 tbsp. L.). In the finished composition, a tissue napkin is impregnated and applied to the bruise. This procedure must be carried out at least three times a day.

Herbal lotions and compresses for bruising

Applying herbal lotion
Applying herbal lotion

Herbal lotions and compresses are no less effective in the fight against bruises, which must be applied almost immediately after receiving a bruise.

Lotions from wild rosemary and mother-and-stepmother

Mother and stepmother and wild rosemary
Mother and stepmother and wild rosemary

It is taken in equal amounts of wild rosemary and coltsfoot (1 tbsp. L.), After which the composition must be poured with a glass of water. The mixture is placed on the stove and boiled for 5 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, the composition is removed from the heat and left to infuse well, then filtered. Then lotions are made on the area of the bruise with an interval of 2-3 hours.

Wormwood herb from bruises

Wormwood herb
Wormwood herb

Wormwood herb has a lot of positive qualities and helps to quickly get rid of bruises. You need to take wormwood and grind in a mortar. Wormwood juice should appear, in which clean gauze or bandage is soaked and applied to the injured area of the skin.

Mountain arnica from bruises

Arnica mountain flowers
Arnica mountain flowers

An infusion is made from mountain arnica and hot water, which is used for lotions. Ingredients are taken in the following ratios - 3 tbsp. l. water 1 tbsp. l. arnica. However, you can use such a tool only if you need to remove a bruise, but there are no wounds or scratches on the skin.

Viburnum, aloe and celandine for bruises

Viburnum, aloe, celandine
Viburnum, aloe, celandine

Take 2 tsp. viburnum bark, 1 tbsp. l. aloe, 1 tsp celandine. All components are mixed and filled with a glass of hot water, after which the broth is left for 30 minutes to infuse well.

After the specified time has elapsed, the infusion must be filtered, after which gauze or bandage is moistened in the liquid and applied to the problem area. The compress is left on the skin until it loses temperature and cools completely.

Flax seeds for bruise

Flax seeds
Flax seeds

If the bruise is located in the eye area, flax seeds can help quickly get rid of this unpleasant problem. Ground flax seeds are put into a linen bag. Then the bag is placed in boiling water, after which it must be applied to the problem area until its contents have completely cooled. But you have to work very carefully so as not to get a painful burn. Such a compress should be done at least 3 times a day, due to which the bruise passes very quickly.

Iodine net from bruises

Iodine grid
Iodine grid

An iodine grid is drawn on the problem area and left. As a result, more accelerated healing of injured tissues occurs.

Badiaga against bruises

Badiaga powder
Badiaga powder

Badyagi powder will help to quickly get rid of bruises, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy today. This remedy is the most affordable and most effective for the treatment of bruises and bruises, since in a relatively short period of time it makes it possible to completely get rid of their manifestations.

To prepare a miraculous mixture, you will need to take bodyagi powder (2 tbsp. L.) And dissolve in warm water (1 tbsp. L.). The composition is well mixed to form a pasty mass of a homogeneous consistency, which is immediately applied to the problem area.

The mixture is applied like a simple cosmetic mask. That is why, after completing this procedure, you need to wash yourself with warm water. During the day, you need to do at least two such compresses and soon the bruise will completely disappear.

The above remedies help you get rid of bruises quickly and easily. The advantages of these methods include not only maximum efficiency, but also the fact that they can be used independently at home. Thanks to a fairly large selection, everyone will be able to determine the best option for themselves. If weak blood vessels, abrasions and bruises are properly treated, you can get rid of such minor troubles forever.

Modern medicinal ointments can also be used to eliminate bruises, but not all of them are completely safe. That is why, before using such funds, it is imperative to consult a doctor so as not to accidentally harm yourself and aggravate the situation.

Learn how to quickly remove a bruise at home from this video:

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