How to quickly remove a double chin?

How to quickly remove a double chin?
How to quickly remove a double chin?

The appearance of a double chin is not the most pleasant phenomenon, so women begin to look for ways to get rid of this minor nuisance. But, first, you need to familiarize yourself more closely with the reasons that could lead to its formation. The second chin is an unpleasant cosmetic defect, the formation of which occurs as a result of the accumulation of fat deposits in the lower part of the face. The skin gradually begins to sag.

Reasons for the development of a double chin

How to quickly remove a double chin?
How to quickly remove a double chin?

The main reasons provoking this defect are the following:

  • Being overweight. If you look closely, a not very large area of easily pulling skin appears under the chin. It is in this area that the accumulation of fatty deposits, water, and also harmful toxins will occur. It is most clearly manifested at the moment when a woman begins to rapidly gain weight.
  • Age-related changes. The most common cause of this defect is age. The risk group includes women during menopause, because at this time there is a sharp slowdown in the process of cellular metabolism. This minimizes the production of elastin and collagen, resulting in a decrease in muscle tone and skin elasticity. The jaw and chin area begins to suffer.
  • Anatomical reasons. There are cases when by nature a small corner appears between the jaw and the neck line, the Adam's apple is located very low. If, at the same time, the girl is constantly slouching, acquires scoliosis and curvature of the vertebrae at an early age, even with severe thinness, a second chin will definitely appear.
  • Hereditary factor. If the parents had such a defect, there is a possibility of a double chin.
  • The formation of certain disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland. As a result of the beginning of the enlargement of this organ, the skin will also sag, provoking the appearance of a double chin. Therefore, you need to regularly donate blood for analysis to determine the level of hormones, periodically undergo examination by an endocrinologist, regardless of age.
  • Bad habits. Most often, a double chin appears as a result of a woman's habit of constantly tilting her head. This may be due to the specifics of the work - for example, if you need to sit at the table all day, tilting your head down.
  • Abuse of large amounts of high-calorie foods.

Methods for removing a double chin


To date, a fairly large number of different methods and techniques have been developed to help get rid of this defect in a relatively short period of time. Thanks to this, you can choose not only home cosmetics, but also salon treatments.


Wellness cosmetic procedures do not always give the desired result, so you have to resort to radical methods - surgical intervention.

During this operation, the subcutaneous fat accumulated in the chin area is completely removed, as a result of which the skin fold is significantly reduced. To this end, the doctor cuts and then sutures the jaw muscle. The total duration of the operation does not exceed half an hour.

Already on the second or third day, after the operation, a woman can return to her usual lifestyle and perform daily duties, go to work.

However, this procedure also has one serious drawback - after the operation, a rather strong edema remains, which disappears over the next several weeks.

All postoperative scars are completely resolved after about three months. It is worth remembering that any surgical intervention is very stressful for the human body and has its consequences. For example, if this procedure was performed by a woman who is prone to overweight, you need to be prepared for the fact that after a while a second chin will appear again.

The operation is categorically contraindicated for women suffering from a variety of vascular diseases, as well as the heart, in the presence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, which has problems with the thyroid gland.


  • Based on lemon juice. To this end, you need to take fresh juice and soak it thoroughly with gauze (if there is no gauze, you can use any other soft cloth). The material is tied in the chin area for about 30–33 minutes. Then the remnants of the juice are washed off with warm water, and after half an hour a compress is made again using gauze moistened with cold water. To achieve the desired result in a short period of time, you need to perform this procedure every other day.
  • Potato. For oily and normal skin, you need to cook a simple mashed potato in water, and add a little hot milk for dry skin. Several tables are taken. tablespoons of puree and mixed with 1 tsp. a spoonful of fine salt. Everything mixes well and mashed potatoes are applied to the chin - you need to use hot mashed potatoes, but not scalding. From above it is necessary to cover it with a cloth and leave for a while (the puree should cool completely). After about half an hour, you need to wash off the remaining puree with warm water and apply any nourishing cream.
  • Yeast based. Exactly one table dissolves in warm water. a spoonful of yeast. You should get a mixture that resembles toothpaste in consistency, which is left in a warm place for half an hour. After the yeast rises, the mask is applied to the problem area, fixed with a gauze bandage or handkerchief. Once the yeast has hardened, the mask must be removed.


  • Not very strong patting movements are performed with one hand. You need to do this massage until the area under the lower jaw begins to grow numb. Then the second hand starts to work. This procedure must be carried out as long as possible.
  • Massage using chamomile infusion. To this end, you will need to take equal amounts of mint, chamomile and yarrow. Exactly one tablespoon of the resulting collection is poured with boiling water (2 glasses) and left for about half an hour. In a slightly cooled broth, you need to soak the gauze well and massage with gentle patting movements. If you perform this procedure regularly, you can get rid of a double chin in about a week.
  • The skin in the problem area should be slightly pulled back and not pinched very hard. It is necessary to perform such a massage for several minutes, and at the end, longitudinal stroking are done. To enhance the tightening effect of this massage, during the procedure, you can use honey, cottage cheese, sour cream or a cream with a lifting effect.


  • You need to regularly walk around the apartment with a book on your head for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to pick up a not very heavy, but not light book, to move with measured steps. This exercise will help not only remove the double chin, but also correct posture.
  • It is necessary to stretch the tongue as much as possible and try to touch the tip of the nose, and then lower it to the lowest point of the chin.
  • Slowly and as strongly as possible, the head is thrown back. This exercise should be done every day for about 4-7 minutes.
  • You need to regularly perform a variety of exercises with turns and tilts of the head.
  • The chin is propped up with fists from below and now you need to try to lower your head down, while resisting with your fists.

If these exercises are performed daily for 10-12 minutes, after a week the double chin will become less noticeable and will soon disappear completely.

Video about a second chin, why it appears and how to remove it:
