Find out what benefits people have in bodybuilding who are naturally leaning towards good muscle growth. Mesomorphs are considered lucky in bodybuilding. This somatotype is characterized by a wide shoulder girdle and chest, the muscles of the legs and arms are quite well developed by nature. Girls of this body type also naturally have a beautiful figure. An important feature of mesomorphs is the fact that they are not prone to gaining fat. With the right approach to the nutrition program, you can reap great dividends from this. Today you will learn about the pros and cons of mesomorphs in bodybuilding.
Mesomorph training

The peculiarities of the training process of mesomorphs follow from the advantages of this somatotype. First of all, we are talking about a sufficiently high metabolism, which does not contribute to the accumulation of body fat. At the same time, muscle glycogen stores are replenished quickly enough, which increases the body's energy storage. This body type is devoid of negative factors other than laziness. If you are a mesomorph, then with due diligence in training and proper nutrition, you can achieve great results in bodybuilding.
But all of the above cannot say that mesomorphs can be trained somehow. The situation is similar with nutrition. If you do not pay enough attention to it, then fat will still accumulate. For this reason, mesomorphs cannot do without cardio loads, whose task is to accelerate metabolic processes.
Novice athletes can be advised to devote from one and a half to two hours to training during the first months of work in the gym and train the whole body in one lesson. When working on each muscle group, you should first perform basic movements, after which you can move on to isolated ones.
It is very important that your sessions are high intensity, and often it is even worth sacrificing the weight of the equipment by shortening the rest time between sets. Instead of doing a lot of repetitions, it is better to increase the number of exercises for better results. Do not use more than 8 or 10 sets for each muscle group, and the rep range should be 9 to 12. Abs and calves can be trained to failure by doing 15 to 25 reps in each set.
Various special techniques of increasing the intensity, for example, a pyramid or supersets, will be very effective for mesomorphs. In addition, it is sometimes possible to practice fatigue of the target muscle by isolating and then performing a base. Very good results can be obtained by using alternating high and low rep training. In one lesson, work with a lot of repetitions, but with low weights, and in the next, vice versa. We have already talked about the need for cardio for mesomorphs, and now we will dwell on this issue in more detail. Thanks to cardio training, mesomorphs will be able to maintain a balance between fat and muscle tissue. To do this, it will be enough for you to conduct two or three sessions during the week, 20 or 30 minutes each. You should also use unstressed exercises so as not to load the ligamentous-articular apparatus. For this, a stepper, swimming or an exercise bike is suitable.
Also, short-term aerobic loads can be used before the start of strength training as a warm-up. This will improve the work of the heart muscle. However, you should not get involved in cardio, since the effect can be exactly the opposite. Most often, athletes combine strength training with cardio to obtain maximum results. In the morning, you can use aerobic exercise, and in the evening you can do strength training. To keep your metabolism high, you should exercise three to five times a week. It is also important that there is a pause of at least two days between training, so that the body has time to recover.
Mesomorph nutrition program

When creating a nutrition program, athletes should take into account the possibility of gaining fat mass. This is especially true for people over thirty, when the metabolism begins to slow down. It is necessary to keep strict calorie records and reduce fat intake. The basis of your diet should be foods containing a large amount of protein compounds. At the same time, it is worth limiting the consumption of milk and dairy products.
It is advisable to use the method of separate nutrition, or at least try to first of all use protein compounds and only after that use other nutrients. Eat five to seven times a day, while staying within the energy value of your diet. The portion should be sized so that you feel a little hungry after a meal. This will not only keep your appetite constant, but also keep your blood sugar low.
It is not advisable to eat before going to bed, but if necessary, you should eat low-calorie foods rich in protein compounds. A protein supplement may be the best option. Also, do not forget about the need to consume at least two and a half liters of water per day.
For mesomorphs, there are no restrictions on the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, and you can even afford sweets or flour products. It is important that the ratio of nutrients in your nutrition program looks like this:
- Protein compounds - from 30% to 40%.
- Fat - 10% to 20%.
- Carbohydrates - 40% to 50%.
Remember that in your diet, protein compounds should be present in the amount of 2.5 g. for every kilo of body weight. Getting this amount of a nutrient from food alone is difficult enough and you need to use protein blends. Before starting a class, eat a food with a low glycemic index but high in carbohydrates. It can be, say, potatoes or pasta.
How to train and eat mesomorphs, see this video: