Chicken nuggets - cooking fast food at home

Chicken nuggets - cooking fast food at home
Chicken nuggets - cooking fast food at home

Chicken nuggets are a delicious snack. Small, literally for one bite, chicken nuggets themselves ask for in your mouth! This delicious fast food has never been!

Ready-made chicken nuggets
Ready-made chicken nuggets

If a child is offered a plate of porridge or something from fast food, then in 90% of cases he will choose the latter. However, mothers know that the best fast food is the one that is prepared at home, where you can at least partially guarantee the freshness and origin of the products, as well as cleanliness during their preparation. I propose to cook chicken nuggets together - a snack that children love so much! Let's get started.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 170, 59 kcal.
  • Servings - 6
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes


  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece (250-300 grams)
  • Breadcrumbs - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Chicken Spice Mix - 7 g
  • Vegetable oil (refined) for frying - 30 ml

Cooking chicken nuggets step by step

Chicken fillet, cut into pieces
Chicken fillet, cut into pieces

1. Follow the recipe with step by step photos to make the cooking process easier. First, wash the chicken fillet, lightly dry it with paper towels and cut it across the fibers into thin long strips (length - the transverse size of the fillet, width - no more than 2.5 cm). Salt the meat a little.

Egg-milk mixture for batter
Egg-milk mixture for batter

2. Prepare the egg mixture, in which we will dip the chicken. To do this, mix eggs and milk, adding spices to taste.

Beaten eggs with milk
Beaten eggs with milk

3. Beat with a fork or whisk until lather.

Dip fillets in bread crumbs
Dip fillets in bread crumbs

4. Dip chicken slices in this egg-milk mixture, and then roll them thoroughly in bread crumbs.

Fry nuggets in a pan
Fry nuggets in a pan

5. Fry on all sides in a pan in vegetable oil. It is better to take refined, odorless sunflower oil for frying. Do not overexpose chicken nuggets in a pan - a couple of minutes on each side is enough for them to be fried.

Ready-made chicken nuggets laid out on a plate
Ready-made chicken nuggets laid out on a plate

6. Put the finished nuggets on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat, and transfer to a dish.

Fried chicken nuggets with ketchup
Fried chicken nuggets with ketchup

7. Serve with ketchup, tomato sauce, homemade mayonnaise or sour cream sauce, as well as assorted vegetables.

Chicken nuggets ready to eat
Chicken nuggets ready to eat

8. You can put some of the nuggets in the refrigerator: they will also be delicious chilled! Your child will be happy to eat them for breakfast or take them to school for a snack.

Chilled chicken nuggets
Chilled chicken nuggets

See also video recipes:

1. How to cook chicken nuggets like in KFC:

2. Chicken nuggets in the oven:
